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Author Topic: Wet-Testing Attire  (Read 7206 times)


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Wet-Testing Attire
« on: June 22, 2008, 07:54:08 am »
Do most ladies wear just shorts and tank top to wet test or do you actually put on a bathing suit for this?? Not crazy about being the only one with a bathing suit on in the middle of a store...yuck!  But, I know from reading here the wet-testing is a must.


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Wet-Testing Attire
« on: June 22, 2008, 07:54:08 am »


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Re: Wet-Testing Attire
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2008, 09:42:03 am »
I may be the minority but I think wet testing is not necessary.  I know we all test drive a car before we get it but does a 5 minute ride around the block with the dealer next to you really give you  a feeling for the car??  Yeah you can tell if the car has  decent pick up but IMHO thats about it.
If you don't feel comfortable don't do it. Instead dry test and ask a lot of questions post a lot of comments here and make a decision.

I was in a store the other day and this couple has been looking for 4 months. Give me a break!


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Re: Wet-Testing Attire
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2008, 10:25:09 am »
The dealers I spoke with would let you come in before or after store hours to wet test or yes you could wear shorts and a suit with t shirt if you wanted and bring dry clothes.  They expect you to want to test so they have ways to help you.  I disagree with Bene! I didn't test my last vehicle because it was sort of given to me (long story) but I hate it and now I'm stuck with a very expensive mistake.  So "test driving" will tell you a lot about how you fit in the tub/car, the sounds, the feel of the seats and other comfort issues.  I will have to say Bene is way off here.  

Saved by Grace

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Re: Wet-Testing Attire
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2008, 10:29:48 am »
I couldn't disagree more with benalexe.  IMHO I believe wet testing is a must in picking a tub.  We drove over 200 miles to wet test a J375.  Dry we loved it.  Wet we hated it.  We were very close to buying it and we would have spent 8k for something we absolutely didn't like.  Sitting in a tub dry is NOTHING like sitting in a tub wet.

We wet tested in a number of different locations and each was a different setting.  Spiderman by us has the best setup because they have a back room set up with wet tubs and you aren't in the middle of the store.

The very first store we wet tested in we did have to get in the tub in the middle of a store for one tub and then in the front picture window of the second store.  :-[ :-[ :-[

After the first time I didn't care about being in a store in my suit.  It became kind of fun getting in the different tubs.

As for what to wear; we put our suits on under our clothes so getting ready was easy.  Then bring a robe along to wear back to the changing room/rest room.  We also brought our own towels and plastic bags to put all of our wet things in.

One more thing to consider.  If you do wet test, whatever you wear should be washed prior to the test without any soap as to rinse out any soap residue from your clothing.  This will help the dealer.

Good luck in your search.

In His Peace,


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Re: Wet-Testing Attire
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2008, 11:25:43 am »
I wore a bathing suit (one piece). The first time we wet tested, it felt a bit strange, but after the first time it didn't really bother us. It was January/February so the stores weren't very busy. Mostly it was just the staff there and perhaps one or two customers would come in while we were in the tub.


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Re: Wet-Testing Attire
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2008, 11:56:07 am »
Thank you for all your responses. Starting to feel a little better about it, but I will still wear my shorts(lol) We go tomorrow.

I agree with you bene about 4mths being too long to decide on a hot tub....a little anal if you ask me. I dont even take that long to buy a car or house for that matter.



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Re: Wet-Testing Attire
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2008, 12:19:17 pm »
I must be anal because it took me 6 months to purchase. I was going to buy a Coast Radiance and I put a small deposit on it. It was the first one I saw and thought all tubs were the same. Later I wet tested the Radiance and it was too noisy for me. I wet tested Hot Springs, Sundance, Jacuzzi, and the Coast. Now I'm sure they would have all made me happy but the Jacuzzi was the right combination for us. I think wet testing is important and I recommend you take your time shopping. Buying the wrong tub is not a decision you can correct very easy. Once its in your backyard it will be there awhile. So do your research, make a good deal and find a dealer who wants you for a customer for a long while. Some dealers are hit and run types that you want to avoid.

The things a wet test does for you is you can try the seat comfort, jet operation, controls and power. But it also let's you test the dealer. If the dealer is reluctant to let you wet test then they might be a hit and run type of dealer. The dealers that are really customer oriented have a private area with wet tubs so potential customers can try their product. Now I will admit that it is not always possible if the location or square footage of the store won't allow this. My dealers main business is selling in-ground pools but he still had a private room with wet tubs to test.

Scott  ;)
2008 Jacuzzi J-470


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Re: Wet-Testing Attire
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2008, 12:23:38 pm »
We went to one place that did not have even one hot tub filled. We asked about wet-testing and he said...NO. That was a Cal Spa dealer. They were quickly crossed off our list.



