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Author Topic: Swell-Tub's New Spa Search  (Read 79901 times)


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Re: Swell-Tub's New Spa Search
« Reply #165 on: May 02, 2008, 12:01:42 pm »
How was the lounger on the 480, Scott?
Lounger was one of the nicer ones I have tested but it takes up to much space for me and the dealer said that after awhile it dosen't get used as much as the other seats. Also the 480 is 3 inches wider and I would have to add some pavers to make it fit next to my covered patio. The 470 fits like a tight glove.
2008 Jacuzzi J-470

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Re: Swell-Tub's New Spa Search
« Reply #165 on: May 02, 2008, 12:01:42 pm »


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Re: Swell-Tub's New Spa Search
« Reply #166 on: May 02, 2008, 12:43:29 pm »
Lounger was one of the nicer ones I have tested but it takes up to much space for me and the dealer said that after awhile it dosen't get used as much as the other seats. Also the 480 is 3 inches wider and I would have to add some pavers to make it fit next to my covered patio. The 470 fits like a tight glove.
The lounger only takes out the one jet little seat thingy where your feet are at , and I think my lounger will get used as much or more than the rest of the seats esp. by my wife and her female friends.

IL Parrothead

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Re: Swell-Tub's New Spa Search
« Reply #167 on: May 02, 2008, 12:52:40 pm »
The 480 lounger was -- for me -- the most comfortable lounger I sat in during my wet testing.


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Re: Swell-Tub's New Spa Search
« Reply #168 on: May 02, 2008, 12:53:47 pm »
I'm confused then why did you buy an Epic?
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IL Parrothead

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Re: Swell-Tub's New Spa Search
« Reply #169 on: May 02, 2008, 12:57:05 pm »
Overall, the Epic was the tub that my wife and I liked the best.  The Adirondack chair was probably for me the 2nd best lounger, and was my wife's favorite.  The neck jets in the Epic were my favorite of all tested.  The deep therapy seat was my favorite seat of ALL tubs.  The therapy pillar really wowed my wife, and I liked it too.  So, just like I liked the MotoMassage feature of Hot Spring spas, and the adjustable head rests with built-in jets on D1, there were features on a lot of tubs that were standouts.  But the Epic was the one -- for my wife and me -- that overall hit it best.


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Re: Swell-Tub's New Spa Search
« Reply #170 on: May 02, 2008, 02:05:27 pm »
That LSX is a really cool looking tub. I have heard nothing good about Master Spa's however.

Scott  ;)


I'm one of the very few MS owners that occasion this forum.  I've had an LSX since 2004 and am absolutely pleased with the performance and reliability so far.  I still feel the same way now as I did when I wrote this review.

Now you've heard something good about MasterSpas!  8-)
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Re: Swell-Tub's New Spa Search
« Reply #171 on: May 02, 2008, 04:08:11 pm »
There is a spa out there for everyone. If we all had the same taste they would only need to build Toyota's or Ford's or something. Some like loungers and some don't. The Sundance Maxxus and the Jacuzzi J-480 had the best loungers that we sat in.

The Master Spa's were way cool and I was not questioning the quality of the tub. I have heard bad things about the way they sell them at trade shows. So I didn't mean to offend anyone. I kept getting drawn towards the Jacuzzi J-470 and the Sundance Optima because that was what felt right to me.

You know how it goes when you just post something without thinking how it might be recieved. Sorry about that.....

Scott  ;)
2008 Jacuzzi J-470


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Re: Swell-Tub's New Spa Search
« Reply #172 on: May 03, 2008, 07:34:02 am »
No prob, Scott.  Just wanted you to hear something good! 8-)
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Re: Swell-Tub's New Spa Search
« Reply #173 on: May 03, 2008, 12:49:09 pm »


I'm one of the very few MS owners that occasion this forum.  I've had an LSX since 2004 and am absolutely pleased with the performance and reliability so far.  I still feel the same way now as I did when I wrote this review.

