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Author Topic: Chemicals- Stain and Scale Control  (Read 6986 times)


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Chemicals- Stain and Scale Control
« on: April 19, 2008, 04:30:09 pm »
Thanks to in-put here I got a new Tiger River Bengal tub.  The dealer took my 1990 Jacuzzi away but I still have some chemicals left including three bottles of Aqua Chem "Metal, Stain & Scale " for a balanced pool.  I bought them at Lowes end of year pool chem sale last fall and thought it was good enough for the old Jacuzzi.  It contains polymaleic acid and phosphoric acid.  Now the dealer for the new Tiger River tub gave me a box of free starter chems.  In it is a bottle of SpaGuard "Stain & Scale Control" for Spa and hot tub.  I can't find the specific chems in it; it  just says multiple active ingredients.  My question is can I use the old Auqa Chem stuff in the new tub?  Dealers welcome!

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Chemicals- Stain and Scale Control
« on: April 19, 2008, 04:30:09 pm »


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Re: Chemicals- Stain and Scale Control
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2008, 09:00:10 pm »
This is just my opinion,
 You have a dealer that probably helps over a thousand spa owners in your area balance their water.  Most likely your dealer has at least 10 years of experience in dealing with the water in your area.  Your dealer most likely understands the equipment in your spa.  He (or she)probably understands the chemical kit that you were given inside and out.  your dealer has probably been to several chemical schools, and understands chemistry better than 95% of the people on this site.
 Why wouldn't you ask your dealer?
Although there are some knowledgeable people on this site, most people here don't even know what a "chelating agent" is.   If someone doesn't truly understand spa chemicals, they have no business telling others how to take care of a spa.
 My advice to you is to "Ask Your Dealer".
Jacuzzi, Hot Springs and Caldera dealer in Los Angeles


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Re: Chemicals- Stain and Scale Control
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2008, 09:40:06 pm »
Toss the Aqua Chem.

I am a dealer, and I authorized this posting.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Chemicals- Stain and Scale Control
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2008, 09:47:24 pm »

 Although there are some knowledgeable people on this site, most people here don't even know what a "chelating agent" is.   If someone doesn't truly understand spa chemicals, they have no business telling others how to take care of a spa.
 My advice to you is to "Ask Your Dealer".

A chelating agent whill pull the metals out.  There used to be a belief that "chelation therapy" was a treatment for autism.  Until it sent a small boy into cardiac arrest and he died, now I don't know if anyone practices that.
The grass is greener on the other side because the bulls**t is better...


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Re: Chemicals- Stain and Scale Control
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2008, 09:54:24 pm »

A chelating agent whill pull the metals out.  There used to be a belief that "chelation therapy" was a treatment for autism.  Until it sent a small boy into cardiac arrest and he died, now I don't know if anyone practices that.
Wewanahottub is the new chemistry expert.  I bow to her (or him) :o
« Last Edit: April 19, 2008, 09:56:47 pm by Micah »
Jacuzzi, Hot Springs and Caldera dealer in Los Angeles


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Re: Chemicals- Stain and Scale Control
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2008, 06:57:36 am »
Thanks for the responses.  Think I will ask the dealer.  I have a list of questions for him that I started yesterday when the tub got connected.


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Re: Chemicals- Stain and Scale Control
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2008, 09:03:00 am »
This is just my opinion,
 You have a dealer that probably helps over a thousand spa owners in your area balance their water.  Most likely your dealer has at least 10 years of experience in dealing with the water in your area.  Your dealer most likely understands the equipment in your spa.  He (or she)probably understands the chemical kit that you were given inside and out.  your dealer has probably been to several chemical schools, and understands chemistry better than 95% of the people on this site.
 Why wouldn't you ask your dealer?
Although there are some knowledgeable people on this site, most people here don't even know what a "chelating agent" is.   If someone doesn't truly understand spa chemicals, they have no business telling others how to take care of a spa.
 My advice to you is to "Ask Your Dealer".

My dealer has not a clue about chemicals.  Why would you automatically assume that all dealers can answer chemical questions?   Believe me, 95% of the people on this site care more than any dealer about answering questions from other forum members.


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Re: Chemicals- Stain and Scale Control
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2008, 12:00:02 pm »

My dealer has not a clue about chemicals.  Why would you automatically assume that [glow]all[/glow] dealers can answer chemical questions?   Believe me, 95% of the people on this site care more than any dealer about answering questions from other forum members.
You will notice I didn't say "ALL".  I used words like "most likely",  "Probably", and "most dealers".  You might have that "unusual" dealer,  but you are the exception, not the rule.
You are correct that most of the people on this site will jump at the chance to give you their "opinion".  To bad those "opinions" don't have the weight of experience behind them.  

Homeowner (1 spa once a week for 2 years) checked water 100 times

Spa Pro (150 spas per week for 5 years)  checked water 750 times

I would take advice from "most" pros over "most" homeowners any day of the week.  (wewanahotub and chemistry experts excluded) ;)
« Last Edit: April 20, 2008, 12:01:24 pm by Micah »
Jacuzzi, Hot Springs and Caldera dealer in Los Angeles


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Re: Chemicals- Stain and Scale Control
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2008, 03:14:58 pm »
I am still amazed at the people on this forum that report hazy, cloudy and even smelly water on display at spa stores.  If the dealers are that smart, it should be a breeze to keep those tubs sparkling clean.  Just because you sell spas doesn't mean you know anything more than a very basic chemical routine.  We have an owner of our local Jacuzzi store, but they are not the dealer...they have a manager and a rapidly changing staff.  If dealers are the best place to go for chemical information, why are so many new tub users so confused on this forum?  My guess is because the dealers are not very well informed beyond the very basics and/or they don't care enough to take the time to really help their customers.  Or is this forum filled with people that are afraid of their dealers...too afraid to ask questions?  I don't think so... ::)


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Re: Chemicals- Stain and Scale Control
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2008, 03:54:57 pm »
Well if you want to know the end of the story, i called the dealer and got one of the owners, not my sales man.  He said that they include the scale chemical because so many people in our area are on well water with a lot of metals in the water.  He said since I was on city water not to worry about that chemical.  He said put some in now and again and he said to use the ole Aqua Chem stuff cause I would be diluting it in 330 gals of water. He said no big deal.

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Re: Chemicals- Stain and Scale Control
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2008, 03:54:57 pm »


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