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Author Topic: 2004 Sundance owners or dealers?  (Read 2662 times)


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  • 2004 Sundance Optima
2004 Sundance owners or dealers?
« on: June 22, 2008, 09:27:33 pm »
Hi all, we were in the tub scrubbing today and for the first time I noticed two areas that look like the holes the jets are in but they just have a straight tube coming out with no cover. One is in the bottom side and one is up higher on the wall of the tub?  What are they and should they be covered?  I tried to look at pictures but I cant tell from the Sundance website.  It is an 04 Optima if that helps.   :-?

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2004 Sundance owners or dealers?
« on: June 22, 2008, 09:27:33 pm »


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Re: 2004 Sundance owners or dealers?
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2008, 01:28:24 pm »
Hi all, we were in the tub scrubbing today and for the first time I noticed two areas that look like the holes the jets are in but they just have a straight tube coming out with no cover. One is in the bottom side and one is up higher on the wall of the tub?  What are they and should they be covered?  I tried to look at pictures but I cant tell from the Sundance website.  It is an 04 Optima if that helps.   :-?

Is the one on the bottom side close to the filter area while the other is close to the therapy seat?  If so, I believe you are looking at the whirlpool jets.  My 2002 Optima has them and I believe the 2004 Optima also has them.  They are large volume jets working on pump one.  You should be able to adjust the direction of the nozzle (tube).  I am not quite sure they have these jets on the newer models.


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Re: 2004 Sundance owners or dealers?
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2008, 06:58:50 pm »
Thanks Tony, I just got off the phone with the spa tech for my area because we need new headrests and after I picked myself up off the floor (he said they cost 244 dollars to replace) I asked him about those and he said they were whirlpool jets.!! Thanks again! Now if someone can only tell me where I can get headrests that don't make me get a second job I will be eternally grateful! HOLY CANOLI. :o :o


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Re: 2004 Sundance owners or dealers?
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2008, 09:04:48 am »
Thanks Tony, I just got off the phone with the spa tech for my area because we need new headrests and after I picked myself up off the floor (he said they cost 244 dollars to replace) I asked him about those and he said they were whirlpool jets.!! Thanks again! Now if someone can only tell me where I can get headrests that don't make me get a second job I will be eternally grateful! HOLY CANOLI. :o :o

If you check at www.shepnell.com...you can get them for about 15% less.  Pillows are pricey and need periodic replacement.  I am on my second set and they seem to be lasting longer, but I now use a floating blanket and no more ozone.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: 2004 Sundance owners or dealers?
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2008, 09:04:48 am »


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