I just thought I'd share my experience with N2. Originally, I was scared to use N2 with MPS doses after soaking, so I used dichlor and only shocked with MPS. I wasn't that impressed and figured N2 wasn't all it's cracked up to be. With this method I couldn't go more than a day without dosing with dichlor, unless I added a super dose the day before. At one point I used bleach, based on advice I was given, and that was a nightmare that I won't even go into. Then I decided to add a little dichlor after soaking with mps, things went well. I finally decided to dose with MPS after soaking and weekly shocks of dichlor. My water has been perfect. In fact, we had some unexpected things come up and missed 4 days in the tub and didn't even think about checking it. I opened it up today prepared for smelly, cloudy water. The water was perfect. I am just so happy with the results that I wanted to share. I feel like I'm no longer a slave to water care.