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Author Topic: help with switching over to bromine  (Read 14171 times)


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help with switching over to bromine
« on: April 02, 2008, 11:40:19 am »
You have all helped me before on the board and i'm hoping you can do the same again for me.
My husband is having a skin reaction to chlorine in the winter months so I need to change to bromine. My questions are

1, Do I have to dump my water even if it's less than a week old?
2, What chemicals do I need to get started?
3, what is the daily, weekly, monthly routine?
4, will I be able to go back to chlorine in summer?


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help with switching over to bromine
« on: April 02, 2008, 11:40:19 am »


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Re: help with switching over to bromine
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2008, 11:51:49 am »
You have all helped me before on the board and i'm hoping you can do the same again for me.
My husband is having a skin reaction to chlorine in the winter months so I need to change to bromine. My questions are

1, Do I have to dump my water even if it's less than a week old?
2, What chemicals do I need to get started?
3, what is the daily, weekly, monthly routine?
4, will I be able to go back to chlorine in summer?


Standard bromine tabs contain chlorine and keep a residual with tehir slow release as opposed to the dichlor granules I assume you've been using which probably leave less chlorine residual in the water when you've use it depending on your method.
Some here have expereince with Brilliance which is bromine only. That might be the approach to take.
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Re: help with switching over to bromine
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2008, 11:58:13 am »
You have all helped me before on the board and i'm hoping you can do the same again for me.
My husband is having a skin reaction to chlorine in the winter months so I need to change to bromine. My questions are

1, Do I have to dump my water even if it's less than a week old?
2, What chemicals do I need to get started?
3, what is the daily, weekly, monthly routine?
4, will I be able to go back to chlorine in summer?


Ok, I am a new hot tub owner, 7 weeks now. So take this for all its worth...

1 - Dump the water, it has to be one or the other
2 - This depends on your water, I just started with bromine granual, my ph was low and so was my alkalinity, so I purchased accordingly
3 - I still use my tub almost daily, so I add bromine after every soak depending on how many people where in the tub. For example, if it was just me, half a cap of concentrate. ( I also have an ozonator)
4 - Yes, if you dump the water.

There are more experinced hot tubbers here, they might have better advice, but this has worked for me.

Good luck
« Last Edit: April 02, 2008, 11:59:29 am by webboy »


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Re: help with switching over to bromine
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2008, 12:46:44 pm »
My experience is somewhat different.  I did not dump the water when I switched over.  I know from past experience that the chlorine level will diminish pretty quickly on it's own.  I added granular bromine to build a "reserve" that was in the OK range on the test strip.  Then I put bromine tabs in a floater set at the midpoint.  Then I monitored every day for about a week to make sure the floater was set correctly.  Bromine has a lower Ph, so expect to be adding a bit more baking soda than you are used to.

Personal opinion, I really like Bromine a lot more, mainly because it is much easier.  When you're done in the tub on those chilly nights, dropping the floater back in, closing the lid, and scooting inside is much quicker than standing around waiting for the dichlor to mix in before you close the lid.


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Re: help with switching over to bromine
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2008, 01:53:20 pm »
You can go from chlorine to bromine without dumping the water.
You should dump the water if going from bromine to chlorine.
The old adage, "once a bromine tub, always a bromine tub", until you do a water change,


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Re: help with switching over to bromine
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2008, 02:03:05 pm »
You can go from chlorine to bromine without dumping the water.
You should dump the water if going from bromine to chlorine.
The old adage, "once a bromine tub, always a bromine tub", until you do a water change,

That's the way it works!!
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Re: help with switching over to bromine
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2008, 02:25:55 pm »
Thank you for being  helpful.I Was thinking of using the tablets for now and see how it works out. Do I use chlorine free shock once a week? and use the tablets in the floater of the rest of the week? That's all there is too it?

Thank you all again for being very helpful!


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Re: help with switching over to bromine
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2008, 02:40:16 pm »
Thank you for being  helpful.I Was thinking of using the tablets for now and see how it works out. Do I use chlorine free shock once a week? and use the tablets in the floater of the rest of the week? That's all there is too it?

Thank you all again for being very helpful!

If you use the tablets your husband will be subject to more chlorine than what he's had with your chlorine granules. Those bromine tablets contain chlorine!!
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Re: help with switching over to bromine
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2008, 03:01:09 pm »

If you use the tablets your husband will be subject to more chlorine than what he's had with your chlorine granules. Those bromine tablets contain chlorine!!

As mentioned, there's no need to drain. If and when you back to chlorine, you will need to change the water.

The bromine pucks are awesome and it seems many of our US counterparts are a wee bit behind. 80+% of Canadians use a bromine puck system and love it. It is a salt based system and much easier on your eyes and skin. That said, most "reactions" to spa water are more pH related than sanitizer related. Cooler temps, low humidity, showering every day and using the spa draws out many of the skins natural moisture which in turn, can and will lead to dryness and possible skin conditions related to moisture loss.

