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Author Topic: Chem Levels  (Read 4488 times)


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Chem Levels
« on: July 07, 2008, 03:12:58 pm »
I'm sure this is on here somewhere, but I cannot seem to locate it.  

Last week, we had a new Sundace Optima (540 gal) spa installed. Since my wife did the initial treatment, I can only go by what she tells me and from what I remember reading. After the spa was filled, she was supposed to add 2 oz of Spa Shock (Potassium Peroxymonosulfate), Sani Chlor (by Nature's Way...forgot the recommended amount), and 8 oz of Metal Control. All chemicals were added with the jets running. After about 2-3 hours, she took a water sample. Everything was within the recommended levels except chlorine. That was 0 (zero). Made no sense. She contacted the store and they told her not to worry about it that the chlorine in a spa is not like it is in a pool. In a spa, the chlorine disipates quickly and she should not add more.

Well if that were the case, why do you have to check it then...or should we be checking it right after it is added and every day thereafter.

We have been using the spa almost every night. Afterwards, we added a 1/2 cap (about 2 tbp) of shock and ran the jets for a little while (per the instructions).  I should also mention that we add 2 TBP dichlor every other day.

When I do a water test, what should I expect. I should also mention that the spa has the SunZone™ CD (corona discharge) Ozone System.

Is there a "recommended" schedule of chems and amounts that you folks use.

Thanks in advance for the help. Just not quite sure where to go from here. We have asked 2 people at the store and a friend who has a similar spa. We have received 3 different answers on when and how to check the water and different quantities and frequencies of chemical useage. I'm so confused.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2008, 08:53:51 pm by BG-pete »

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Chem Levels
« on: July 07, 2008, 03:12:58 pm »


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Re: Chem Levels
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2008, 03:24:42 pm »
Not to worry...it's very easy to be confused at first.  There is certainly more than one way to keep a spa clean and healthy.  Personally, I prefer the routine that calls for adding enough dichlor after each soak (usually 2 tsp. or possibly a little more if bathers number more than 2) to bring chlorine ppm between 3-5.  Then, an occasional shock, either with dichlor (2-3 tbsp.) or with MPS (3-4 tbsp.) once every couple of weeks or so...depending upon bather load over the recent past...and your water should remain clear and sparkling.  These quantities are what I use for my 450 gallon tub.  YMMV

I highly suggest you get a Taylor test kit and read the booklet that comes with it cover to cover...it is the best information on water care that one can find in one spot for my money.  Plus the test kit is excellent.

Good luck!   8-)
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Hillbilly Hot Tub

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Re: Chem Levels
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2008, 04:53:14 pm »
As I said on the other forum, you should not use the spa at 0 chlorine level, or allow it to get to or stay at 0. You must keep your chlorine levels up.
Clearwater Spa Dealer, Great Lakes Spa Dealer, Helo and Almost Heaven Saunas. Authorized service center for several spa lines, CPO. APSP member. Good old fashioned New England service!


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Re: Chem Levels
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2008, 09:01:51 pm »
As I said on the other forum, you should not use the spa at 0 chlorine level, or allow it to get to or stay at 0. You must keep your chlorine levels up.

Sorry Hillbilly, no disrespect.  I posted here because it appears that this forum has a LOT more traffic that the other one.

I'm not disagreeing with you but I want to make sure I understand.  Let's assume I go into the tub at 8 am.  I'm supposed to check the chem levels and adjust accordingly before entering.  Then if I want to go into the tub again at 8 pm, I need to recheck the CH2 levels again and add CH2 in order to get to the 2-4 ppm?  I know from my vast knowledge after 1 week (little bit of sarcasm here), the CH2 levels will be 0 in a few hours.  So am I understanding your correctly?  If not, please explain using my example.


