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goarctic,"chicken and the egg" - as in which came first. It's a metaphor for things which are virtually impossible to discern what came first. Surprised you've never heard that one before, it's "older than dirt".
Elementary my dear Watson!!http://www.cnn.com/2006/TECH/science/05/26/chicken.egg/
Now I just have to wait for Steve to rebuke me for commenting on his post....
This was done in 2006?I should get credit for it then!!! I did a philosophy paper on this argument in university in 1984. Basically came down to the same answer. Since the egg is a potential chicken and potentiality preceeds actuality the egg had to have come first.Easy answer, the only thing was, that I had to drag it out to 1000 words
It was PUBLISHED in 2006. It was envisioned long before then. In fact I wrote a thesis paper on it in first grade, 1971, so you were just repeating it by 1984.
For me its as simple as God created the chicken and then it laid an egg.~Fred