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Author Topic: J480 J=junk??????  (Read 7014 times)

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J480 J=junk??????
« on: May 08, 2008, 11:24:35 pm »
I haven’t been on this site for a week because I needed my emotions to settle and issues to be resolved before making this post.

I typed this up yesterday and was just about to post it when our internet went down and lost everything.  So here we go again.

Our J480 was delivered a week ago on Thursday May 1st at 10:30 AM.  We got it on the deck just fine and my mom and I started to fill it with water (my wife was at work).  We used a Watkins pre-filter and it took a little under 4 hours to fill.  While it was filling we put together the steps and installed the lift.  Sure was hard to drill all those holes into our brand new spa.

My friend came over that evening and hooked up the power the J480 came alive for the first time at 7:00 PM.  The tub immediately went into an “ice” “cool” mode which automatically turned on the heater, circ pump and pump 1.  This was expected because the manual said it would happen.  However, I was unable to turn pump 1 off and unable to turn pump 2 on.  While I didn’t think this to be a good thing the manual wasn’t specific enough to be certain if it was normal or if there was something wrong.

The water started out at 51 degrees and by 10:00 we decided to go to bed and we set our alarms for 4:00 AM so we could soak before going to work the next day.  Friday morning when I approached the tub it was quiet and I lifted the cover and the temp was 97 degrees right where we set it.  

My heart sunk as the first button I pushed was pump 2 and there was no response.  I push pump 1 and that one started right up.  We decided to get in and try it out because half the tub was running.  We weren’t really enjoying it because we knew there was a problem but after spending all that money we were going to at least get wet.

While I was in the tub I played with the panel a little bit.  I tried pump 2 a couple more times with no success.  I went to turn pump 1 off and the panel would not react; it was locked up.  We got out and my wife went to shower and get ready for work while I stared at our dead tub which was now a 10K bird bath.  

I decided to flip the breaker on and off to try to reset the panel and that worked.  So I decided to put in some dichloride and turned on pump 1 to circulate it (pump 2 still wouldn’t work).  I proceeded to take a shower and get ready for work.  When I approached the tub it was quiet again.  I figured it had turned off after the 20 minute auto turn-off time.  I looked at the panel and my heart sunk as the error code read ---- .  I knew from reading through the manual this wasn’t a good thing.  It meant that my tub had serious problems and component damage could occur.

I can’t describe the heart sickness I had as I drove to work and had to wait until 10:00 AM for my dealer to open.  I called at 10:01 and spoke to the manager of Allied Pools in Green Bay.  He was extremely unsympathetic as I told him of our problem.  His solution was to give me a cell phone number to contact their contracted technician.

I called the number and got voice mail.  Frustrated, I left a message and called the manager back.  Again he was very disinterested in our situation.  I asked him if there was anything he could do to help me.  He said he could give me a second cell phone number to another contracted technician.  I asked him for help getting a hold of someone and if they were going to stand behind their product.  He told me that “we don’t make the units we just sell them” and he would try calling “a couple of times” for me.  I HAVEN’T HEARD FROM OUR DEALER SINCE THAT COVERSATION which is a full week ago.

I felt like I was on an island as I called the second tech who answered the phone right away.  After explaining my situation and my desperation he said he could come out first thing Saturday morning.  Even though I felt I should get service that very day at this point I was satisfied that he would be there in the morning.

He showed up early and determined that the circuit board was bad and possibly a heat sensor.  He said he would order the parts on Monday and we convinced him to have them ship over night which he agreed to.  

The parts arrived on Tuesday and he was at our house Wednesday morning at 5:45 AM.  He changed the circuit board quickly and the tub fired right up.  I pushed pump 2 and we were in business.  EVERYTHING ran great.  Our tub was finally fully alive.

I shocked it with chlorine and left for work.  Lunch couldn’t come fast enough to check on it.  When I got there it was running great (except for the circ pump and ozonator which I’ll put on a different post).  The water had cleared up and everything was working.  I was tempted to get in but wanted to wait for my wife so I had to go back to work without getting wet.

My wife beat me home from work that day which only happens about 10 times a year.  She had her suit on and we jumped in.  THIS TUB is absolutely fantastic.  It is so much more than we even thought.  As I write this on Thursday (we got it fixed yesterday morning which was Wednesday) we have been in the tub 5 times for about an hour each time.  We love it.

A couple of things.

1.  I sure wish Spiderman sold Jacuzzi because I know our week of agony would have been handled much better.  2) Our dealer is a joke.  3) God taught me a big lesson on priorities.  4) and when running (which I hope is for years to come) the J480 is awesome.

Thanks for listening.  I kept this as short as possible and have not even come

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J480 J=junk??????
« on: May 08, 2008, 11:24:35 pm »


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Re: J480 J=junk??????
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2008, 11:39:31 pm »
Its unfortunate that your first experience with your spa was not a great one, most of which was caused by an unresponsive dealer.  The dealer really should have been out to do an orientation and a startup with you, as well as installing your cover lifter and ozonator, if you have one.  My dealer does most of their own repair work.  The techs have a good idea of what the problem is and bring the parts needed when they come so most problems are handled with one trip.  I've always felt that the dealer is as important as the manufacturer.  You've got a good product...your dealer needs a little help.  Congrats on your new spa.


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Re: J480 J=junk??????
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2008, 11:55:06 pm »
 We used a [glow]Watkins[/glow] pre-filter

Well there's the problem.  ;)

All joking aside, I'm glad things turned out ok. Welcome to the Jacuzzi Club.


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Re: J480 J=junk??????
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2008, 12:58:06 am »
Its always important to find a dealer who cares about your needs both before and after the check is given to him. I hope this doesn't become a recurring theme if other issues arise.

