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Author Topic: Now for something completly different??  (Read 26104 times)


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Re: Now for something completly different??
« Reply #45 on: May 20, 2008, 11:04:37 am »
LOL... so JJ didn't actually SAY that Hot Springs is an overpriced hunk of plastic...  ::) I think Chris is just play'n with ya JJ and sees that you didn't actually say that.


I made the mistake of wasting 5 or 10 minutes of my life looking through that thread yesterday to see what the hoopla was all about. In the post Swell quoted JJ may have mentioned the "hunk of plastic" but in the previous post to that JJ made some statement about his sales presentation and how HS was overpriced and blah, blah, blah. It wasn't really anything that isn't said from time to time by some salespeople on showroom floors about their competition, just salesmanship mixed with some booze (according to Jaboozie Gin himself).  ;)

If that's the worst thing he's got to say he'll never be a candidate to become a H@^#N rep!!
« Last Edit: May 20, 2008, 12:26:53 pm by Spatech_tuo »
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Re: Now for something completly different??
« Reply #45 on: May 20, 2008, 11:04:37 am »


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Re: Now for something completly different??
« Reply #46 on: May 20, 2008, 11:30:42 am »

From my experience on the message boards when the grammatical and spelling police arrive, usually that poster has been had.  

What??? :-?
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Re: Now for something completly different??
« Reply #47 on: May 20, 2008, 12:01:40 pm »

What??? :-?

If you look at he quoted section of my post it points to Termie bashing my grammer.  Not a big deal, I know that I dont type the best grammer.  Its just funny to me that hes the grammer police and has to call me out on it, thats all.  Just more dumbassery as some would say!


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Re: Now for something completly different??
« Reply #48 on: May 20, 2008, 12:08:19 pm »
I'll try to make this simple for some of you....

1.  Jim wants to have a spa battle....I read this and think "That sounds cool."

2.  Jim says "We will all have to follow some kind of pricing/guidelines/rules".....NOT cool, possibly illegal, assuredly unethical in regards to the customers.

3.  I propose a simple solution to avoid ramifications of #2....it manages to fly right over the heads of some.  Asshattery commences on cue from the usual place.

4.  Obfuscation ensues and...once again...some can't seem to think their way past the first layer of this decidedly more complex scenario...so, they get stuck on MSRP and that's where they'll probably stay.

5.  Some seem to think that I'm concerned about "pricing" and "fairness".  Hell NO!  From the get go, I say line them up, give it your best shot and price, and may the best product win.  THAT is capitalism and THAT is fair to the customers.  Anything else smacks of collusion.

6.  The crux of the whole thread is plain as day for those who are able to look past their nose.

Jim, I hope you're able to pull this off in an ethical and legal fashion.  I think it's a great idea if you can make it work.  I'm anxious (as I know you are since it was the point of your thread) to hear what ideas some of the learned professionals have to offer.

Good luck!


Anyone else feeling like they're being spoken down to like a small child? I just wish I was as smart as you Chris while mixing in "pleasantries" with your scolding of the less educated and dimwitted.

I guess we just ain’t so darn sharp in comprehending them big ’ol words you like to use… It confuses us I guess. I’ll try harder from now on and get my thesaurus out for future posts… …
« Last Edit: May 20, 2008, 12:10:07 pm by Steve »


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Re: Now for something completly different??
« Reply #49 on: May 20, 2008, 12:10:07 pm »
The title of this thread is "Now for something completely different". It makes me think of the comment from Rocky and Bullwinkle.

Now for something completely different I will pull a rabbit out of my hat..... ;D

JJ good Luck with your sales event. I hope all of the dealers sell lots of tubs.

Scott  :)
2008 Jacuzzi J-470

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Re: Now for something completly different??
« Reply #50 on: May 20, 2008, 12:21:18 pm »

Anyone else feeling like they're being spoken down to like a small child? I just wish I was as smart as you Chris while mixing in "pleasantries" with your scolding of the less educated and dimwitted.

I guess we just ain’t so darn sharp in comprehending them big ’ol words you like to use… It confuses us I guess. I’ll try harder from now on and get my thesaurus out for future posts… …

It's funny that you say that Steve. Terms post reminded me of that dorky kid in my high school speech class where the teacher told him to redo his paper and use his thesaurus a little more and to use some bigger words. Then the kid came back and changed damn near every word to a bigger word and made it worse than before and had to redo it again. I'm sure Terms thesaurus isn’t as dusty as it was before his long winded rant.
Arctic Spas Dealer of the Year- 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Now for something completly different??
« Reply #51 on: May 20, 2008, 12:46:33 pm »
I'll try to make this simple for some of you....

2.  Jim says "We will all have to follow some kind of pricing/guidelines/rules".....NOT cool, possibly illegal, assuredly unethical in regards to the customers.

  Your reading more into this than you need to, nothing is set yet and as I mentioned I may not even have a say in this, I don't own the sundance, or HS dealership.

3.  I propose a simple solution to avoid ramifications of #2....it manages to fly right over the heads of some.  Asshattery commences on cue from the usual place.

4.  Obfuscation ensues and...once again...some can't seem to think their way past the first layer of this decidedly more complex scenario...so, they get stuck on MSRP and that's where they'll probably stay.

5.  Some seem to think that I'm concerned about "pricing" and "fairness".  Hell NO!  From the get go, I say line them up, give it your best shot and price, and may the best product win.  THAT is capitalism and THAT is fair to the customers.  Anything else smacks of collusion.

