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Author Topic: water depth on the Tiger River Bengal  (Read 2437 times)


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water depth on the Tiger River Bengal
« on: March 05, 2008, 11:26:25 am »
Can anybody tell me how deep the water is on the Bengal.

We need to know from the lowest seat up to the water line.  We know the sides are 33", we just were wondering how deep the actual water is when it's filled.

We can't find any place around to wet test it, and we have some concerns abou the depth.

thanks ::)

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water depth on the Tiger River Bengal
« on: March 05, 2008, 11:26:25 am »


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Re: water depth on the Tiger River Bengal
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2008, 11:46:07 am »
I'll try to remember to measure when I get to the shop.  Will post tonight if no one has beat me to it.  Term?  Chas?  Spiderman?  Etc.?

Keep in mind angles of reclining seats change the actual seating depth.

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Re: water depth on the Tiger River Bengal
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2008, 11:47:51 am »

I'm 6'1" and am very tall in my upper torso.  I never have a problem finding a seat that covers my shoulders.  I don't know the exact depth, however the lounger and 12 jet corner therapy seat are both very deep.  You will find, like many, that you're not wanting to be so low in the water for a very long time anyway.  However, when I tested the Bengal vs. the Prodigy, the Bengal had much more depth to it even though they're both 33" tubs.  Its just the way they designed the TR with more sculpted seats.

I might be able to get out a measure mine, but unless you're extremely tall, this shouldn't be a problem for you.



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Re: water depth on the Tiger River Bengal
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2008, 01:41:03 pm »
I've got a wet floor model on my floor, so I took some rough measurements for you.  The shallowest seat was about 21", two of the other seats were about 22", and the corner seat and the lounger measured about 24".

I put a tape measure to the lowest point of the seat and measured to where your shoulders would be.  

One thing to keep in mind, there are no people in the tub to displace water, but I do have the water level to just below the pillows.

Just for clarification, I had myself and 2 friends in my Bengal at home last night, and the corner seat and lounger had water just over my shoulders, while the shallower seats kept my shoulders a couple of inches out.

Hope this helps!!!


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Re: water depth on the Tiger River Bengal
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2008, 07:35:36 pm »
I put a tape to our floor model Bengal just now  and I get 29" from the floor to the top. That would be max fill - water just overflowing.

I get 31 and 30 to the top of the pillows on corner seat and the lounger. This is longer than the straight up measurement because the seat back is at an angle - thankfully! That would be your water depth if the water was all the way to the top of the pillows - you certainly can run it much lower if you desire. I have my spas filled low when I set them up for wet testing - around 22 to 24 inches. Lots of range on the TR.

Took pics with my Iphone - sorry they are so bad.

« Last Edit: March 05, 2008, 07:53:41 pm by Chas »
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

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Re: water depth on the Tiger River Bengal
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2008, 07:35:36 pm »


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