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Author Topic: How Often Do You Use Your Hot Tub?  (Read 21328 times)


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How Often Do You Use Your Hot Tub?
« on: April 25, 2008, 12:14:15 pm »
Hey Folks,

I currently own an IG pool and I'm very close to getting a hot tub to sit next to it.  I have some family members discouraging me saying that they know people who own a hot tub and they all say they never use it.

I'm skeptical of that though.  How often do you use your tub?  How often would you say most people use their tubs?

If age is a factor, I'm 28.


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How Often Do You Use Your Hot Tub?
« on: April 25, 2008, 12:14:15 pm »


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Re: How Often Do You Use Your Hot Tub?
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2008, 01:18:27 pm »
Great post because this has been heavy on my mind. I talked to my co-worker who says he use's his once to twice a day, every day because he has arthritis. I had some younger family members and they used their's like once or twice a month with friends. I came to the conclusion that if you hurt and need some comfort it will get used more. I may be wrong but it appears that the older you get the more it get's used.

Scott  ;)
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Re: How Often Do You Use Your Hot Tub?
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2008, 01:42:24 pm »
I've certainly seen people buy a new spa and after the newness wears away the frequency drops off. I've also seen people looking to buy a new spa to replace their 15 year old one and say they still use it almost daily. Most are somewhere in between and I'm not sure there is a predictor of usage.

My wife and youngest son use ours twice a week or so and I'm with them half the time (sometimes 3 days in a row, sometimes not at all for two weeks). My oldest 2 boys not too often but then I come home sometimes to see 6 teenagers in it.

I'm just happy to have one so we can use it when we want to.
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Re: How Often Do You Use Your Hot Tub?
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2008, 01:52:47 pm »
I have owned hot tubs for several years now, and sure usage goes up and down.  I bought mine to be used mostly in the winter time. I live in New England and hotubing in the winter is great and it get's used a few times a week. And friends love comming over and usign at well. The key was having it close to the house.  No one want's to treak across the frozen tundra to get to the tub.

During the summer usage drops off, as we prefer to cool off in the pool, but it still gets used now and then. Espically after some heavy yard work and the muscles are aching.

I see people neglet and not use thier hot tub because it gets too $$$$ to use (Ie they bought a cheap spa with poor insulation and crappy therapy and don't keep the water clean).

I think you need to ask yourself why you are buying the tub?  you mention you have an IG pool.

IF you are buying a hot tub as an acessory to your pool, then sure, I could see it not being used that much, (although jumping from the hot water to the cool pool water is inmvigorating).

A hot tub is very different that a pool so if you think that since you already have an IG pool. you wont use the otehr, I disagree.  The pool is larger and can be used to float in, exercise, cool off and many folks can use it.  In NEw england, the pool season is only a few months long.  Hot tubs are mostly all year.  
« Last Edit: April 25, 2008, 01:58:31 pm by drewstar »
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Re: How Often Do You Use Your Hot Tub?
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2008, 02:13:27 pm »
We have the opposite problem here in Vegas. I will be installing the new tub just as it gets hot down here. I'm not sure how often I will get into the tub when it is 118 degrees outside....
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Re: How Often Do You Use Your Hot Tub?
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2008, 02:26:39 pm »
Every day unless it's raining, or very windy in winter weather.  If we miss a day we really miss the tub.  
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Re: How Often Do You Use Your Hot Tub?
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2008, 03:13:05 pm »
once in the morning, once at night on weekdays.

on weekends,  I'm in and out of it all day.

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Re: How Often Do You Use Your Hot Tub?
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2008, 03:19:03 pm »
we use ours three to four times a week. We also had friends and family tell us we would be wasting our money because they knew or heard of someone who said that they never used theirs or it was too costly to maintain. Now over 3 yrs later half of the people that tried to talk us out of are now tub owners . Once they have that first soak it seems to change their mind :)


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Re: How Often Do You Use Your Hot Tub?
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2008, 03:32:50 pm »
At least once a day and twice a day on the weekends, I have no medical issues.


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Re: How Often Do You Use Your Hot Tub?
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2008, 03:53:28 pm »
it's a case by case deal
alot like boats
i know people that have boats that use them all the time
i also know people with boats that have lots of dust on the boat cover
i think the biggest surprise to some new tub owners is water issues
getting in month, 2 month, 3 month old water thats "not just right" is not appealing
alot of people see the maintaining of the water as a hassle
so they slack off a bit.....get lazy.....maybe throw in a few chlorine tabs
but then when they go to get in the water...the water stinks or is foamy or both
so then they start avoiding the water and say "ah maybe next week"
maintaining perfect water is more than some had bargained for
i would think most on a hot tub message board use theirs more than average joe
again, it's case by case

« Last Edit: April 25, 2008, 03:56:31 pm by Zep »


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Re: How Often Do You Use Your Hot Tub?
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2008, 04:44:54 pm »
I've had my Bullfrog for 3 months. I get in the tub no less than three times a week, sometimes more. I'm sure I have the same anxiety as new tub owners wondering if I will use it in the summer. Its yet to be seen. This topic will resurface in a couple of weeks and I will chime in then.

That being said, get a tub, they are great! :)


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Re: How Often Do You Use Your Hot Tub?
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2008, 05:06:17 pm »
Might want to keep in mind that people who frequent a hot tub forum might have a lot of people in choir!

That said, I use mine mostly on weekends just because of time constraints but am glad I have it to use as desired. Usage does tend to decrease in the summer months here in Georgia as we move from the mostly cool but just right for tubbing winter through the spring and into the blast furnace muggy heat of summer. I do use it occasionally in the summer but typically because I turn the temp down. My tub is covered and thus out of the sun but still typically has a tough time dropping below the 90 range in the summer even if I turn the temp setting well below that.
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Re: How Often Do You Use Your Hot Tub?
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2008, 06:52:20 pm »
I think you are asking the wrong group of people!  Most of us here on the forum wouldn't still be here on the forum if we didn't use our tubs fairly regularly!  But there are those tub users who know other tub owners that don't use their tubs very frequently that are actually on this forum.  

We love ours.  We always loved using them at vacation spots, etc., so we were a step ahead there.  I think you are a water lover or not.  Most pool owners I know love their tubs...or wish they had tubs!


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Re: How Often Do You Use Your Hot Tub?
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2008, 06:57:46 pm »
Most pool owners I know love their tubs...or wish they had tubs!

That is a good point. We have a pool as well and during pool season I can say we almost NEVER go in the pool without also using the spa at the same time even when its warm outside (but not when its brutally hot) so that really does add to the overall spa usage.
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Re: How Often Do You Use Your Hot Tub?
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2008, 08:26:13 pm »

That is a good point. We have a pool as well and during pool season I can say we almost NEVER go in the pool without also using the spa at the same time even when its warm outside (but not when its brutally hot) so that really does add to the overall spa usage.

My first full summer with the spa I realized it just wasn't going to give any relief on hot days, so I installed a small pool to cool off.  Both spa and pool get used during the summer.  Our spa use is actually higher in summer.  My wife will use it in the summer but not winter.  My kids are in their late teens so it is not unusual to have a crowd when they're around in the summer.  I use the spa almost every day all year long and have done so for almost six years of ownership.

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Re: How Often Do You Use Your Hot Tub?
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2008, 08:26:13 pm »


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