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Author Topic: I bought a hot tub! Advice needed...  (Read 6173 times)


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I bought a hot tub! Advice needed...
« on: June 14, 2008, 06:10:01 pm »
So...I sold the boat (yea!) and went on a mission to buy a gently used spa. I was close to a Beachcomber 720 with bells and whistles (not necessary, but fun)...and willing to buy it empty, but we had a miscommunication about price.

I had dry-tested some of the commonly-sold brands around here (Albany, NY). One of the biggest is Saratoga Spas/Adirondack Spas, which is not common in other parts of the county, I understand. They're made locally by Imperial Pools and sold by A-Frame. Any bit of research I could find said they're a very good and reliable spa.

With that in mind, I zeroed in on a Saranac model someone was selling on Craigslist (which, incidentally, is how I sold my boat...and how I found a marine mechanic willing to travel and assess the boat's needs, much to the buyer's comfort level). My daughter and I wet-tested the tub on Thursday, which felt really, really weird, since we were in the home of someone we didn't know, but I was very convinced by everyone on this and other forums that it is very important to wet-test. I'm glad we did, especially since it's a used tub. There will be no surprises when I get it.  

I floated a little in the lounger, but I really wanted a lounger. I'm going to work on becoming more dense.  ;D  It seemed to be in excellent shape, with all jets and pumps functioning perfectly. It's a 2003, with steps, cover (in very good condition) with lifter. I got it for $1800. He's delivering it to me for an additional $100, which is mostly for gas money.

So...the advice I'm looking for is two-fold:

1. Least expensive way to put down a base in the yard.

2. Chlorine vs. Bromine vs. some of the newer stuff, like Eco One or Nature2. I know this is a huge topic of debate, so I'll read through all the old posts on this subject and no one should feel they have to "go there" again.

Note: the spa is ozone-ready, and I think I should buy an ozonator. Do y'all agree? Any recommendations?

Looking forward to everyone's helpful advice, and very psyched to be getting the tub soon!

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I bought a hot tub! Advice needed...
« on: June 14, 2008, 06:10:01 pm »


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Re: I bought a hot tub! Advice needed...
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2008, 07:43:56 pm »
Congrats on the new spa!

1. The foundation can be one of a few; concrete, wood, or even Spa Pads. Depending on who you know concrete can be fairly inexpensive to have done. Spa Pads are around $300 for an 8x8 area.

2. Your chemical choice can be narrowed down if you decide to use an ozone. Personally I do recommend an ozone generator. It will reduce the amount of chemicals you use in the spa and also eliminates a lot of the unpleasant chlorine odor. If you decide on getting an ozone i would use the Nature2 Silver Ion cartridge, along with MPS ( any non-chlorine shock should do) , Chlorine, Stain & scale defender and a water clarifier.

 If you opt to not get the ozone then I would use Bromine. Less smell, lasts longer and is less expensive than chlorine.

*side note-  make sure you get dichlor and NOT trichlor if you go with chlorine.

« Last Edit: June 14, 2008, 07:46:38 pm by Merlin »
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Re: I bought a hot tub! Advice needed...
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2008, 08:57:05 pm »
Snoopydance welcome!

I too got a used spa for me it was free but free turned into a lot of dollars.

Here is the run down of costs so far

Delivery  $600
Landscaper to take out grass and even ground and put sand $200
Spa pads $300
Note--I looked into cement pad but they wanted $800. I have no issue at all with the spa pad
Electric supplies- i.e. break away box, breakers, wire, conduit wire.  about $300. I had my fried who is an electrician run the wires so I made out there.
Needed a cover lifter $179
The spa had an ozonator but the chip was bad so I ordered a new chip for $49.  Popped the chip in and the transformer on the ozonator was dead so I called the company Del Ozone and told them it was not working for $49 they sent me a brand new ozonator.  Maybe you can call them and tell them yours was a problem.???
New stronger shocks for my cover lifter- Cover is heavy.  $40
Some chemicals and nature 2  and new filters $150  
Some landscaping for around sap about $90
Sump pump to empty tub $70 on ebay
So it ads up. about $2,000 for me so far on a "free" tub.  But now i am done and I and my family are really enjoying it. I use the Nature 2 system and dichlor and sometimes MPS. Along with ozone.

From all I have read I don't know why anyone would want to use Bromine.  Dichlor seems much easier and better to use.

In terms of the spa pad most people on the boards would tell you to pour concrete.  Honestly I do not no why and the guy who delivered my spa that does spa for a living said he did not know why either. My land is not going to settle anymore and it is perfectly flat.  I have yet to hear on there boards anyone who has had problems with their spa due to spa pads.  

Good luck with the spa and please post photos.  Let us know if you need anything else this is a great place to get info.


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Re: I bought a hot tub! Advice needed...
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2008, 09:00:43 pm »
I've been doing a lot of homework and about the foundation:

- A landscape guy gave me an estimate for a 10x10 patio made of pavers: $1800!
- The same guy said he could do crushed stone for $1200, and that he wouldn't recommend cement in this area (upstate NY) because it'll crack. And even then, it would cost over $1000. He said materials have been skyrocketing.

- I was considering renting equipment and hiring strong high school boys to do it myself: take up sod, dig down 6+ inches, 4" of crusher run -- plate compacted -- topped with sand and then pavers...but then I read a few things that said pavers are a bad idea. They shift and lift and sink.

- The 2 spa pads I found are the EZ Pad and the Handi Spa. The EZ Pad mfr is pretty convincing that theirs is superior to the (unnamed) competitor. The cheapest I found the EZ Pad is $380 with free delivery. They still recommend levelling the site, which makes sense.

- I was wondering if I could just dig it out, lay down some landscape fabric and cover it with pea stone or crushed rocks.

My seller is ready to deliver whenever I'm ready to accept delivery, so I'm eager to make a decision on this!


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Re: I bought a hot tub! Advice needed...
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2008, 09:24:36 pm »
All I did was have the landscaper take out the grass.  Bring in some sand rake it out and vola!

I was going to do crushed stone then sand but realized there was no benefit.

Here are photos in case you have not seen them on other posts of mine.


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Re: I bought a hot tub! Advice needed...
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2008, 09:29:15 pm »
Here is another thread on the same topic.


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Re: I bought a hot tub! Advice needed...
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2008, 08:53:04 am »
I know I will probably be murdered for saying this but I did see spa pads 8x8 at Walmart.com for 268.00.   ::)  Not everything Walmart is bad!  


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Re: I bought a hot tub! Advice needed...
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2008, 09:33:12 am »
Thanks for taking the chance, kacrab. I had seen that some time ago, and I just checked again. You're right about the price, and with the $52.00 shipping, it comes out to $320, which is less than the EZ Pad. I don't know if EZ Pad is as far superior to the unnamed (Handi Spa) competitor, but if so, I'd spend the extra $60.

Ben: your link to the additional thread on the same subject didn't show up.


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Re: I bought a hot tub! Advice needed...
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2008, 01:25:17 pm »
Well, like my hubby is prone to say when he buys generic food... there isn't a generic food company out there making cereal. It is a brand name company with different packaging. So I suspect with the spa pad but not 100%.  Plus Walmart sells so much that you can get things cheaper!  Good luck. because as those of us who have purchased used or gotten free find out quickly that NOTHING is free.  Decking, electric, chemicals, delivery with crane, digger/trencher to run electric.  WOW it does add up quickly!! :(

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Re: I bought a hot tub! Advice needed...
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2008, 01:25:17 pm »


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