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How do you dealers do wet tests when a customer wants to try a tub you have empty on the floor?Scott
I keep 2 spas wet in the private mood room, 2 more on the showroom floor, and 5 wet outside on the deck. Â I've actually had up to 4 different families wet testing at once one time. Â I also keep a supply of wine, beer, water, cigars, and other essentials to help make the experience more enjoyable for the customers.Despite all of this accomodation, I probably only have about 10 wet tests per year.If a dealer is not willing to accomodate you when you are shopping, go to a dealer that will.Terminator
I was really uncomfortable with the wet testing thing too. Most places though had very few people there if any when I tested. The ones that were there were all saying what a great idea it was to test. I was doing anything to avoid it, but I realized, when was I ever going to see these people again? Would I drive a car without a test drive? Would I buy a mattress without lying on it first? Why would I ever spend $10,000 on something I will have for 10+ years and not be sure it is the one I would be most happy with!Many dealers were willing to drain one tub and fill another for me. I also went to places far away to test other models even if I were planning on buying one closer. Dealers will make arrangements for you to test after hours if need be.
Also in my opinion the dealer is more important than the actual mfg of the tub. Â
I don't completely agree with this statement. Â I believe the dealer is AS important as the manufacturer. Â A good dealer with a bad spa still gives you a bad spa. Â A good manufacturer with a bad dealer gets you problems with service if you should need it (and you will). Â A strong dealer carrying a good line should get you a good experience.
Vinny,They appear to still be in business. They are up in the Northern Las Vegas area. I haven"t heard much about Artesian spas and you are the only one who has had something to say about them. My co-worker sells spas on the side and uses his Dynasty twice a day for his arthritis. I'll ask him what he knows about Artesian.Thanks,Scott Â