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Topic: Wet Test Question (Read 5817 times)
Jacuzzi Jim
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Posts: 3584
Re: Wet Test Question
Reply #15 on:
April 16, 2008, 03:08:42 pm »
With the internet people are way more informed than they were say 10 years ago, I recently bought a 46"LCD flat screen, I researched a forum called AVS maybe some of you have been there? Anyway their is more than you would ever want to know about a plasma or LCD or any other audio/video type stuff. If your in the market for a flats screen check it out!
I could have saved money buying from the internet, but I chose Circuit city, why? Because if it has a problem I want a place I can go yell at someone, even though I could have saved money ordering on the the web.
Many people I am sure research the web, find the set they want to buy, go to best buy or other, look at the set they want, waste some kids time asking questions and get a price. They then go home researches the internet finds several dealer's for that set, and buys it. He ends up saving money,doesn't pay sales tax and probably has free shipping. Was that wrong or unethical. Not really, whats the difference in the spa world?
Btm line is if a customer comes in my store to buy a spa, and wants to wet test regardless where he's been, if I cant sell him a spa no matter how hard I try, then one, I might not be a very good salesman, 2 he found something better that worked for him. Ya cant get em all.
I just spent a half hour of my time on the phone with Scott (Swell-Tub) Am I selling him a spa? No. But hey its what we do here, partly to spread market share,but mostly cause I enjoy what I do, no matter who I talk to. Other wise what are us dealers doing here?
I have had people call from Seattle to confirm prices from other dealers which is fine, I have other Jacuzzi dealers call and ask if I have a certain spa in stock and can a customer drive up and wet test? Not only yes but hell yes send em on up, as long as we agree on a time for me to be here. Its business and why were in it.
Jeez I don't even own the company but I will go out of my way to help someone, with chems, service issues which is common with the local D1 dealer, heck even people who have bought a Hot springs because they didn't want to use Baqu spa. Which they have now expanded from now. Or the local Sundance dealer who's an ass they dont want to help even their own customers they just sold a spa to with chems if they have bugged em to much.
Anyway if a spa dealer or any dealer for that matter doesn't want to help someone for what ever reason related to their industry they shouldn't be in business.
One thing I should add, is if I am talking to a guy about chems and he has say a Costco spa, I will spend as much time with him as needed, if then a customer walks in and is a potential buyer, I will excuse myself form the costco guy to sell a spa or help a previous Jacuzzi owner, but I will do it nicely and return to him when done if he is still hanging around. Did I sell him a spa? No, but I am selling him his chems for the next 3 years till his spa falls apart.
And I most likely will have a spa sale to him when that happens. This day and age you gotta cater to the masses, their are to many place's to buy from that want their business as well.
Last Edit: April 16, 2008, 03:29:37 pm by Jacuzzi_Jim
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Re: Wet Test Question
Reply #15 on:
April 16, 2008, 03:08:42 pm »
Saved by Grace
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Posts: 134
Re: Wet Test Question
Reply #16 on:
April 16, 2008, 08:07:42 pm »
Thank you for your sincere apology. The problem with email and forums is that you can add all the smiley faces you want but sometimes written words can come across wrong. I'm enjoying getting to "know" all of you and have learned a lot from
yous guys
. (see I'm not from Texas).
Back to your original question. When we wanted to wet test the J375 and the Grandee our dealer was able to set up the test for the J375 with another store in that dealers network. (this one you already know about). Spiderman tried to find a Grandee for us to test also but was unable to. So I took it upon myself to call around and see if there was a store between here and Milwaukee that had a wet Grandee.
As I called around I explained exactly what we wanted to do. We had a local dealer we were going to buy from and were looking for a Grandee to try. EVERYONE of them was pleasant and even though they didn't have one spoke with me at length about Hotsprings and wet testing. This is I guess point number 1. When people are passionate and believe in what they are selling they love to share information with people and help them. These people in my opinion will do well with their business because customers will see their sincerity and be drawn to them.
The last dealer I called on my list had a wet Grandee. Here's where the ethics part will come in. If anyone is familiar with some of my original posts this will make sense. If your not, sorry. The last dealer I called was the dealer we originally wet tested Hot Springs at. It was the dealer that Spiderman corrected about who would be servicing our tub if we bought from a dealer located 100 miles away and seemed to interfere with the deal I was working with them.
