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Author Topic: thinking about winter  (Read 6192 times)


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thinking about winter
« on: July 18, 2008, 08:04:55 am »
So right now in the summer I probably used the tub about 4 days a week.   Would like to use it more but a lot of running around.

Come September the kids go back to school sports starts work gets busier and life is crazy (i know the perfect time to use the tub) anway with electric the way it is and I also think the thermopannels are not the most efficient.  I will probably shut my tub down for the winter.  I would love the feel of going in the tub during a snow storm but I know we will use it very seldome and I can't see that it would make sense from a economic POV to use it 2 times a month and keep it running and heated.

So my plan will be to shut it down right after haloween.  This way I can experience some of the cooler weather.  My big fear comes when winterizing it.  How risky is it that I will kill my tub with freezing by not getting all of the water out?

I am assuming most of you will think I am crazy not keeping it open.

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thinking about winter
« on: July 18, 2008, 08:04:55 am »


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Re: thinking about winter
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2008, 08:16:14 am »
But I would just set it to the lowest temp setting and let it sit through the winter that way. I would worry that I wouldn't get all the water out and something would freeze.

Just my 2 1/2 cents worth.
Scott  8-)
2008 Jacuzzi J-470

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Re: thinking about winter
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2008, 08:26:58 am »
Personally, I can't wait for winter to have the ice rink in the backyard and then go for a soak in a hot tub!

Hockey Day in Canada is going to be great this year!

I think maybe you should try not using it now for a week just to see how much you would miss it. (just my 2 cents worth)

(less than 2 weeks and we get our hot tub!)

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Re: thinking about winter
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2008, 08:30:47 am »
I would have a proffessional do it.  Let them be responsible in case something happens.


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Re: thinking about winter
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2008, 10:06:46 am »
Ben, If you think you enjoy the tub now..wait until winter.
I am nuts about saving electric and I ran my tub ALL WINTER in economy mode. Thankfully, I have a well insulated tub and was able to do that with no problems. BUT my plan, so that I can have my tub and not freak out about the energy costs, was to eliminate electric waste in other places in my house.

Some of the things that I did to save energy...I bought a new freezer (Chas advice) and that has saved me a lot..compared to the 20 year old freezer that I had. I have switched to the florescent bulbs all over the house. I hang my laundry on the clothes line (saves me about $45.00 a month vs, using the dryer). My air condition is zoned, so when it is real hot, everyone stays in the main part of the house and I don't air condition the sunroom or upstairs. I use my ceiling fans to keep the AC at about 80 degrees and it is comfortable. I also have a whole house fan that is great when it is cool outside at night vs. using AC.  AND I am in the process of reinsulating my house. It may sound crazy, but these little sacrifices allow me to keep the tub running all year around. The winter is when you will really really appreciate the tub and I imagine that by Halloween, you will change your mind  ;)
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Re: thinking about winter
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2008, 12:32:35 pm »
I agree with Boni....the best part of having the tub is the winter months.  There are other ways to cut back if you're trying to stay on a budget.  The sacrifices will be worth having your hot tub up and running when the snow is gently falling and it's colder than heck outside.  I look forward to fall & winter now that we have a hot tub!


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Re: thinking about winter
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2008, 03:04:14 pm »
We are also looking forward to the winter months as it will be dark out earlier and we will no longer be scaring the neighbours when we climb in and out of the tub in our birthday suits.  :)

Nothing better after a cold winter soccer game than a scotch and a soak in a 104 degrees tub.
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Re: thinking about winter
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2008, 05:20:21 pm »
But I would just set it to the lowest temp setting and let it sit through the winter that way. I would worry that I wouldn't get all the water out and something would freeze.

Just my 2 1/2 cents worth.
Scott  8-)

I thought of that too but even that is 80 degrees.

Long Island is just so expensive.  Don't get me wrong if I had it open I would love it.  But I can't see myself using it a few nights a week like I do now.   If I had a Hot Sprint that may be different do to the full foam.