Now you've heard something good about MasterSpas!  8-)
Scott, I really like the detailed review of your tub.  That is a feature that people don't use very much on this forum, most of the reviews are very old.  I would love more of the newer buyers to review their hot tubs.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2008, 12:51:38 pm by Tailhooker »


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Re: Swell-Tub's New Spa Search
« Reply #174 on: May 04, 2008, 12:19:43 pm »
Scott, I really like the detailed review of your tub.  That is a feature that people don't use very much on this forum, most of the reviews are very old.  I would love more of the newer buyers to review their hot tubs.
It is funny, if I hadn't run across this forum I would have bought the Coast Radiance spa because I thought a spa is a spa. I put money down on one without wet testing. After I read this forum I wet tested a Hot Springs Envoy because this forum is so Hot Springs heavy. The Envoy was not comfortable for my family and it was then that I realized that not all spa's are the same. I also realized that you should not buy a spa without wet testing. I had wet tested 2 Jacuzzi's before I placed my order and still I needed to test the one I was going to purchase. Now granted I wet tested the 480 and bought the 470 but with the exception of the lounger they are the same jets and depths.

So my final criteria became quality, reliability, longevity, dealer support, price, and appearance. I also searched this web for owners who were having problems with certain brands.

I wet tested the following models:
Hot Springs Envoy
Coast Radiance
Sundance Maxuss
Jacuzzi 345, 465, 480

I dry tested the following models:
Hot Springs Grandee
Master Spas

I came down to the final three:
Sundance Optima - Dealer was uncomfortable
Jacuzzi J-470 - Great Dealer
Arctic Tundra -No local Dealer

I think any of the above would have been great, so the tie breaker was the dealer. One thing about the Jacuzzi is the jets. I like how the air to water mixture is adjustable. Also I think the J-470 and J-480 are really neat looking tubs. I like the raised back for the waterfalls and sitting under the raised waterfalls is a nice option. If I had a local dealer I might have bought the Arctic for two reasons. One Is the optional chiller that would have been used during the summers in the Vegas heat and I like the cabinet insulation. It helped to keep down the equipment noise down. Now if I lived in a colder climate I might find this kind of insulation a negative.

After I get my new J-470 set-up and I spend some time in it I will give a users review. I have read some owners reviews and they don't seem to have problems with their Jacuzzi's. I talked to some local owners and they seem trouble free, even the water chemical use seems minor. The Optima's had some very minor issues like the diverter valve and water filter collapse. I couldn't find anyone who owned an Arctic but I think Vegas is the perfect location for a dealer. Anyway as I said on this forum before, there is a tub out there for everyone. In my case it was the Jacuzzi J-470.

Scott  ;)

2008 Jacuzzi J-470


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Re: Swell-Tub's New Spa Search
« Reply #175 on: May 04, 2008, 02:57:01 pm »
Scott and Dave (Tailhooker)

If I may add my 2 cents worth, and you know I willl anyway ;D ;D,
the following has been our experiences thus far---(grab a cup o' joe and take your BR break now, folks!! :o ;D)

First we started at a "big box" looking at Sundance and Viking, and Cal.  At first, looked at Viking since it was cheap and blingy, but never wet tested--only dry==not too comfy.  Sundance and Cal, neither were comfy for hubby--too squished feeling.  BTW--salesman was a weirdo to the 'nth degree.

Next, all along the same highway, Caldera/COleman--extremely knowledgable/friendly/patient salesman, Caldera had our attention at first, and dealer was a plus, but kinda wanted more jets or different jet placement.

Then, Arctic/Nordic/Dynasty dealer--friend bought from them, good rep, nice owners/salespeople...--wanted the Blingy tub from Dyansty--they got one in and we were major impressed with the looks major disappointed with the therapy and floating.  They took us to a customer's house to see the Tundra, and they plan on ordereing one in for us to wet test.  Major pluses==the Klondiker we wet tested was KING of therapy, not as much bling.

Down the same road==Hydro spa--another weirdo salesguy and the tub was WAY uncomfy dry--never did hear back from them..

Further along--Clearwater/Raindance... dealer--great tub, never wet tested the one we wanted and had more excuses than China had rice--so no go to them.