Well they have a second store and I called and the owner answered. I asked if she had a wet Grandee and she said yes. I told her who I was and even though she never met me she certainly remembered the situation. I told her we were still shopping and would probably buy from our local dealer. She then told me that she would love to sell me a tub and would service us no problem for $45 travel. That she had been selling and servicing tubs in our area long before Spiderman opened their store.
So we set up a wet test for our ride back from testing the J375. If you've read this far here comes the important part that will speak to ethics. Were we going to buy from this dealer? More than likely not. However, she wanted a shot at selling us a tub. It was probably a long shot. The question is did I play her. Yes. If she would have been substatially lower in her price would I have bought from her. Yes but it would have had to have been a lot lower. As it turned out her "best" price was not much better than Spiderman's.
I struggled with this but decided that she really wanted a shot to sell us a tub so we gave her one. She sure didn't take advantage of the opportunity, but we did. Hottubdan on this one I question my own ethics (you just picked the wrong one). I got so caught up in the search that when I talked to this owner she was ALL salesperson, from head to toe, and I let her be; to our advantage.
Sorry for the novel and thanks for letting me share,
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Re: Wet Test Question
Reply #17 on:
April 16, 2008, 09:31:24 pm »
I think everything you did was fair and ethical. You were upfront with everyone. The shoppers that burn me are the ones Term described, who are not upfront with the dealer, but expect the dealer to be straight with them.
However, that is the game that is often being played. So be it.
Thanks for everyone's input.
Award winning Hot Spring dealer for a gazillion years.
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07 Caldera Niagra
Re: Wet Test Question
Reply #18 on:
April 21, 2008, 02:35:25 pm »
Many dealers I went to were not able to fill a particular spa I looked at, so I went to others in the area to try. I guess if someone came up with a better price, I may have bought from them. I didn't know how to "play" the situation. Tell the truth, or not?? It was very awkward. I think though, what goes around, comes around. If you are giving another dealer's customers a wet test, that dealer has probably done the same for you. Treat all clients as potential customers. I went to one dealer that was much further from my house because they had a particular spa I wanted to try. Though I didn't buy from them, and bought from the closer dealer, I sent a friend to them, because she was much closer to that store, and the salesman deserved a sale too.
No matter what though, all dealers will handle it differently, and all customers will as well. The customer may lie because they are afraid the dealer will turn them away, or fight for the sale (happened to me), or they just feel uncomfortable admitting to wasting someone's time. If you treat EVERYONE well, it always pays off.
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Re: Wet Test Question
Reply #19 on:
April 21, 2008, 03:15:22 pm »
Here are the examples of 2 dealers I want to buy from- #1 sells Jacuzzi and #2 sells Arctic/Dynasty.
Having first contacted dlr #2, we were impressed by the "we'll let you look around" and no pressure sales. The tub we first looked at was sold, and when I called back to see if we would be able to wet test--the tub was already gone. But they ordered a new tub in colors we like to be able to wet test with NO OBLIGATION. Since then, I have added a tub or 2 more We'd like to try, and these are Arctics they don't stock. They have costomers with the same tubs that are WILLING to allow us to wet test. And, they are willing to work out any deal.
Dlr #1 we only recently interacted with, when we first called to see if a 470 was available, they told us one was on the way, about 2 weeks. The spa came in and we were contacted right away, and we were also informed the 480 would be drained, moved and the 470 would be filled so we could wet test. Again, no pressure tactics, we informed him there are other tubs we are looking at. And, he is giving us a GREAT deal.
That will be my only sadness in all of this, it's like having 2 boyfriends (
) and not being able to decide which one to marry!!
. Someone will lose out, but I guess that is part of the business.
Both have been great, both are very accomodating, and I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND BOTH DEALERS IN THE PITTSBURGH AREA!!!
What a fork in the road lies ahead.
Just my $.02 worth!! again...
The grass is greener on the other side because the bulls**t is better...
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Re: Wet Test Question
Reply #19 on:
April 21, 2008, 03:15:22 pm »
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