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You have all helped me before on the board and i'm hoping you can do the same again for me.My husband is having a skin reaction to chlorine in the winter months so I need to change to bromine. My questions are1, Do I have to dump my water even if it's less than a week old?2, What chemicals do I need to get started? 3, what is the daily, weekly, monthly routine?4, will I be able to go back to chlorine in summer?Thanks!
You can go from chlorine to bromine without dumping the water.You should dump the water if going from bromine to chlorine.The old adage, "once a bromine tub, always a bromine tub", until you do a water change,
Thank you for being helpful.I Was thinking of using the tablets for now and see how it works out. Do I use chlorine free shock once a week? and use the tablets in the floater of the rest of the week? That's all there is too it?Thank you all again for being very helpful!
If you use the tablets your husband will be subject to more chlorine than what he's had with your chlorine granules. Those bromine tablets contain chlorine!!
This all sounds confusing but IMO, it's an easier system that what I call "spoonfeeding" a tub with dichlor.
In this case, "easier" is in the eye of "sanitizer"! I find adding a couple of tsp. of dichlor after soaking to be VERY easy...probably, IMO, much easier than setting the bromine dispenser properly and monitoring the tablet usage. And soaking in water that does not require a bromine reserve is much more appealing to me...YMMV. 8-)
True, until a week passes between spa uses. A week without sanitizer. I'll take my chances with water that's sanitized daily.
That said, most "reactions" to spa water are more pH related than sanitizer related. I disagree with Spatech in that you are converting chlorine to bromine even though there is chlorine in bromine pucks.