The D1 has a wonderful water management system, don't skimp on that. Otherwise I assume you have wet tested and find the massage ok? The reason I ask is that we also wet tested this model and found the following:
1) great water mnagement system
2) quiet, even with circ pump running
3) shell tecture great
4) over all quality good
5) loved the actual physical size of the tub
6) presentation of the water feature, lighting. excellent, great pizaaz
7) good company reputaion, including dealer dealings

includes an energy rating
down side
1) overall massage level some what lacking
2) adjustable neck jets concept was great but actual exicution was lack luster
3) sequential massage system more entertainment value
just an opinion based on our wet test and what we were looking for in a tub....overall ...very tempting, nice tub.
good luck...enjoy the selecion process.