Just finished a nice soak.

The tech was here at 6:30 this morning and changed out the pump. I left for work and my mom filled the tub for us. I came home for lunch at 11:00, put in the filters and fired her up. Everything ran good and I set the temp and left to go back to work.
Got home a little after 4:00 and the temp was up to around 80 and all the pumps worked. We went for dinner and watched a movie and then went for a soak. So far so good. This tub is awesome when it runs. Hopefully it will run a lot longer this time around.
The circuit board was replaced a few weeks ago so hopefully it wasn't another bad board that caused the pump to go.
You're right about my heart. However, salmon fishing is getting ever closer and we'll be focusing on that very shortly. Going to put all our gear on the boat tomorrow and get it ready to go out next weekend for our prefishing run. We like to get out once before the season starts to make sure everthing is in working order.
In His Peace,