As far as the problems you had, electronics do fail sometimes and its not uncommon to be at start up as they "burn in" but it doesn't mean that you should expect this to be an ongoing issue. Let's hope all gos well from here.
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Re: J480 J=junk??????
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2008, 01:18:50 am »
It surprises me that Jacuzzi doesn't require it's dealers to service their own product.  I know Watkins requires it of a dealer when they sign them up.  They don't like contract technicians like that.

Sorry to hear your dealer is so unresponsive.
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Re: J480 J=junk??????
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2008, 06:58:51 am »
Wow, not much dealer support at all.
My dealer was all over my install.  They put the coverlift on, assembled the extra bar and stools I bought, assembled and installed my ill-fated patio screen and installed the SpAudio system.  Since then, they have literally jumped on any minor problem I might have and are ALWAYS available by cellphones or email for any questions.

What is up with this dealer?
Can you discuss his lack of service with Jacuzzi directly?  
Given their good reputation, I can't believe Corporate would be happy with how your situtation was handled.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2008, 07:00:28 am by Richs100 »
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Re: J480 J=junk??????
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2008, 08:13:12 am »
It surprises me that Jacuzzi doesn't require it's dealers to service their own product.  I know Watkins requires it of a dealer when they sign them up.  They don't like contract technicians like that.

Sorry to hear your dealer is so unresponsive.

Hmmmm---sounds to me like it wasn't the contract tech that was the problem, only the dealer--I don't think it would've made one iota difference if it was the "dealers" technician.

Just my opinion, for what it's worth!!

CHrisi ;)
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Re: J480 J=junk??????
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2008, 08:23:40 am »
Your dealer sucked.  

There is nothing worse than spending a boat load of cash on a new toy and the going through this. I know exactly what you mean when you said you were "heart sick".

 You were more patient than I was.   When I had a probelm on another tub of mine  and the sales person blew me off, I was on the phone with the owner.  The good thing was the owner was on me like white on rice.  

The other thing that stinks is knowing in the future if you had a problem your local guy is  a loser.

Any dealer/store/brand can look like a hero when everything goes right, it's when there are problems you find out who the quality folks are.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2008, 08:45:17 am by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva

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Re: J480 J=junk??????
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2008, 08:26:42 am »
What is up with this dealer?
Can you discuss his lack of service with Jacuzzi directly?  
Given their good reputation, I can't believe Corporate would be happy with how your situtation was handled.

My wife emailed Jacuzzi on Sunday and asked for a reply email and a phone call.  We've heard nothing.

I intend on composing a letter to Jacuzzi and to my dealer.  My dealer has 5 or 6 locations in the state of WI and I intend on sending a copy to each location on top of sending one to whoever is in charge of the entire group.

In His Peace,

Water Boy

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Re: J480 J=junk??????
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2008, 08:32:56 am »
Its unfortunate that your dealer treated you this way Fred. Sorry to hear that. Sounds like you did have a good service man though. I know if I treated customers that way we wouldn't be in business for very long.

Just curious, why didnt the people that delivered the spa do all of the start up procedures, and install your cover lifter for you?? Then this would have all been fixed right away.
Arctic Spas Dealer of the Year- 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009

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Re: J480 J=junk??????
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2008, 08:34:50 am »
Its always important to find a dealer who cares about your needs both before and after the check is given to him. I hope this doesn't become a recurring theme if other issues arise.

As far as the problems you had, electronics do fail sometimes and its not uncommon to be at start up as they "burn in" but it doesn't mean that you should expect this to be an ongoing issue. Let's hope all gos well from here.

Thanks for the encouraging words TERM.  My relief comes from knowing that the service tech is very responsive and knoledgable.  (Even though he doen't stock a lot of parts).  I don't have to deal with the dealer, I can call him direct.

I don't even have to deal with the dealer when we buy our chems or filters, when we buy our umbrella, when we buy our patio furniture and in a few years when I buy my pool table.

I'm on vacation today so I'm going out to soak and drink a cup of coffee.  We really love the tub, it's unfortunate that they were the only possible choice to purchase from.

In His Peace,


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Re: J480 J=junk??????
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2008, 08:39:39 am »

We really love the tub, it's unfortunate that they were the only possible choice to purchase from.

Sounds like that is a local market where a good dealer could clean up!  
He probably knows he's the only game in town, so why try harder.  Hopefully, another enterprising dealer will come in there and clean his clock some day.
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Re: J480 J=junk??????
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2008, 08:43:57 am »
Just curious, why didnt the people that delivered the spa do all of the start up procedures, and install your cover lifter for you?? Then this would have all been fixed right away.

We were really interested in only two manufacturers; HS and Jacuzzi.  Spiderman (HS) was going to do just what you are suggesting but we really liked the Jacuzzi better.  Our dealer told us they just brought it over and it was up to us to fill it and so on.  Since we really only discussed setup and delivery with two dealers I wasn't sure if Spiderman's method was the industry standard or if most just delivered it and setup was on your own.

NO question about it, if Spiderman sold Jacuzzis we would have been in a much better state of mind.

In 1992 I but a brand new car that died the first day and wouldn't start.  They fixed it and I ended up putting 198,000 miles on it before giving it up (it was still running).  Let's hope this it the same situation.

In His Peace,


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Re: J480 J=junk??????
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2008, 08:47:03 am »

What is the name of the dealer, and where are they located?
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: J480 J=junk??????
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2008, 09:08:46 am »
Maybe JJ can PM you some contact information for the upper management of Jacuzzi. They should know that the local dealer is not representing their product very well.

Scott  >:(
2008 Jacuzzi J-470

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Re: J480 J=junk??????
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2008, 09:08:46 am »


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