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Author Topic: Marquis Spas Poll  (Read 3164 times)

Chubby Johnson

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Marquis Spas Poll
« on: June 24, 2008, 07:16:01 am »
Tri Zone Therapy poll.  Marquis dealers, how many of your customers buy a Marquis specifically for the Tri Zone therapy?
                                     How many of your customers understand Tri Zone but could care less about it?  How many simply want all of the jets to come on at the same time for a full body massage?

Marquis Spas customers, more or less the same questions for you.  Do you like that many diverter valve options or do you wish there were no diverter valves at all.  Are there any Marquis customers who won't have anything except Tri Zone therapy?

Not looking for any kind of exact ratio with this poll. Just trying to prompt some replies.

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Marquis Spas Poll
« on: June 24, 2008, 07:16:01 am »


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Re: Marquis Spas Poll
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2008, 10:43:57 am »
OK, Chubby, I will answer.
I have had my Epic for 2 1/2 years. I love the tri-zone, but have never owned a tub without it. So my opinion is based on the only thing I am familiar with. Although we wet tested other tubs, nothing compared to the awesome therapy of the Epic. What I particularly love about the tri-zone is the many different combinations of jets that you can power with the diverters. It is a bit deceiving if you just look at the tri zone on Marquis web site because there are many combinations that you cant activate in the visual, but you can in the tub. I can't find a negative thing about tri-zone, I love it.

I do think it is particularly important for Marquis sales people to completely understand the Tri-Zone...My sales person owned an Epic, so she could easily demonstrate how it worked. So I don't think a customer can truely appreciate Tri-zone in a wet test unless the sales person spends the time to really know it!

Hope this helps ;)
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Re: Marquis Spas Poll
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2008, 11:05:03 am »
With the increase number of jets being put in spas diverter valves are a necessity. When you have 50,60... jets in a spa and you want good water flow through those jets you have two choices add a diverter or add more pumps. Adding more pumps sounds easy but it adds cost and more importantly it adds to the electrical load on the spa. Most houses can handle a 50-amp breaker and some a 60-amp but it is rare that they could handle anymore. So if you build a spa with all the extra pumps which requires more load you cannot run everything at once (heater) [like most 60-amp services]). So if you have a 100-amps I am sure the manufactures can build a spa with 60-jets+ and a 5.5KW heater and run everything at once.

So you have to make a choice do you want water flow (high speed) or heat. If it is 10F outside I want the heat if it is 90F it may not be so important.  
« Last Edit: June 24, 2008, 03:52:39 pm by Gary »
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Re: Marquis Spas Poll
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2008, 04:23:36 pm »
I have a 2003 Reward.  I love just being able to turn on the whirlpool jets and nothing else so the three position settings are great


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Re: Marquis Spas Poll
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2008, 05:28:19 pm »
Tri-Zone is just OK. There are times when I'm sitting in the corner seats and would love it if all the jets were open - upper and lower body.

I get the best therapy by turning off jets in the other seats. This increases the pressure of the jets where I want it. It's kind of a clunky way of doing things but it works for me.
My favorite seat is the pillar, where you're practically siting on the floor, facing the filters. I place both diverters pointed towards the control panel (Zone 3), turn on the neck jet and enjoy the jets on my back, soles of my feet and neck.

If I were looking for a replacement tub (and I'm not), I would definitely look for one with foot jets in the center of the floor. They are very relaxing for me.
Those are minor points. Overall, I'm satisfied with my Reward.

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Re: Marquis Spas Poll
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2008, 09:06:45 pm »
The tri-zone therapy system is very nice if you know how to use it.  There are currently only 3 Marquis models that offer the tri-zone.

If you want to have all the jets on at the same time, you can try one of the 9 other Marquis models.  BUT, if you were to wet test an Epic (which has the tri-zone) vs. a spa in the line that doesn't have the tri-zone and has all of the jets on at the same time, hands down you will prefer the Epic w/ tri-zone.  

In my personal experience most spa shoppers who get a proper demonstration on how the system works end up buying it.  

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Re: Marquis Spas Poll
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2008, 11:11:49 pm »
I'm in the "Thumbs UP for Tri-Zone Club"!  I love it. It sold my wife on the tub, for sure.  Well, that and the therapy pillar.  I like it because I can put a lot of therapy on one area when I'm sore there.  Or, I can do a circuit around the tub and hit all areas, from all different angles.  But, usually, I hit the area that's sore and then just soak.  Except after a round of trying to pretend I'm a golfer.  Then, I'm sore all over!   :D


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Re: Marquis Spas Poll
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2008, 01:33:09 am »
I don't know if I have tri-zone or not, I was told that my tub was very similar to the EPIC, but smaller, which I wanted.  I agree with Phil, my favorite "therapy" are the foot jets that I can get to by sitting facing the filters.  I think that I would love to have the well in the center when and if I were to buy another tub.  Most of the time, the jets are not on for very long anyway.

My favorite part is the first 2 minutes when it's cool outside and you slide into the tub.  It doesn't get better than that feeling.   :)

My favorite seat is the pillar, where you're practically siting on the floor, facing the filters. I place both diverters pointed towards the control panel (Zone 3), turn on the neck jet and enjoy the jets on my back, soles of my feet and neck.

If I were looking for a replacement tub (and I'm not), I would definitely look for one with foot jets in the center of the floor. They are very relaxing for me.

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Re: Marquis Spas Poll
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2008, 01:33:09 am »


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