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I love Auto Fresh. Â I'm not a fan of Baqua either, but Auto Fresh takes the problems we've had with Baqua out of the equation. Â I've sold about a half dozen in the past year, and all the customers love them.If I had a newer spa I'd put one on at home.
From what I've seen, the biggest problem with Banqua and other biguanides is water mold after approx three years of use. Â My dealer, who happens to sell HS, doesn't recommend biguanides anymore except to those who have reactions to bromine or chlorine for this reason. Â How does the Auto Fresh system handle this problem?
A. Â It hasn't been out that long.B. Â I have seen water mold issues with all systems if sanitizers get low and/or shocking is not done properly.
Wow, over $100 a month.
The cartridge is $100 and lasts 2-4 months depending on the size of the spa and frequency of use. That figures out to $25-50/month.Term
From what I've seen, the biggest problem with Banqua and other biguanides is water mold after approx three years of use.... How does the Auto Fresh system handle this problem?
Yes, but the issues with biguanides have been very well documented this cannot be ignored. Â Biguanide problems with water mold have nothing to do with sanitizer level being low or not shocking correctly.
Where is the documentation? Â I am aware documentation with pool products, not spa. Â Help me out here.