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Author Topic: Ready to pull trigger on Pelican or Piper Glenn  (Read 13671 times)


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Re: Ready to pull trigger on Pelican or Piper Glen
« Reply #30 on: April 02, 2008, 08:12:03 am »
I'm going to wet test a J-480 Friday , not sure what you mean Hubby's head is bangin off the shell ???

I just mean that when he relaxes his head back in a seated position, his head is not hitting the pillows, even thoug Jacuzzi makes an adjustable pillow, with it all the way to the top.  Hubby likes to lay his head back as he would if it were ours and filled with water and chillin'.

That's why he wasn't comfortable.  I realize you can get toss over pillows for any tub.    The nice thing about 470 and 480 is the back part of the tub is much higher than the front.  So it all depends on where you are comfy.

Good luck with the wet test!!

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Re: Ready to pull trigger on Pelican or Piper Glen
« Reply #30 on: April 02, 2008, 08:12:03 am »


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Re: Ready to pull trigger on Pelican or Piper Glen
« Reply #31 on: April 02, 2008, 10:56:53 am »
I know you've done a lot of shopping/searching and hate to see that time wasted but I think you need to consider getting a shorter husband!!


I just mean that when he relaxes his head back in a seated position, his head is not hitting the pillows, even thoug Jacuzzi makes an adjustable pillow, with it all the way to the top.  Hubby likes to lay his head back as he would if it were ours and filled with water and chillin'.

That's why he wasn't comfortable.  I realize you can get toss over pillows for any tub.    The nice thing about 470 and 480 is the back part of the tub is much higher than the front.  So it all depends on where you are comfy.

Good luck with the wet test!!

220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Ready to pull trigger on Pelican or Piper Glen
« Reply #32 on: April 02, 2008, 01:46:20 pm »
I know you've done a lot of shopping/searching and hate to see that time wasted but I think you need to consider getting a shorter husband!!

OUCH!!! That's going to leave a mark......
2008 Jacuzzi J-470


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Re: Ready to pull trigger on Pelican or Piper Glen
« Reply #33 on: April 02, 2008, 02:01:33 pm »

   The nice thing about 470 and 480 is the back part of the tub is much higher than the front.  So it all depends on where you are comfy.

 I am assuming that you mean the back ( as where the waterfalls are ) and the front up by the controls . At 5' 10" I hope I dont have this problem , cause after draining the margarator my head may fall back also   ;) ;D


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Re: Ready to pull trigger on Pelican or Piper Glen
« Reply #34 on: April 02, 2008, 04:47:26 pm »
Hey all!!

I don't think Tom relishes losing his head or anything else to get a little shorter ;D ;D ;D

Spatini--That is what I meant--the back where the waterfalls are where the tub is higher---almost fit Tom.  You should be ok, but hey, after a Margarator draining, whose gonna feel any pain??? ;D ;D :o :o ;D ;D

we'll probably still wet test a J470 just to be sure--waiting for the store to get one in.

In the mean time--gonna call the Artesian dealer 3 hours away...he has a Piper but not wet--I think he has a Cayman though...

But after that--back to 12 hour night shift :'(

LOL all [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] [smiley=lolk.gif]

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Re: Ready to pull trigger on Pelican or Piper Glen
« Reply #35 on: April 02, 2008, 07:08:41 pm »
my Jacuzzi dealer had the j 480 dry but I called today and he siad he would fill and it should be ready friday , so thats the plan. I'd ask your Artesian Dealer to fill the Piper for you.
 If I 'm right the Piper Glen will be nothing like the Cayman , as it is in the Platinum Elite line , I think It could only compare with the Dove Canyon , Pelican Bay and maybe the Quail Ridge the seat set up is the same / with or without lounge and they are the only ones with a motor for each seat ( man that is a great feature ) no diverters , I tried an Artesian Grand Bahama and though it was very nice it was a different tub that the Elite Line, Wife also said the Platinum ELite Line was also much Quiter than all the others I wet tested ( again I think it has to do with the motor at each seat and not having to go through the diverters ) , I'm sure someone will chime in about this.


