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I out of filter cleaner what will work that i could get local without trip to dealer 80 miles round trip
If using either of the above, RINSE REALLY WELL! Not sure if I would recommend dishwashing detergent... You could end up with a real soapy mess in your tub!You could also put your filters in bleach for 5 or 10 minutes and then rinse them and let dry. Alternating filters is always best.
I've never needed to use anything but hot water and a spray nozzel from the sink.
Does your dealer sell chems online? Â Or would he ship to you?
I am a firm believer in filter cleaner or other appropriate cleaning product. Â Cleaners cut soaps, oils, etc that inevitably get filtered out and end up in the filter medium. Â Rinsing, IMO, is not as thorough. Â The interval between deep cleanings is debatable, though, and rinsing filters periodically withing that interval makes good sense.