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Author Topic: Chemical maintence and other stuff  (Read 4308 times)


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Chemical maintence and other stuff
« on: June 08, 2008, 05:32:34 pm »
Sorry to be asking yet another chemical question but without buying from a dealer (which I tried to convince my hubby) I want to do this right.  I am going to say that we will use dichlor so someone take me from the begining on what to do for startup and daily maintence (or should I go see a dealer locally)?  It's okay to be honest.

Next, why is maintaining a spa/hottub different then a pool?  

Third and last, if you keep your chemicals close what do you keep them in or do you run back into the house after use to shock?  I'm sure moisture would be an issue.

Thanks everyone! :-/

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Chemical maintence and other stuff
« on: June 08, 2008, 05:32:34 pm »


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Re: Chemical maintence and other stuff
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2008, 05:55:46 pm »
I am new to this as well so I am still trying to learn.  My spa has a checmical compartment wiht a lock on it right next to the spa so that party is easy.

In terms of the difference between a pool.  So many.  First off a spa is about 500 gallons a pool is 25,000 gallons.  So one person can cloud up your water.  

For example today I had 4 kids in . When they got out it was very cloudy.  I am still trying to learn best practices on this stuff.

If you have laundry detergent on your clothes that is left over, it will effect the water.

Also realize the water is much hotter than a pool and often kept in the dark so it is a completely different breeding ground for stuff.  In addition when someone is in the tub they sweat their deorderant affects the water their shampoo, perfume etc.  Remember a small body of water with often a lot of people.  Don't think too much about it or it will gross you out.

I use a a nature 2 cartridge.  Usually I have been putting 1 teaspoon of dichlor per person in the tub after they get out.   Also putting in 2 ounces of shock per week.

My ozonator is not currently working but when it does I think it will also help my water quality.

Below is what Spatecj t.u.o. told me on how I should maintain the water.  

Re: first bount with cloudy water
Reply #5 - Yesterday at 3:13pm Quote
Quote from benalexe on Yesterday at 2:00pm:

I still don't really fully understand the whole chemical thing. Dichlor vs shock. When do I use what. I also have the nature 2 in the tub.

My ozonator is currently not working I have a new one on order.

Also how often do I clean the filters?

This is what I tell people to do, quick and simple:
Per use:
After EACH use add 1 generous teaspoon of dichlor per person. Don't get out and think "I'll do it later", add it as you exit. Don't worry about test strip readings of dichlor, just add after each use. t will sanitize and dissipate so you will have little dichlor the next day but as long as you add EVERY time you use it you'll be in good shape. Also, if you go 3 or 4 days without using the spa add a generous teaspoon or two then as well.  
Shock once per week with MPS.  
Check Ph/Alk once per week. Adjust as necessary.  
Clean the filters thoroughly once per month. If the spa is getting a lot of use you might take them out mid month and give it/them a 5 minute rinse.
Change the N2 cartidge every 4 months. Thats also about how often you change you water (±2 months). Depending on your water source you may want to use Spa Defender (metal sequester) with every fill up. If you do, add it upon fill up but wait a day or two to install a new N2 cartridge.
I don't use clarifiers, defoamers, etc unless I absolutely have to. Its not a science project, keep it simple.
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Re: Chemical maintence and other stuff
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2008, 06:09:07 pm »
I have been following the advice of several on this site. Because the spa water is around 100 degrees and is not being clorinated like a swimming pool you need to do the chemicals manually. Now I'm no expert and maybe somebody can help you out, but on another thread Spa Tech posted a chemical schedule. http://www.whatsthebest-hottub.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?num=1212856770

I have Ozone and a N2 cartridge in my filter and this is what I do:
I add Chlor Brite (chlorine) each evening after use. I run jets for 20 minutes with cover off.
I shock weekly with chlorine free "Fresh 'N Clear". I run jets for 20 minutes with cover off.
I  use Spa Stain & Scale weekly. I run jets for 20 minutes with cover off.
I check with test strips each week. If PH is high I use dry acid. I run jets for 20 minutes with cover off.
If water is cloudy I use Spa Clear It. I run jets for 20 minutes with cover off.
If I get foam I use Spa Anti Foam.

I buy my chemicals from Leslie's Swimming Pool Supplies.
I spend less than 2 minutes a day adding Chlorine and about 15 minutes on weekends adding the others.
The spa is exactly 9 feet from my master bedroom french doors (yes I measured) and I can watch the waterfall out the bedroom window, so with it so close I can add chemicals without much effort.
I keep the Chlor Brite outside next to the bedroom door on our covered patio. The rest of the chemicals I keep in the kitchen pantry.

Hope this helps,
Scott  ;)
« Last Edit: June 08, 2008, 06:22:30 pm by Swell-Tub »
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Re: Chemical maintence and other stuff
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2008, 06:43:31 pm »
I had 4 years of pool water care under my belt when I got the tub and yes it is different.

It's true what has been said about temp, being in the dark, smaller volume of water and the fact that a hot tub strips you of almost all dirt, bacteria and lotions when you get in it.

First thing is not all chlorine is OK to use in a tub. Dichlor as you mentioned is one of the chlorines, the other is lithium. You may read people who experiment with other chlorines - leave that until you are 150% understanding about water care. BTW, Walmart sells "spa chlorine" and it's calcium hypochlorite - it will add calcium to your tub and while I'm at it all Dichlor is not the same - some has as low as 52% active chlorine while others have up to 62% ... the more active (not to be confused with the labeling that states 99% Dichlor.......... whatever, these are 2 different numbers) the chlorine the more powerful and less you need to use. So a cheaper product may not be the best value.

You want all the water's parameters to be in range - PH 7.2 to 7.8, Alkalinity between 80 and 120 PPM, calcium between 150 and 350 - if your tap is above that I believe there's something to add to the water, chlorine reading at least 3PPM 20 minutes after adding the chlorine. Mwasure them at least once a week once they are in line.

The one bad thing is using dichlor adds stabilizer (CYA) and as it goes up the chlorine becomes less effective. For every 1 PPM chlorine you add you also add 0.9 PPM stabilizer, in 3 months you will be over 3oo PPM if you use dichlor exclusively for regular doses and shocking. The good news is that most bacteria is easily killed even with high CYA, in a swimming pool is you had 300 PPM CYA you'd have a green ugly mess.

Non chlorine shock is what we call MPS, there are different types but IMOP get the non buffered stuff. You'll use less and don't add stuff you don't need. If you do decide to shock with chlorine you need to get the combined chlorine reading and add 10x that amount of free chlorine.

I keep my chemicals either in my garage or on the deck (wife hates it on the deck) but I keep my testing kit in the basement stairwell - it's dark and cool all year round.

Personally I'm not into Nature 2 or the Frog, I feel the cost outweighs the benefits but I believe I'm in the minority on this. Ozone for me hasn't lived up to what others have found so I can't give glowing reports on that as well.

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Re: Chemical maintence and other stuff
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2008, 06:43:31 pm »


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