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Author Topic: in a quandary...  (Read 13964 times)


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Re: in a quandary...
« Reply #45 on: April 01, 2008, 05:27:21 pm »
Agreeing with both sides here, still leaning on the consumer side, though. $2500 is a lot of cash to just drop==I can understand a "10% cancellation fee" or something similiar, but the deposit??  no way.  I was hoping glfahlc would reply to these postings and clear the air about the contract, but he hasn't yet.  I believe someone early in the thread felt "buyer's remorse" ws involved, and I agree, but still there should be some way out without losing the whole deposit.

example==what if his wife died (God forbid) as this was purchased for her??  There is always a way out, at some expense, especially to the consumer.

glfahlc, you may take the floor to explain the contract you signed.

Good luck with everyone

Scott-sorry to hear about your mom and step dad.  May you be provided with compfrt knowing they are not in pain.  It sounds like some consumer advocacy needs to occur over those charges, though.

as i stated earlier, when we signed the contract my wife's dad's estate was still in the court system. planning on using that to pay for the tub and gazebo but in the meantime the wife got high blood pressure and is chemically allergic. the smell of chlorine could kill her. the contract if i remember stated that if delivery wasn't taken wthin a year of signing, deposit would be forfieted.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: in a quandary...
« Reply #45 on: April 01, 2008, 05:27:21 pm »


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Re: in a quandary...
« Reply #46 on: April 02, 2008, 04:51:56 pm »
as i stated earlier, when we signed the contract my wife's dad's estate was still in the court system. planning on using that to pay for the tub and gazebo but in the meantime the wife got high blood pressure and is chemically allergic. the smell of chlorine could kill her. the contract if i remember stated that if delivery wasn't taken wthin a year of signing, deposit would be forfieted.

If at all possible, find your contract.  Did you first contact (and hopefully document) the dealer/manufacturer WITHIN the year to cancel??

I hope so--you may have some recourse--but documentation is the key!!

$2500 is a lot to lose.  I wish you the best.  And, I would contact the BBB when this is done, b/c it doesn't sound as though you have been treated fairly.

Geez, the chlorine allergy must be he-doublehockeysticks since public water is treated with it, pools, and many facilities clean with chlorine products. Good luck to her, and hope she can be treated by a good allergist.

The grass is greener on the other side because the bulls**t is better...

Hot Tub Forum

Re: in a quandary...
« Reply #46 on: April 02, 2008, 04:51:56 pm »


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