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Author Topic: bromine ?  (Read 5150 times)


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bromine ?
« on: July 19, 2008, 01:36:08 pm »
Hi everyone,
Got my new maxxus in april, did the start up with the chemical kit that came with the spa, included was the spa frog system. I filled up and added (according to instructions) the chemicals, threw in the spa frog and figured I was done I noticed with the test strips that I really didn't have a bromine reading but figured I was still ok since the spa frog is in and set to 4 but every other day I was still lighter than the lightest yellow on the strips, after four weeks I decided to take a water sample to the spa place and have them test it and it came back with no reading, they said I needed to change the bromine part of the spa frog and use a product called spa boost 100% bromine to build up a reserve, so I did but testing with the strips still yeilds the same results.
The test strips are from environmental test systems with exp. date sept. 09  they say to dip and immediately remove wait 15 seconds and compare to chart, hardness changes, ph changes, alkalinity changes in about 15 to 45 seconds but bromine remains unchanged and maybe starts getting a green hue 5 to 10 minutes later, any thoughts as to what I should do. Thanks Steve

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bromine ?
« on: July 19, 2008, 01:36:08 pm »


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Re: bromine ?
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2008, 08:12:13 pm »
It is possible that the strips are bad. I would either get a test kit or go to the dealer and have them test it again.

I don't use bromine but I think you're supposed to add MPS (non chlorine shock) after using the spa, this brings up the bromine level and the pucks/spa frog system is supposed to maintain the bromine level in case you don't use it.

Maybe someone who actually uses bromine can chime in.

IL Parrothead

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Re: bromine ?
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2008, 01:04:33 am »
I'm using a bromine spa frog system.  I have to shock it once a week (on average) with MPS (non-chlorine shock).  Burns off the nasty stuff and maintains the bromine levels.  With an ozonator and a mineral cartridge, you don't have to keep your bromine level quite as high, but it should still read on those test strips.


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Re: bromine ?
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2008, 06:52:25 am »
Yes, I too shock about every 5 days, Does anyone recommend, besides strips, any other type water tester. Steve


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Re: bromine ?
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2008, 09:44:56 am »

I also use bromine.  Now, I am fairly inexperienced, but I have learned a lot through various forums.  I'll share what I do, and so far I have not had any significant problems.  I am not familiar with the frog, so I can't comment on that.

First, I establish a bromide bank by dumping in sodium bromide (the container should tell you how much for the gallons in your tub).  Now, your test strips still won't show any bromine because the bromide bank has not been activated yet.  More on that in step 3.

Second, I fill my bromine floater with bromine tablets and set it to the appropriate opening to maintain a bromine level around 4 ppm.  Now, this will take a few days to register on the test strips because it takes a while for the bromine tablets to dissolve enough so you can get a reading.  Sometimes I have to readjust the floater opening and wait a few more days to get the 4 ppm reading I'm looking for.

Third, I shock with unscented liquid bleach.  This will activate the bromide bank that was established earlier and raise the bromine level over 10 ppm to shock the water.  Wait for the bromine level to drop below 10 ppm before entering the spa.  I shock once a week with frequent usage...less often with less usage.  It is summer right now, and we don't use the spa that often.  So, I don't shock as often in the summer.

As for what testing method to use  --  I always had trouble using the test strips.  I had trouble differentiating between the various color shades, especially the reds for pH.  So, by the advice of others, I switched to the Taylor drop test kit for Bromine.  You can probably search the internet for "Taylor K-2106".  It is fairly expensive, compared to the test strips, and a little more complex.  But, after you use it a couple times it is not difficult at all, and it is much more accurate than the strips...worth the money to me.


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Re: bromine ?
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2008, 06:09:06 pm »
Thanks fdegree that clears up a lot of questions I had, so you have to actually activate the bromine, that makes sense and answers why I wasn't getting a reading.
I'll look for the taylor k 2106 Thanks again, Steve


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Re: bromine ?
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2008, 06:27:28 pm »

Yes, you have to activate the bromide bank.  As I mentioned before, I use unscented liquid bleach...the same stuff you might use in your laundry.  I suspect there are other options, but I am not familiar with them...don't hold me to it, but MPS may work in the same way.

As I understand it, you can simply add a little bleach each day to maintain the desired bromine level.  This daily addition will activate the bromide bank enough to keep the level where you want it.  The more bleach you add the higher your bromine level will be.  I didn't want the daily routine, so I chose to go with the bromine floater instead.  I guess I'm a little lazy.

Hillbilly Hot Tub

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Re: bromine ?
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2008, 10:44:05 am »
MPS dose activate bromine, it also reestablishes used bromine. Sounds like the strips have an issue. If they get to hot/cold it can mess them up along with getting dampness in the container or just oils from your hands.

With the frog you shouls used MPS weekly, sometimes more if the spa is used heavy.
Clearwater Spa Dealer, Great Lakes Spa Dealer, Helo and Almost Heaven Saunas. Authorized service center for several spa lines, CPO. APSP member. Good old fashioned New England service!


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Re: bromine ?
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2008, 09:59:11 pm »
Thanks for the reply, even after throwing in the boost and shoking as normal still didn't have a reading with the test strips so I think you may be right, I'll replace with a different testing system. Thanks, Steve

Hot Tub Forum

Re: bromine ?
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2008, 09:59:11 pm »


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