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Author Topic: 24 hour filtration vs. setting schedue  (Read 3575 times)


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24 hour filtration vs. setting schedue
« on: February 27, 2008, 07:16:30 pm »
Does anyone know the difference between a spa that has the 24 hour filtration system and one that you have to set it to filter every so often.

Does it really make a huge difference in the water quality.

Still trying to compare models.  We are looking at a Beachcomber that we would have to set the filtration schedule.  We are almost sold on this one.  Just not quite sure about that feature. :-/

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24 hour filtration vs. setting schedue
« on: February 27, 2008, 07:16:30 pm »


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Re: 24 hour filtration vs. setting schedue
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2008, 07:49:51 pm »
The answer to your question is - no it doesn't make a difference.

We all have clean hot water whether we have circ pumps or not. It's just a way that a manufacturer decided to design their tub. I thought Beachcombers came with circ pumps, they used to have huge circ pumps (I think they were the first with large circ pumps).

Electronics are also becoming sophisticated where even tubs with circ pumps get help from the main pump(s) if you want them to. You can have them filter during the day and let them sit quietly at night ... of course circ pumps don't make too much noise at all.


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Re: 24 hour filtration vs. setting schedue
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2008, 09:03:18 pm »
Both work. I like each one for different reasons. The circ pumps are quiet and thats nice. The large pumps move much more water and break the surface tension of the water. I like the programmable pumps if you have a party or extra heavy use you can increase the filtering to off set  this. The cric pumps if you have ozone give you 24 hours and there are those who like them for this reason. IN the end both have pluses and minuses to them but both will work.


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Re: 24 hour filtration vs. setting schedue
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2008, 09:09:51 pm »
If you are ordering the 350 BLE(under step) the hush pump is standard  If its the BOP(equipment inside) the hush pump is an option.  There should only be a $500 difference between the 2 models.


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Re: 24 hour filtration vs. setting schedue
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2008, 09:28:04 pm »
IMO, the Hush pump offers far greater value. The cost to operate a Hush pump 24 hours per day is slightly less than running a 56 frame motor on cycles and the result is much more filtration and virtually quiet operation of the spa.

The Hush filters 42,000 gallons of water per day differing from most circ pumps which are again IMO, nearly useless. The "fish tank pumps" many spas have create poor results and have a short lifespan in comparison.

The question then becomes, if my cost of operation is similar, I can extend the lifespan of the jet pumps by not having them running on cycles, I can filter far more water per day and have a tub that doesn't create the humming noise most spas make during filtration cycles (while the tub is sitting in my back yard under my bedroom window...), why wouldn't I opt for the Hush?

I've been around both systems and I would never buy a Beachcomber spa without a Hush knowing the benefits to the end user.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2008, 09:30:53 pm by Steve »

Hot Tub Forum

Re: 24 hour filtration vs. setting schedue
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2008, 09:28:04 pm »


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