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I have been handing out full copies of the Watkins Warranty for the 22 years I have been doing this. It is in the brochure, and it is complete with every word. 8-)
It completely eliminates the need for foundation materials like concrete, decking, or blocks! Just set it on the ground, hook it up, fill and use...installation has never been easier and your floor will last forever in any conditions. In addition, your portable spa is now truly portable. If you move spa locations in your yard or if you move across town, the foundation comes with you.
 I wasnt trying to say that Arctic has the best warranty in the industry, all these disclaimers are much of the same.  Different wording is all. Â
I wasnt trying to say that Arctic has the best warranty in the industry, all these disclaimers are much of the same. Â Different wording is all.
"Also, you say that you have yet to interpret the maximum payout of the warranty, it seems pretty clear to me that they have a set cap on what they will pay in lifetime warranty work on any one specific tub. Â I would like to hear more of what you think after you digest it. "I have read the warranty several times and see no mention of a cap on the warranty. Â As a dealer for over ten years this has never been brought to my attention, and it definetely doesnt say that in the warranty."Insufficiently prepared" means out of level. Â
"Also, you say that you have yet to interpret the maximum payout of the warranty, it seems pretty clear to me that they have a set cap on what they will pay in lifetime warranty work on any one specific tub. Â I would like to hear more of what you think after you digest it. "I have read the warranty several times and see no mention of a cap on the warranty. Â As a dealer for over ten years this has never been brought to my attention, and it definetely doesnt say that in the warranty."Insufficiently prepared" means out of level.
"Arcric Spas warranties are limited to a maximum amount of moneys received by Arctic Spas with respect to the sale of the spa."
I have absolutely no interest in this but just for kicks I read the warranty once and I see"Arctic Spas® warranties arelimited to a maximum amount of moneys received by Arctic Spas® with respect to the sale of the spa."And also if "Insufficiently prepared" means out of level then why state them separately ."Any damage caused by moving of the spa or improper installation (including insufficiently prepared or unlevelled ground)"
Ok, Â In the link you provided, Â http://www.arcticspas.com/downloads/warranty/Arctic%20Spas%20Warranty%20English.pdfPage 2 Section Disclaimers, Last sentence. Â Â IMHO this is a cap. Â Please correct me if I am wrong.And if "Insufficiently prepared" means out of level, why say it? Â It is stated in the warranty as "Insuffieiently prepared or unlevelled ground" Â "Insufficiently prepared" is not necessary (as it is vague) if it means unleveled ground. Â Is "insufficiently prepared" intentionally vague? Â Because "Unlevelled Ground" is not vague.Sorry if it seems I am coming at you, this is how I "roll" Â and yours is the only brand that I have not had the opportunity to grill a sales person in a face to face meeting about. Â So thanks for playing.
First of all I have a "few" issues with your [glow]novel.[/glow] Â