Alright guys I am back!

Spent two wonderful days in Vancouver B.C. for Jacuzzi sales training, a lot of great stuff as always!! But my arse is sore form sitting on a lightly padded hotel chair from 8am to 6pm with 2 breaks and a lunch.

Oh well, I popped a vicodin, jumped in the Jacuzzi when I got back last night and all is well.
The hotel spa smelled like a chopped up bromine tablet, and it looked like chit, I think it was a Hot springs.

Kidding of course!!

But it did stink pretty bad, needless to say no dealers were using it.
All the others in the class were Canadian, and only been in the biz, about 3 or less years, one guy from Victoria is a Sundance and Jacuzzi dealer and does very well he's been in the biz about 20 years. Some here may know him?? The instructor and the guy I was with were the only 3 Americans there. They talk funny up there!! A
Doesn't look to hard to catch up.