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Author Topic: Jacuzzi 100% no by-pass filtration???  (Read 53013 times)


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Re: Jacuzzi 100% no by-pass filtration???
« Reply #120 on: April 11, 2008, 12:18:40 am »
I don't understand the shock here? Is there a spa manufacturer on this planet that doesn't have those same disclaimers?  :-?

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Re: Jacuzzi 100% no by-pass filtration???
« Reply #120 on: April 11, 2008, 12:18:40 am »


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Re: Jacuzzi 100% no by-pass filtration???
« Reply #121 on: April 11, 2008, 07:24:14 am »
Egads! Say it ain't so!! Next thing you know someone will be telling us Texas has a wh*re-house in it!!! (Lord have mercy on our souls...)
« Last Edit: April 11, 2008, 07:24:35 am by Repeat_Offender »
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Re: Jacuzzi 100% no by-pass filtration???
« Reply #122 on: April 11, 2008, 10:16:43 am »
I have been handing out full copies of the Watkins Warranty for the 22 years I have been doing this. It is in the brochure, and it is complete with every word.


The only reason I brought it up was because people here were claiming "hot springs" had a no hassle one page warranty with no disclaimers.


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Re: Jacuzzi 100% no by-pass filtration???
« Reply #123 on: April 11, 2008, 01:06:05 pm »
Looking at the [glow]Watkins Disclaimer[/glow], I dont see anything in here that I have not been told in a store.  

The warranty may be void if, improperly installed, altered, misused or abused, or repairs attempted by non authorized service person.  Letting it get too hot or cold, leaving it uncovered without water in it, use of harsh chemicals not approved by the mfg, water chemistry maintenance.  Leave the covere off while the spa is empty causing heat distress.

Not covering rodent dmg....  And non residential use.  I think that about covers it.  Nothing to be concerned about here in my opinion.

Now the [glow]Arctic[/glow] one has a few more "items" in it, like the Pump Shaft Seal neglect clause, I dont know how hard it is to detect a pump shaft seal failure, but if it leaks and damages other components, they may not be covered.  Not to mention a noisy pump is not a warranty item.

Union connection leaks are considered to be user serviceable and are not covered under warranty service, and any damage from these leaks are not covered under warranty.
[glow]Final part, kinda interesting,  Arctic spas warranties are limited to a maximum amount of moneys received by Arctic Spa with respect to the sale of the spa.[/glow]   :-?   Does this mean profit, or total transaction?  Wouldnt this need to say, 5 years or untill you use up the money, whichever comes first?

I also found it interesting that the warranty says that any damage caused by insufficiently prepared ground, or moving the spa, is not covered, and I thought the forever floor allowed it to be installed anywhere (not talking about level ground), in fact the website says as much.

From the Arctic site
It completely eliminates the need for foundation materials like concrete, decking, or blocks! Just set it on the ground, hook it up, fill and use...installation has never been easier and your floor will last forever in any conditions. In addition, your portable spa is now truly portable. If you move spa locations in your yard or if you move across town, the foundation comes with you.

So you cannot move it, or can you?  I understand if I damage it its my fault, but is it ok to move it?   Set it on the ground, or prepared ground?   :question

The Cedar Cabinet is excluded from the warranty.

Damage caused by not using the cover while the spa is unattended.

I sell high end cars for a living.  I have read enough to see that both companies make a good product.  But there are Too many Disclaimers for Arctic in my opinion...  I am not a DIY person...  Thanks for making me do this homework...


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Re: Jacuzzi 100% no by-pass filtration???
« Reply #124 on: April 11, 2008, 01:49:12 pm »
First of all I have a "few" issues with your novel.

1."Now the Arctic one has a few more "items" in it, like the Pump Shaft Seal neglect clause, I dont know how hard it is to detect a pump shaft seal failure, but if it leaks and damages other components, they may not be covered.  Not to mention a noisy pump is not a warranty item. "  Water chemistry maintenance which is how its described by Watkins, would imply what Arctic has spelled out here.  Improper water maintenance ruins pump seals.  And by the way its VERY easy to figure that out.  