In your bromine floater, dial it in to the average use of your spa. It may take a few weeks to determine what that is. Add a granular bromine during heavy use and after heavy use to boost bromine levels as need be and shock weekly. The rest of your balancing will remain the same. Don't rely too much on your floater. Common problem. If bromine drops very low, it may take 2 or 3 days for the pucks to catch up with in turn, opens the door for cloudy/foamy water (as with chloine as well). This is where you use your bromine concentrate...

I disagree with Spatech in that you are converting chlorine to bromine even though there is chlorine in bromine pucks. You will not have more chlorine as chlorine is a small % of bromine. I think he's thinking that bromine should be 3-5ppm whereas chlorine is 1-3ppm. Being that bromine is not stright chlorine, the result is actually less and the bromine salts is what is sanitizing.

Lastly, you will need to form a bromine base in your water and not just throw some pucks in a floater. Bromide is activated by bromate and you will need to get these in the water previously. There are products now which are a combination of both (granular bromine form) which is a concentrated bromine granular product. I recommend that.

This all sounds confusing but IMO, it's an easier system that what I call "spoonfeeding" a tub with dichlor.

Absorb that and let me know if you have any questions... ;)



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Re: help with switching over to bromine
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2008, 04:19:48 pm »

This all sounds confusing but IMO, it's an easier system that what I call "spoonfeeding" a tub with dichlor.

In this case, "easier" is in the eye of "sanitizer"!  I find adding a couple of tsp. of dichlor after soaking to be VERY easy...probably, IMO, much easier than setting the bromine dispenser properly and monitoring the tablet usage.  And soaking in water that does not require a bromine reserve is much more appealing to me...YMMV. 8-)
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Re: help with switching over to bromine
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2008, 04:41:14 pm »

In this case, "easier" is in the eye of "sanitizer"!  I find adding a couple of tsp. of dichlor after soaking to be VERY easy...probably, IMO, much easier than setting the bromine dispenser properly and monitoring the tablet usage.  And soaking in water that does not require a bromine reserve is much more appealing to me...YMMV. 8-)

OK, I've never been a bromine fan but I know some swear by it but for me the dichlor "add as you exit" routine is also easier and I don't feel like I'm sitting in Bromine soup.

To each his own.
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Re: help with switching over to bromine
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2008, 05:01:23 pm »
True, until a week passes between spa uses. A week without sanitizer. I'll take my chances with water that's sanitized daily.
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Re: help with switching over to bromine
« Reply #12 on: April 02, 2008, 05:14:00 pm »
True, until a week passes between spa uses. A week without sanitizer. I'll take my chances with water that's sanitized daily.

And that is the issue with chlorine... It's awesome if you use your tub on a very regular bases. The opposite is true if you are a weekly user or less. Yes, ozone blah blah blah can help but...

I would much rather have a bromine floater adding bromine into spa as needed than have to remember to go out to my spa and spoon feed it. Yep...to each his own. ;)

Bromine soup? Nah...not if you are taught properly how to balance water.

My question is this...

If you are adding chlorine only after soaking, what happens if you have gone 4 or 5 days or a week without using the spa? Obviously you are now bathing in water with a zero sanitizer reading which is not recommended right?

I must be missing something...


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Re: help with switching over to bromine
« Reply #13 on: April 02, 2008, 05:21:41 pm »

That said, most "reactions" to spa water are more pH related than sanitizer related.

I disagree with Spatech in that you are converting chlorine to bromine even though there is chlorine in bromine pucks.

You are completely correct in your statement about reactions and pH!!!  Thank you for backing up what I've always told people on this subject.

As far as the conversion of chlorine to bromine from having some of it in the pucks, it's a little confusing, and I hope I explain this properly.

Once a bromide (Br2) is introduced into the water (H2O) it forms Hypobromus Acid (HOBr) versus a Hypochlorous Acid (HOCL) from chlorine.  

When HOBr comes into contact with a nitrogen (germs, sweat, urine, whatever), it becomes a compound called a bromamine (NH2Br).  Bromamines, unlike chloramines, can continue to sanitize bacteria, have a much lighter odor, do not cloud the water and do not irritate the skin and the eyes of bathers.

As for the reason most chemical companies put chlorine in their bromine pucks, when HOCL comes in contact with a bromamine, it regenerates it back to HOBr.  

Since bromamines are rarely a problem in pools or spas, break point oxidation is not required, but you still need to shock regularly to remove the sanitized waste.  I prefer to do this with a chlorine based shock, but MPS can be used as well.  Also, any from of oxidation will regenerate bromamines back to HOBr as well assuming there is a "bank" of bromine established.

All of this information can be found in BioGuard's ChemPlus book which any BioGuard dealer should have available for his or her company and employees.

Sorry if this got a little too scientific, but the argument actually prompted me to pull out my own ChemPlus book so I could properly explain what I wanted to say.


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Re: help with switching over to bromine
« Reply #14 on: April 02, 2008, 05:51:58 pm »
Best explanation I've heard so far T&C.

I use bromine and find it easier. I spent 8 days in Daytona (Bike Week), home for three then 8 more in Ft Lauderdale (spring break with my daughter). Never touched the tub, came home opened up to perfect water.

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Re: help with switching over to bromine
« Reply #14 on: April 02, 2008, 05:51:58 pm »


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