Totally awsome job!!!
How do you access the pumps in the spa?
DOOHHH! I knew I forgot about something!

JK If you look right below the front pergola post you will see the line where the left and right steps split apart. So I just pull the steps out if I need to access the pumps. The post goes all the way to the decking (steps wrap around it).
Absolutely GORGEOUS!! Job well done. The Clematis will be beautiful in bloom!! WHat variety did you get?? (So many varieties of Clematis...)
Don’t know for sure… I know they are red though. My sweetheart is the gardener, I am just the laborer...
Very nice Northwoods. What happened to your spa model?
She is the Gardener. She didn't want to get her bikini soiled so she planted in the nude. I can post pictures if anyone is interested...
Nice oak leaf detail. You buy one of those little Craftsman CNC mills?
Actually, try a $175,00 Komo CNC Router. But I have been wondering how those little Craftsman things would work. They look neat. I would expect for small 3d carving they would work great. But they are very limited in size and capability.
That's what I was thinking! Amazing craftsmanship! Pretty good for your first attempt at woodwork! 
Baby even the losers... get lucky sometimes.