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Author Topic: Pacific Spas??  Anyone??  (Read 7545 times)


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Pacific Spas??  Anyone??
« on: April 17, 2008, 08:44:47 am »
OMG!!  I am ready to JUMP!

While I was at my beeotch and moan :P :o ICU staff meeting last night, hubby got onto the web again and found Pacific Spas.  The endeavor looks BEEOTCHIN!! ;D :o

Looking at the very nice website, it has a lot of options, 3 step purification, including inline UV and Ozonator, plus the bling and colors we are looking for.  Just when I thought we were narrowing things down!!?? :-/ :-/  I see they are from B.C. Canada.  They have an icylene FF insulation.  Seems to be a nice and deep tub, as well. (41" high!)

ANy thoughts or experiences??  Canadians out there??  Let me know---I have an email out to the local dealer! :D

I will try to make this a link--but if not just copy and paste to your browser--some day I'll figure out how to link it!!


Thanks all...again...Chrisi :) ;D
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Pacific Spas??  Anyone??
« on: April 17, 2008, 08:44:47 am »

Water Boy

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Re: Pacific Spas??  Anyone??
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2008, 09:00:59 am »
I believe Pathfinder is affilated with Pacific Spas. Where's Pathy when you need him. Sorry Chrisi but I dont know much about them other than they are built in Canada!!
Arctic Spas Dealer of the Year- 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009


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Re: Pacific Spas??  Anyone??
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2008, 09:06:43 am »
From the looks of it, they have a lot of jets, but only three, maybe four different types.  Not really much variety there.  From what I understand, they are basically how you described:  A bling spa.  That is what you'll pay for.  I haven't heard a lot about their quality other than they are considered mid-level.  Not a Jacuzzi or Sundance, etc.

But, if looks is what you're after, then it appears to be a good choice.
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Re: Pacific Spas??  Anyone??
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2008, 10:59:22 am »
good looking tubs!

just looking at this makes my back feel better!



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Re: Pacific Spas??  Anyone??
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2008, 11:04:57 am »
good looking tubs!

just looking at this makes my back feel better!


Me too, Zep!!  And the leg jets to go with it!!!  I read a bit on the web site--seems to be a well made spa.  It seems there is only one dealer in my area, though, and he only has a Sparta to look at.  Still might be worth the trip to look and sit.

I will try to get in touch with Pathfinder to see what he thinks!
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Re: Pacific Spas??  Anyone??
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2008, 12:35:20 pm »
"I will try to get in touch with Pathfinder to see what he thinks!"

Good idea......I have got some sound advice from Pathfinder
and he never has the "my way or the highway" attitude.

« Last Edit: April 17, 2008, 12:35:52 pm by Zep »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Pacific Spas??  Anyone??
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2008, 12:59:13 pm »
 Being we are only a stone throw away from them they were beating our doors down to sell them, not gonna happen!  So they finally gave up.

That being said they are not a bad built spa, they use Gecko equipment least they use to, the jets are pretty generic as in everyone has the same, except Jacuzzi and Sundance. ;)  They appear to have added some features such as the squirting water, looks familiar,H,S. waterfall,looks familiar Artesian, spa frog system,Marquis.  But if you like it once again its up to you, wet test when you can!!

In Canada eh

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Re: Pacific Spas??  Anyone??
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2008, 05:45:10 pm »

  We took a good look at Pacific before we bought our Bullfrog.  We really liked the tub but the dealer appeared to be on shaky ground.  The tub looked to be very well made and I understand that Pacific has been in business for about 25 years.  They claim to be one of the most energy efficient spas on the market and they do appear to be well insulated.  I'm not sure if they still use Gecko controls, I thought they used Baboa but I may be wrong.

  Pathfinder, who regularly contributes to this website is a Pacific dealer in Ontario.  Hopefully he will see this thread and respond.  Personally, I would put Pacific in the mid to high end category like Bullfrog or Caldera but that's just my opinion
Bullfrog 451


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Re: Pacific Spas??  Anyone??
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2008, 05:58:07 pm »
Thanks all!!! Pathfinder did send me a PM with some info that will come in handy.  THey do look nice!!  Probably the Calypso would be more in my price range, though.  

I still can't wait to wet test the JQZ 470 this Sunday ;), and I still haven't heard from my Arctic/Dynasty dealer about what is in??!!!  I have sent her an email.... :-?

