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I am just curious as to why a base would be intalled on a spa if it is being put on a level concrete pad. The wood in the spas is treated and the base is only millimetres thick so why would you install it. Our dealer said do not bother if it is on a level concrete pad. I could put it on for you but it will only cost you more money.With this base sealing the bottom is there a possibility that a major pipe break could cause water to back up intot the electical compartment?I must have too much time on my hands or is it that "enquiring minds want to know" Â
I don't know how many rotten spa's we have removed that were buried in a deck,the top of the spa looks ok, but the frame at the base is toast.
Were these spas being replaced due to failure of the frame? If not, it sounds like even though the lower part of the frame rotted, it fulfilled it's intended purpose and lasted as as long as the spa as a whole lasted. Would there have been an advantage in initially spending the extra $ only to have the rest of the spa fail for other reasons? Could the base have been reused on a future replacement spa?