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We went to one place that did not have even one hot tub filled. We asked about wet-testing and he said...NO. That was a Cal Spa dealer. They were quickly crossed off our list.crystal
Buying the wrong tub is not a decision you can correct very easy. Once its in your backyard it will be there awhile. So do your research, make a good deal and find a dealer who wants you for a customer for a long while. Some dealers are hit and run types that you want to avoid. Scott Â
I guess my question how many people who have purchased their tub and did not have a wet test regret it? conversley how many people have we tested and felt they should have gotten the other model?
I may be the minority but I think wet testing is not necessary.  I know we all test drive a car before we get it but does a 5 minute ride around the block with the dealer next to you really give you  a feeling for the car??  Yeah you can tell if the car has  decent pick up but IMHO thats about it.If you don't feel comfortable don't do it. Instead dry test and ask a lot of questions post a lot of comments here and make a decision. I was in a store the other day and this couple has been looking for 4 months. Give me a break!