6.  The crux of the whole thread is plain as day for those who are able to look past their nose.

thems a lot a big words their laddy, were nothing but humble Pirates.
  And I would rather see names than (some seem) (those) and (their noses) Specially if it me.


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Re: Now for something completly different??
« Reply #52 on: May 20, 2008, 01:17:50 pm »
« Last Edit: May 20, 2008, 01:19:37 pm by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Now for something completly different??
« Reply #53 on: May 20, 2008, 01:25:30 pm »
The title of this thread is "Now for something completely different". It makes me think of the comment from Rocky and Bullwinkle.

Scott  :)

  Actually from Monty Python.  Not really to far off from what this thread has become.

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Now for something completly different??
« Reply #54 on: May 20, 2008, 01:26:54 pm »

   ::)  Good one!


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Re: Now for something completly different??
« Reply #55 on: May 20, 2008, 09:30:45 pm »

Anyone else feeling like they're being spoken down to like a small child? I just wish I was as smart as you Chris while mixing in "pleasantries" with your scolding of the less educated and dimwitted.

I guess we just ain’t so darn sharp in comprehending them big ’ol words you like to use… It confuses us I guess. I’ll try harder from now on and get my thesaurus out for future posts… …

As I had mentioned previously, we actually do dissect his posts for not only his most excellent use of interesting adjectives, but his grammer as well.  Term also has excellent spelling skills.   I have never seen him misuse an apostrophe or leave one out and he doesn't spell things wrong.  It all makes for a mostly informative and secondly a humorous post.  It's fun to read, if you can just try to understand those big, thesaurus words...Drive around someday with your kids in the car and tune in to NPR--have them look up some of the new "big" words they hear.

I'm sure it helps his sales too, when he is able to present himself as the well-rounded, educated man he is.  I tell you what, I would have second thoughts buying a hot tub from someone who couldn't spell or speak without sounding like they didn't finish the 8th grade.

I know there are some deeper issues here with some of you, but let go and enjoy those posts that you wish you could write!  ;D
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Re: Now for something completly different??
« Reply #56 on: May 20, 2008, 09:51:40 pm »
You know, in a different perspective, we're all just mostly plain old folk on this forum.

Yes, Chris, you are obviously well educated and I also appreciate your mannerisms and speak.

As far as big ol' words and salespeople, ok, everyone on here can tell, if not already know, I am a nurse.  I work in an ICU and deal with many family members that
  1:  are overwhelmed
  2:  Not educated in the medical field (i.e., most people on this forum would hear the word "septic" and think of a septic tank)
  3:  Have little communication from a physician in a manner of speaking with the non-medical relatives/patients
  4:  have many, many questions that the nurse answers.

SO, if I were to use large, impressive words I would SOUND educated, may be educated, but my PEOPLE skills could be lacking as I may come off as egotistical, demeaning, or otherwise.  And, if my patient care skills lack, well, it just don't matter WHAT you say!!

Thus, my prolonged rambling and run-on sentences come from 13 years of experience.  But, I take care of my "peeps" as I call them, like I would want my family cared for.  That, combined with the experience and knowledge of my profession, plus a good working relationship with docs, other nurses, dietary, social workers,... make me as best possible I can be.  

Nutshell--I would rather deal with an average, humble Joe who knows his crap and has a sense of humor, than a thesaurus-wielding egomaniac (and that, Termie, IS NOT meant for you--just so you know.)

Thanks, off my soap box for now, good night kiddies, and don't cuss like the bad ol' nurse does.  And, don't smoke.  It's bad for you.  Drinking and driving, too. :(

CHrisi, the insane nurse that likes her job  :o ::) ;)
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Re: Now for something completly different??
« Reply #57 on: May 20, 2008, 10:03:24 pm »
addendum to previous post:

since educational tools are used here, kids, listen to your mom and dad, respect your elders, chivalry is not dead, and do unto others and you would have done to you.  And, again, don't smoke. ;)
The grass is greener on the other side because the bulls**t is better...


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Re: Now for something completly different??
« Reply #58 on: May 20, 2008, 10:15:37 pm »
Just think this whole conversation started with the idea of a big tent spa sale with some major brands attending. People we all must be hurting for some good conversation or something because this thread has covered a lot of ground.....

Scott  ::)
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Re: Now for something completly different??
« Reply #59 on: May 21, 2008, 02:08:48 am »

As I had mentioned previously, we actually do dissect his posts for not only his most excellent use of interesting adjectives, but his grammer as well.  Term also has excellent spelling skills.   I have never seen him misuse an apostrophe or leave one out and he doesn't spell things wrong.  It all makes for a mostly informative and secondly a humorous post.  It's fun to read, if you can just try to understand those big, thesaurus words...Drive around someday with your kids in the car and tune in to NPR--have them look up some of the new "big" words they hear.

I'm sure it helps his sales too, when he is able to present himself as the well-rounded, educated man he is.  I tell you what, I would have second thoughts buying a hot tub from someone who couldn't spell or speak without sounding like they didn't finish the 8th grade.

I know there are some deeper issues here with some of you, but let go and enjoy those posts that you wish you could write!  ;D

Term is awesome and I do respect what he stands for but we all have our specialties and I certainly don't pretend to be so high and mighty that I judge others by their incorrect spelling or lack or proper punctuations... ::) A little too shallow for my liking.

But you're right... maybe it's just all about jealousy.... ;D  (GAWD I hope I spelled everything right!)  :-/

I'm with the our gorgeous nurse on this one! ;)

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Re: Now for something completly different??
« Reply #59 on: May 21, 2008, 02:08:48 am »


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