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Re: Ready to pull trigger on Pelican or Piper Glen
« Reply #36 on: April 03, 2008, 08:35:59 am »

I called the Artesian guy, and requested a wet test on Friday after work, andlet him know it would be towards the end of the day (they close at 8 p) since it is a long drive.  He told me, Well, I have a piper in the warehouse, but not on the floor where it can easily be filled.  Then, get this, he says "hardly anyone wet tests anymore" !  WTF!!!  I said we don't buy unless we wet test.  This guy hardly would let me get a word in edge wise, and then sais, well I'll see what I can do, and then I am to call before I leave.  Hey, he did offer to fill some Sundances!!-----Go figure.  I started to tell him we don't want sundance, and never got to finish.

All in all, we want to go test the Piper.  A company rep (artesian) had told us if a Piper was unavailable, the seating of the Grand Cayman would be similiar to the Piper, and is as well, a nice spa.  We like the idea of more pumps to control the seats, though.

I am waiting for a Dynasty to come in to wet test, and that is the same dealer that sells Arctics, and she is checking to see what big tubs she has in the warehouse to be available at the same time.  THAT is the dealer I want to deal with==they have taken VERY good care of a friend of mine--has a Kodiak Legend Extreme with bar/steps/lift/cover and stools, (wraparound steps) for <$10k!!  (floor model and in great shape!)  Whena dealer seems to repeatedly make some lame-arss excuses, I don't want to deal with it.  I try to do my job to the best of my ability and take care of business, so I have little tolerance for those who could care less to do theirs.  I do have some high standards, and I think most of the dealers on this forum do as well.  

Most of these dealers (on the forum)  that I have seen will transfer water and fill tubs so their customers can test.  I seem to be hitting roadblocks.  (I believe the dealer mentioned above--Arctic/Dynasty dealer---is willing to do what it takes to make sure a tub is right for the customer!)

Good luck and I'll keep posting the events as they occur--- :) ;)

Chrisi :)

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Re: Ready to pull trigger on Pelican or Piper Glen
« Reply #37 on: April 03, 2008, 09:49:12 am »
I'm starting to get the feeling that Spa's are not rocket science! Most brands with a few exceptions offer a variety of seating arrangements and features. Basically you are setting in hot water and it is swirling around. So with this said I think the dealer part becomes even more important.

For me I'm leaning towards a Sundance Optima because the dealer is close to my house and services what he sales. No trip charges and he has been in business a very long time. I really like the Jacuzzi but it is a new dealer and I don't have a comfortable feeling that they are going to continue to sell portable spa's because their main business is in-ground swimming pools and in-ground spa's. The guy has his mother who is a sweetheart selliing the spa's in the store. They carry the less popular models because that is what Jacuzzi sent them for displays (I guessing).

Anyway I'm starting to think the brand is less important than a good dealer.

Scott  ;)
2008 Jacuzzi J-470

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Re: Ready to pull trigger on Pelican or Piper Glen
« Reply #38 on: April 03, 2008, 10:32:40 am »

Anyway I'm starting to think the brand is less important than a good dealer.

Scott  ;)

It is definitely as important to have a good dealer. You can buy a great spa, but if the dealer isn’t there to assist with warranty or service issues, then you are screwed. I encourage customers to ask for referrals and check out the local BBB of companies as well. That usually gives you a pretty good gauge of what the dealer will be like. :)
Arctic Spas Dealer of the Year- 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009


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Re: Ready to pull trigger on Pelican or Piper Glen
« Reply #39 on: April 03, 2008, 12:33:29 pm »

 I encourage customers to ask for referrals and check out the local BBB of companies as well. That usually gives you a pretty good gauge of what the dealer will be like. :)

I couldn't agree more!!!!!

The grass is greener on the other side because the bulls**t is better...

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Re: Ready to pull trigger on Pelican or Piper Glen
« Reply #39 on: April 03, 2008, 12:33:29 pm »


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