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Hi all!SInce we are on the subjects of Calderas, I have a question. When on the website, it seems ONLY the Aquatic Melodies series has the only 2 models available with a stereo. Which, IMO, doesn't leave much options on other models, and you are limited to just those 2. Can a Caldera dealer/rep please verify or clarify for me?? I wold be interested in the Niagara. WWHT
Have you located the closest Arctic dealer?
Chrisi,You can get music on all Caldera Spas. Â It is a new option for 2008, and dealers may not be aware of it. Â http://www.calderaspas.com/Spa_Showroom_Hot_Tubs/accessories_spa_music.html
RK23--having recently gotten off the phone with our Caldera dealer, he said the new stereo option is an aftermarket wireless set up with 2 hang on speakers. It would seem to me that it could be purchased.Still, not feeling much more than lukewarm about HS and Caldera. And, Sundance doesn't fit us well. back to searching...