2."Final part, kinda interesting,  Arctic spas warranties are limited to a maximum amount of moneys received by Arctic Spa with respect to the sale of the spa.      Does this mean profit, or total transaction?  Wouldnt this need to say, 5 years or untill you use up the money, whichever comes first? "

Ill insert a link to the Arctic Warranty, I have read it several times and have yet to interpret this.  http://www.arcticspas.com/downloads/warranty/Arctic%20Spas%20Warranty%20English.pdf

3. "So you cannot move it, or can you?  I understand if I damage it its my fault, but is it ok to move it?   Set it on the ground, or prepared ground?"  

Yes you can move it, thats the great thing about the fiberglass floor it can always be moved without worry of the floor falling off.  They are just saying that you can ram your truck into the floor of the spa while moving it and expect it to be under warranty.

All I was trying to prove with bringing up the Hot Springs disclaimers is that all warranties have disclaimers.  Some on here were implying that Hot Springs didnt operate that way.  

I wasnt trying to say that Arctic has the best warranty in the industry, all these disclaimers are much of the same.  Different wording is all.  

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Re: Jacuzzi 100% no by-pass filtration???
« Reply #125 on: April 11, 2008, 02:36:59 pm »

I wasnt trying to say that Arctic has the best warranty in the industry, all these disclaimers are much of the same.  Different wording is all.  

And location. What goarctic was saying is that the disclaimers that bubbagump talked about are found in the Arctic warranty. The disclaimers from hot springs he was talking about are not located in the warratny, they are located in the owners manual. He was also implying, as did Steve, that all companies use these generic disclaimers in their warranties.
Arctic Spas Dealer of the Year- 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009


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Re: Jacuzzi 100% no by-pass filtration???
« Reply #126 on: April 11, 2008, 02:50:46 pm »
I wasnt trying to say that Arctic has the best warranty in the industry, all these disclaimers are much of the same.  Different wording is all.

Fair enough...  You guys are the experts not I.

I do have a few questions.  1. If the Pump Shaft seal neglect clause was in direct relation to water care, why dont they say that?  What I read is that the seal is under warranty.  But if the seal leaks, any damage that it causes is not under warranty.  It does not say if it leaks due to poor water chemistry.

2. Also, you say that you have yet to interpret the maximum payout of the warranty, it seems pretty clear to me that they have a set cap on what they will pay in lifetime warranty work on any one specific tub.  I would like to hear more of what you think after you digest it.

And in part 3.  If you install my tub and it is on the ground as the web describes, how do they determine if it was the grounds fault for failure, and does that not negate the forever floor advantage of just "set it anywhere that is level?"  
Saying that the warranty considers insufficiently prepared ground (not talking about level here) abuse.  So my question is, if the ground is level, what does insufficiently prepared mean?  The reason I ask this specifically, is that this feature could save me at least one thousand dollars in a concrete pad or deck to set anyone elses spa, but it appears that it could be used to void my warranty...

I am looking at the limited warranty from Watkins, and it has the limitations and disclaimers listed on it in the brochure.  Not sure why anyone would say that there are none listed, and I dont see any post, admitedly in this thread, were anyone said that there are no disclaimers in the Watkins warranty, again its in the brochure that I picked up at the store.

I wasnt trying to say anything about Arctic or Watkins other than that I am looking for a tub, and the issue was brought up.  Upon doing my homework, I have many more questions about your disclaimers than Watkins.  

Again, thanks for making me do my homework.


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Re: Jacuzzi 100% no by-pass filtration???
« Reply #127 on: April 11, 2008, 03:03:22 pm »
"Also, you say that you have yet to interpret the maximum payout of the warranty, it seems pretty clear to me that they have a set cap on what they will pay in lifetime warranty work on any one specific tub.  I would like to hear more of what you think after you digest it. "

I have read the warranty several times and see no mention of a cap on the warranty.  As a dealer for over ten years this has never been brought to my attention, and it definetely doesnt say that in the warranty.

"Insufficiently prepared" means out of level.  


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Re: Jacuzzi 100% no by-pass filtration???
« Reply #128 on: April 11, 2008, 03:25:16 pm »
"Also, you say that you have yet to interpret the maximum payout of the warranty, it seems pretty clear to me that they have a set cap on what they will pay in lifetime warranty work on any one specific tub.  I would like to hear more of what you think after you digest it. "

I have read the warranty several times and see no mention of a cap on the warranty.  As a dealer for over ten years this has never been brought to my attention, and it definetely doesnt say that in the warranty.

"Insufficiently prepared" means out of level.  

I have absolutely no interest in this but just for kicks I read the warranty once and I see

"Arctic Spas® warranties are
limited to a maximum amount of moneys received by Arctic Spas® with respect to the sale of the spa."