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Re: Wet-Testing Attire
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2008, 12:34:31 pm »
We went to one place that did not have even one hot tub filled. We asked about wet-testing and he said...NO. That was a Cal Spa dealer. They were quickly crossed off our list.

GrassHopper you are learning well.
Just say no to hit and run dealers.

Scott  ;)
2008 Jacuzzi J-470

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Re: Wet-Testing Attire
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2008, 12:41:01 pm »
We're approaching the home stretch in our tub search - I'll post a summary soon.  The first visit we made to a delaer convinced me that wet testing was essential, at least for us.  Befroe going to the dealers I looked over info on the web to get an idea of likley candidates but then told the delaer we were open to any suggestion.  One very popular tub just did not fit me right and the jets in one seat were too intense and had to be on or off - no middle setting - I don't think we would have realized these issues until the tub was in our back yard without wet testing.

As for attire my wife wears a regular one piece suit whinch she changes into in the store.  i wear a suit under my shorts or change at the store.  It seems a little wierd at first but I see people dressed that way on the beach all summer long.  We're completely comfortable with it, although I admit to sucking in my gut a wee bit as I enter the tub :).  If the one piece doesn't work for you, the tee-shirt and shorts sound like a godd way to go.  If shirts and shorts are too binding, just go wihtout altogether - you can better assess the jetting action...


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Re: Wet-Testing Attire
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2008, 01:19:26 pm »
oh and one last thing....

all you purdi gals be sure and take lots of pics when you
wet test and then post them so we can "help" in your decision!   ;)


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Re: Wet-Testing Attire
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2008, 01:27:14 pm »
Wet testing is a MUST==especially when you are sinking anywhere between 5-13k for the oversized hot water heater, (not to mention nickle and dime stuff) you want to know for certain what you are spending on.  We waited and waited for a Dynasty to come in and it was a tub that for the most  part, was comfy dry (at least for me) but wet--no way.  Very nice blingy look, but my opinion has changed some since wet testing.  Many of the dealers set up after hours, some were during store hours, but, like most, I sucked it in and sucked it up to get in!!  

Zep--be careful what you wish for!!!!  Unless Term can photoshop us all....well ain't no one gonna see me near nekkid!!!!!!! :o ::) :-[
The grass is greener on the other side because the bulls**t is better...


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Re: Wet-Testing Attire
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2008, 03:58:26 pm »
Buying the wrong tub is not a decision you can correct very easy. Once its in your backyard it will be there awhile. So do your research, make a good deal and find a dealer who wants you for a customer for a long while. Some dealers are hit and run types that you want to avoid.
Scott  ;)
I guess my question how many people who have purchased their tub and did not have a wet test regret it? conversley how many people have we tested and felt they should have gotten the other model?

Saved by Grace

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Re: Wet-Testing Attire
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2008, 05:08:50 pm »
I guess my question how many people who have purchased their tub and did not have a wet test regret it? conversley how many people have we tested and felt they should have gotten the other model?

Boy I sure don't know the answer to that question.  However I DO KNOW wet testing saved us $8,000.00.  ;)


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Re: Wet-Testing Attire
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2008, 07:03:52 pm »
I may be the minority but I think wet testing is not necessary.  I know we all test drive a car before we get it but does a 5 minute ride around the block with the dealer next to you really give you  a feeling for the car??  Yeah you can tell if the car has  decent pick up but IMHO thats about it.
If you don't feel comfortable don't do it. Instead dry test and ask a lot of questions post a lot of comments here and make a decision.

I was in a store the other day and this couple has been looking for 4 months. Give me a break!

**Potential spa shoppers!! Please take this post above as an opinion and not factual.**

Everyone is entitled to theirs but when it comes to actually shopping for spa, maybe professionals that have been doing this most of their adult life could provide more accurate details.

It is important to get into the spa dry and it's amazing how many shoppers don't even do that! A spa, as noted by wewanna, can be comfortable dry and change dramatically with water. Keeping in mind that we loose 90% of our body weight while submerged in water, seating can and will change.

Women float far more often than men (not sure why  ;) ) and increased body fat can also provide additional buoyancy for anyone in a spa. If you take that body weight and lay it back distributing it over a larger area, the potential for floating increases.

As for the length of time to purchase a spa...whose to say what's right for anyone? We have all owned a car or 10 and bought a couple few houses but a spa is a unique purchase to most. Add to that that most have no idea what to look for and get told everywhere that "their spa is the best", this can be a very difficult purchase indeed!

This is a luxury item and it takes hard earned, disposable income to purchase one. Quite often, it can take over a year to make this purchase and most take longer than a few months. If I remember correctly, the average purchase on a hot tub will take 3-6 months. I have experienced people that talked to me at a spring show and came back 2 years later and told that they did and now are ready…

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Re: Wet-Testing Attire
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2008, 07:03:52 pm »


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