In Canada eh

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Re: thinking about winter
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2008, 10:29:06 pm »

  Don't get me wrong if I had it open I would love it.  But I can't see myself using it a few nights a week like I do now.  


  Boni is right the winter is the BEST time for the tub.  Grab you favourite beverage and a baseball cap and let the snow pile up on top of it. Our tub gets far more use in the winter then it does in the 90 deg. days of the summer.  If you are looking to save energy, look for other areas as Boni did  and leave the tub in operation all year, you won't regret it!!  Nothing is better then hot tubbing in a snow fall.  I feel bad for all the southern folk who never get to experience it.
Bullfrog 451


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Re: thinking about winter
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2008, 10:47:27 am »

I thought of that too but even that is 80 degrees.

Long Island is just so expensive.  Don't get me wrong if I had it open I would love it.  But I can't see myself using it a few nights a week like I do now.   If I had a Hot Sprint that may be different do to the full foam.

Boni is 100% correct in winter is the best time to be in a hot tub. Sitting in 100º + water while it's 20º out is truely wonderful.

OK, Here's where you might get offended but sorry I have to say it ... If you can't afford the toys you want then you shouldn't get them. This really is a pet peeve of mine, I will now shut up!!


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Re: thinking about winter
« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2008, 10:57:10 am »
Nothing to do with me being able to afford Rather I am just frugal.   Last night was great.  The water was 96 degrees I had a great relaxing soak.  As I was sitting there I was picturing how it would be in the winter. I love the hot water I think my head will be freezing but it will be fun to do it once in a while.  I just can't see doing it regularly so I am not into wasting my money.

I would feel the same way if I had unlimited $$$


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Re: thinking about winter
« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2008, 11:41:03 am »

While I completely agree that winter is the BEST time to soak (I'm not a big fan of soaking in 90 degree water while it is 90 degrees outside), I also understand what benalexe is asking.  If you know in advance that your personal schedule is going change so drastically when school (and other activities) start, why not plan for the changes in advance.

None of us are in their "shoes".  They know, right now, that they will not have enough time to soak.  So why run the spa all winter when they know they will never use it.

Now, to contradict the above statement ;)...this is simply a thought since this is your 1st winter with a spa.  Maybe drop the spa temperature as low as it will go (probably around 80), just in case there are more opportunities to soak than you think.  Then you can raise the water temperature an hour before your soak, so it gets up to a more desirable temperature.  If it does turn out as you expect, and never have the chance to use it, then next winter you can take more drastic measures.  It may be a bit depressing if you have more opportunities than you think, and don’t have anything to soak in.

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Re: thinking about winter
« Reply #12 on: July 19, 2008, 01:38:01 pm »
Dropping the temp like then raising it does not save very much money unless it is a long period of time between uses.

Look for ways to save $$ elsewhere to make up the difference in the cost to run. Even a thermospa, if you have the cabinet buttoned up tight won't cost that much more in the winter. Go through the tub and button it up tight. Add some more thermo pane, good stuff to the tub. It will be worth it.

If you do shut it down for the winter, make sure to get proper directions on how to do this or you will have a leaking tub in the spring.
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Re: thinking about winter
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2008, 08:42:02 pm »
I'm drooling :-X, just thinking, 10 degree weather with 104 degree water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait ;D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: thinking about winter
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2008, 11:39:04 am »
To be perfectly honest, if I would shut the tub down now..and save the electric for the winter soaks. Ben, my kids call me the electric lady..I am nuts about WASTING electric. Look at other wasteful places to save electric. And quite honestly, you have no idea of how much it will cost to run in the winter at this point. Why not try a couple of cold months and see if you modify your schedule to allow you to spend a justifiable amount of time in the tub. I don't remember did you get the new cover? You seem to have a good relationship with Thermospas..can you ask them about energy usage and how you could make the tub more energy efficient?

If you shut your tub down all winter, you will miss the best of hot tubbing...and you won't have a thing to talk to us about  :(..instead, start planning now . ;)
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Re: thinking about winter
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2008, 11:39:04 am »


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