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Re: Chem Levels
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2008, 03:46:07 pm »

I never check chlorine levels before a soak...the look and smell of the water are enough to let me know whether to soak or not.  If I soak in the morning, add chlorine after I soak, I would have absolutely no reservations about soaking in the evening or even the next morning or afternoon without checking chlorine levels.  Now if I follow my 16 year old and her friends, I still wouldn't check it but I would dump a tsp or so in and give it 30 minutes... :P
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Re: Chem Levels
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2008, 04:05:20 pm »

I never check chlorine levels before a soak...the look and smell of the water are enough to let me know whether to soak or not.  If I soak in the morning, add chlorine after I soak, I would have absolutely no reservations about soaking in the evening or even the next morning or afternoon without checking chlorine levels.  Now if I follow my 16 year old and her friends, I still wouldn't check it but I would dump a tsp or so in and give it 30 minutes... :P

I am on the same wavelengh as windsurfdog.  I don't check levels before entering and prefer the chlorine level to be near zero when I soak.  This pretty much follows the "Vermonter method" where the chlorine will do its work and then diminish to a low level for the next use as long as nothing enters the water to contaminate it.  This is where a Nature2 cartridge can help as a low level sanitizer when chlorine levels reach zero.  I also agree about the teenagers and friends. ;)

Hillbilly Hot Tub

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Re: Chem Levels
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2008, 11:41:13 am »
I am still sticking to having your tub drop to 0 for a chlorine reading is not good. Small hot bodies of water grow bad things very quickly. I think once you start figureing out how much chlorine you need to add in your own personal use, everyone will be different, that you will have at least a slight residual of chlorine at the next use. If you add chlorine after use in morning and it reads 0 in evening, you are not adding enough. Smelly cloudy water will soon follow.

If you choose the low chlorine dose and are going to allow it to go to 0, as suggested by Tony I would use a N2 or some kind of mineral stick to protect the water when the chlorine drops to 0.
Clearwater Spa Dealer, Great Lakes Spa Dealer, Helo and Almost Heaven Saunas. Authorized service center for several spa lines, CPO. APSP member. Good old fashioned New England service!


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Re: Chem Levels
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2008, 09:44:16 pm »
Well said Windsurfdog and Tony!! We have had our Sundance Cameo for about  4 months now and have had nothing but beautiful crystal clear odor free water.

  We add about a tsp. of Dichlor after each use (to get 2- 4ppm) and shock about every two weeks. (about a tbs. to get about 10ppm)

  I sometimes will check the sanitizer lever before we go in and I get from 0-1.5 ppm.

  We do use a CD ozonator and a Sunpurity mineral cartridge.  We use the spa 1-3 times a day for 1-2 hours at a clip.  I know...I know....we must have a lot of free time on our hands .......well...........we make the time!!!

  Good luck..........Sean


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Re: Chem Levels
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2008, 11:00:02 pm »
I have a Sundance Optima (2007) and use the Vermonter method.  It works beautifully.  With the ozonator and mineral cartridge and a little experience, it becomes a no-brainer to keep perfect water. Adjustments have to be made for different uses like a tub full of kids but the method works and you don't soak in a tub full of chlorine.
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Re: Chem Levels
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2008, 12:14:20 pm »

I am on the same wavelengh as windsurfdog.  I don't check levels before entering and prefer the chlorine level to be near zero when I soak.  This pretty much follows the "Vermonter method" where the chlorine will do its work and then diminish to a low level for the next use as long as nothing enters the water to contaminate it.  This is where a Nature2 cartridge can help as a low level sanitizer when chlorine levels reach zero.  I also agree about the teenagers and friends. ;)
Can someone please tell me what the "vermonter method" is?  I've tried to do a search in a few places but can't seem to find an explanation.



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Re: Chem Levels
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2008, 12:33:25 pm »
Look for a FAQ titled "What is the "Dichlor Dosing - Vermonter Style" ?"  here.  Also look at "What is the SPA Water Maintenance Northman Style ?" on the same page.  Heck, peruse the whole site...it's full of great info as well as being a perfect place to order almost anything hot tub related.
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Re: Chem Levels
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2008, 01:53:20 pm »
Thanks windsurfdog.  That link came in handy.  Would never have found it otherwise.  Had no clue it was on another site.

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Re: Chem Levels
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2008, 01:53:20 pm »


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