Oh well....hoping now to see a Pacific!!!!!!

as the saga drags on...and on...
still, wewannahottub!!!!!!!!!!! :) ;D ;D ;D
The grass is greener on the other side because the bulls**t is better...

In Canada eh

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Re: Pacific Spas??  Anyone??
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2008, 06:01:01 pm »
still, wewannahottub!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Hopefully soon to become........wegottahotub!!!!!
Bullfrog 451


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Re: Pacific Spas??  Anyone??
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2008, 06:33:32 pm »
I just bought a Pacific spa and preferred it over Caldera, Jacuzzi and Sundance.  Caldera came in at #2 though.


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Re: Pacific Spas??  Anyone??
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2008, 09:36:19 pm »
I just bought a Pacific spa and preferred it over Caldera, Jacuzzi and Sundance.  Caldera came in at #2 though.


What did you like better with the Pacific over the other 3??  I am doubting at this point it will be in the running with us, since our local dealer only has one tub--I haven't asked if he will be getting any other models in, though.  

What tub did you get??

We will be wet testing a jacuzzi tomorrow and later in the week Arctics and a Dynasty Caspian 55. ;)

Thanks for your reply!!! :D

Chrisi :)
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Re: Pacific Spas??  Anyone??
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2008, 11:14:22 pm »
I sent you an email but basically it was just the right jets, right power, right everything for me.

I also found that they initially say the price is very high but the dealer brings it down to a reasonable price.  I got the Calypso with premium, partial serenity and power (including cover/cover lifter/steps/GFI/spa chemicals free for a year/delivery/set up etc) You can also customize and I removed part of the serenity package since I had no interest in the spraying water fountain.  

I also tried the Artesian line but the seats weren't right for me and the power/jets were too uncomfortable for me.  That's not to say it is not a good spa as everyone is very individual and that's why it is important to wet test.

The one hot tub I was most disappointed in was the Jacuzzi 365.  It had a low number of jets and not much for the upper back which is where I need it.


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Re: Pacific Spas??  Anyone??
« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2008, 09:57:27 am »

Thanks for your response.  THis thread will probably be allowed to shrivel up and die, only due to lack of dealers in the area, and the one that is available has only 1 model.  And with today's economy, I wouldn't ask a dealer to order a tub only for me to wet test.

Thanks again.

We are wet testing a Jacuzzi 470 today, and Arctics, and a Dynasty later in the week!!! :) ;) ;)

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Re: Pacific Spas??  Anyone??
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2008, 12:11:36 pm »
I have been doing a lot of research in getting my spa.

I am in northern alberta, so wanted one that would be great in winter and energy efficient.  Came down to arctic spa and Pacific.  I went with Pacific for a number of reasons, compared to the Arctic, it has way more option for the same price, also is a "no-floater" with is very important to me, my snoop doggy duck is the only thing I want floating in there besides the stereo remote.

Anyways, I am having the Calypso delivered today, It has literally everything, including lifter, steps, inline bromine, stereo, poser foot massager, etc etc.  I have talked to a few people who own one and the power of the jets is great as well as quiet. The fully insulated inside just makes sense. Arctic said they use the heat from inside the spa, but its clear that when the hot air is used, 30 seconds after the pump is turned on the -20C air will be being used.

The Pacific have the same warranty and with the hoses not having to deal with gravity I think it will last longer.  The pacifics are very well built and are just starting to penetrate the US market so will be going strong a long time.  I investigated these spas inside and out as well as a few other brands, and they (Arctic and Pacific) are top quality.

....just got a call...they will be here in 45 minutes!!! Then I will literally watch it warm for 12 hours..lol

Also the dealer is a local guy, and he said he is within 30 minutes of all his spas and hasnt had one freeze in 5 years.

They will order any spa you want, it doesnt have to be in the showroom...I will post some picks later.

I am paying $12000 for mine with everything vs $12000 for the Klondiker Arctic with nothing in it, few jets, no stereo, no waterfalls,  a floater bromine solution..and did I mention few jets??!!!

"Waterboy" posted some picks of his Calypso on the other forum... http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2149936880025477295vrcaPi

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Re: Pacific Spas??  Anyone??
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2008, 12:11:36 pm »


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