And also if "Insufficiently prepared" means out of level then why state them separately .

"Any damage caused by moving of the spa or improper installation (including insufficiently prepared or unlevelled ground)"


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Re: Jacuzzi 100% no by-pass filtration???
« Reply #129 on: April 11, 2008, 03:26:29 pm »
"Also, you say that you have yet to interpret the maximum payout of the warranty, it seems pretty clear to me that they have a set cap on what they will pay in lifetime warranty work on any one specific tub.  I would like to hear more of what you think after you digest it. "

I have read the warranty several times and see no mention of a cap on the warranty.  As a dealer for over ten years this has never been brought to my attention, and it definetely doesnt say that in the warranty.

"Insufficiently prepared" means out of level.

Ok,  In the link you provided,  http://www.arcticspas.com/downloads/warranty/Arctic%20Spas%20Warranty%20English.pdf
Page 2 Section Disclaimers, Last sentence.  
"Arcric Spas warranties are limited to a maximum amount of moneys received by Arctic Spas with respect to the sale of the spa."
 IMHO this is a cap.  Please correct me if I am wrong.

And if "Insufficiently prepared" means out of level, why say it?  It is stated in the warranty as "Insuffieiently prepared or unlevelled ground"  "Insufficiently prepared" is not necessary (as it is vague) if it means unleveled ground.  Is "insufficiently prepared" intentionally vague?  Because "Unlevelled Ground" is not vague.

Sorry if it seems I am coming at you, this is how I "roll"  and yours is the only brand that I have not had the opportunity to grill a sales person in a face to face meeting about.  So thanks for playing.


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Re: Jacuzzi 100% no by-pass filtration???
« Reply #130 on: April 11, 2008, 03:27:53 pm »

I have absolutely no interest in this but just for kicks I read the warranty once and I see

"Arctic Spas® warranties are
limited to a maximum amount of moneys received by Arctic Spas® with respect to the sale of the spa."

And also if "Insufficiently prepared" means out of level then why state them separately .

"Any damage caused by moving of the spa or improper installation (including insufficiently prepared or unlevelled ground)"


My wife says I have a way of sucking people into my conversations...   ;D


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Re: Jacuzzi 100% no by-pass filtration???
« Reply #131 on: April 11, 2008, 03:42:16 pm »

Ok,  In the link you provided,  http://www.arcticspas.com/downloads/warranty/Arctic%20Spas%20Warranty%20English.pdf
Page 2 Section Disclaimers, Last sentence.  
 Â IMHO this is a cap.  Please correct me if I am wrong.

And if "Insufficiently prepared" means out of level, why say it?  It is stated in the warranty as "Insuffieiently prepared or unlevelled ground"  "Insufficiently prepared" is not necessary (as it is vague) if it means unleveled ground.  Is "insufficiently prepared" intentionally vague?  Because "Unlevelled Ground" is not vague.

Sorry if it seems I am coming at you, this is how I "roll"  and yours is the only brand that I have not had the opportunity to grill a sales person in a face to face meeting about.  So thanks for playing.

Your right, its in there.  But to my credit, I have been a dealer for over 10 years and sold many a spa and this issue has never come up.  I will also say that every consumer that walks in my door to ask about a new Arctic spa receives our FULL copy of warranty.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2008, 03:42:37 pm by waylon33 »


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Re: Jacuzzi 100% no by-pass filtration???
« Reply #132 on: April 11, 2008, 04:01:30 pm »
This thread is great!

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Re: Jacuzzi 100% no by-pass filtration???
« Reply #133 on: April 11, 2008, 04:04:09 pm »
First of all I have a "few" issues with your [glow]novel.[/glow]  

 :o  ::)  ;D

that shaft seal must be a touchy subject around the Artic camp
If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame.

It IS as bad as you think and they ARE out to get you.

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Re: Jacuzzi 100% no by-pass filtration???
« Reply #134 on: April 11, 2008, 04:04:25 pm »
Moral of the whole story:

Arctic Spas have a 5 year full warranty.
Hot Spring spas have a 5 year full warranty.

Two good companies offering good warranties. End of story! ;)
Arctic Spas Dealer of the Year- 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009

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Re: Jacuzzi 100% no by-pass filtration???
« Reply #134 on: April 11, 2008, 04:04:25 pm »


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