Along the way we visited and wet tested the D1 AMore Bay, which by far had the AWESOMEST lounge chairs that fit me and hubby, don't like bench seat, and the neck jets on the adjustable pillows meant lots of splashing and squirting in the eyes and not that great.  Also sat in Master LSX which looked great dry/wet, but wet was UNCOMFORTABLE and floated/pushed out of seats.

Jacuzzi dealer was another visit and WAY comfortable and GREAT dealer as well and GREAT price, another dealer willing to bend over backwards to make sure you test what you want but we were kicking each other trying to get foot therapy and had to turn the jets completely off one seat to get full blast on the others.  LOVED the waterfall and that seat had GREAT low back therapy.  Pretty spa, as well!!

ALso visited an Artesian dealer--nice dry, except for hubby, and never heard back from him.  THere is a Pacific dealer in the area but he only has one tub in stock, and I just would prefer not to even go there.

So, it would be between the Arctic Tundra and Jacuzzi J470, but the Tundra has our vote thus far.  Too bad hubby couldn't jump in just to see how the seats fit.  Has alot of therapy and power but not floating you out to the moon!!

Well, thanks for allowing this synopsis.

Chrisi :)
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Re: Swell-Tub's New Spa Search
« Reply #176 on: May 04, 2008, 03:05:46 pm »
Chrisi, I was really hoping you would join the Jacuzzi bunch, especially since Jacuzzi sales are so low in Texas  ;D ;D ;D, but I think you will love the Tundra. I know I would have been right where you are at if I had an Arctic dealer here in Vegas. When are you going to buy the Tundra?

Scott  ;)
2008 Jacuzzi J-470


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Re: Swell-Tub's New Spa Search
« Reply #177 on: May 04, 2008, 03:17:04 pm »

We will be talking to the dealer this week.  After this week we are on vacation.  I am hoping to start talking numbers.  THe dealer said she would order one in our colors, and would easily sell it if we don't bite, the finality would be hubby wet testing it .  I am comfortable not wet testing it since I have already been in 2 of their tubs. The only possible swing back to jacuzzi would be price at this point.  I know our dealer will hook us up, though!! ;D ;D ;D

Are you and the wifey still traveling to LA for a wet test??  Or just fine without wet testing.  I am telling you, your wife will like the low back beating in the waterfall seat!  PUTTY!  and the stereo is nice!!----I know, I know--it isn't completely ruled out yet.

Well, Game 5 of Pens Playoff is on, and hoping for a win, so we can play against Dax' team--the Philly Flyers!
 ;) ;)

Chrisi :)
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Re: Swell-Tub's New Spa Search
« Reply #178 on: May 04, 2008, 03:26:19 pm »
Are you and the wifey still traveling to LA for a wet test??  Or just fine without wet testing.  I am telling you, your wife will like the low back beating in the waterfall seat!  PUTTY!  and the stereo is nice!!----I know, I know--it isn't completely ruled out yet.

 ;) ;)

Chrisi :)
We drove to Lake Havasu City, AZ and wet tested a J-480. We also saw another model in the Sand/Harvest Wheat colors. As we drove off from that dealer we called our Vegas dealer and took the order off hold. Now I'm thinking about painting my entire concrete patio including the area where the tub will sit. I need something to keep me busy while I wait....

Scott  ;)
2008 Jacuzzi J-470


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Re: Swell-Tub's New Spa Search
« Reply #179 on: May 04, 2008, 04:26:58 pm »
The only possible swing back to jacuzzi would be price at this point.  I know our dealer will hook us up, though!! ;D ;D ;D
Chrisi :)
Chrisi, the price on the Tundra will be less than a Jacuzzi J-470. So I think it's over for you. Congrats you are on your way. The only thing I will say in your case to consider about the Arctic since you live in a cold climate is the insulation, now I know the Arctic folks will tell you that they are built in Canada and are very well insulated but IMHO I think to have your tub insulated is like a thermos and will hold heat in a tub better, but then I'm not an engineer I'm only a Project Manager  ;D ;D ;D.

2008 Jacuzzi J-470

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Re: Swell-Tub's New Spa Search
« Reply #179 on: May 04, 2008, 04:26:58 pm »


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