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Author Topic: The Big home show  (Read 4569 times)


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The Big home show
« on: February 24, 2008, 08:42:48 am »
Columbus' biggest home show is going on this week. It really is a good show as far as these go.  As far as the hot tub people.   The first I saw was our local QCA spa dealer, who for 20 years before was a Master Spa dealer (old story) I had heard a rumor they might have a Dynasty Spa, but they didn't.  Later, I saw Spas direct, which is probably the one dealer in the Columbus area, that I have never made it to for some reason. They had some island series spa, I didn't take a long look, but didn't look bad. Finally, I found Rainbow Spas, which 5 years ago was a D1 dealer, a couple years ago was a Coast dealer, and recently has become a Catalina Dealer.  

As usual, the two biggest dealers in our area don't attend these type of events.
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The Big home show
« on: February 24, 2008, 08:42:48 am »


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Re: The Big home show
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2008, 02:43:15 pm »

These shows have gotten so costly to do for a dealer and the returns have been mediocre at best. I think more dealers might be looking to do more promoting in their own store. I will say this most dealers could offer a better deal at their store they could at a home show. There are those who only do home shows like the so called Master dealer in my area all he does is shows.


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Re: The Big home show
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2008, 07:01:59 pm »

These shows have gotten so costly to do for a dealer and the returns have been mediocre at best. I think more dealers might be looking to do more promoting in their own store. I will say this most dealers could offer a better deal at their store they could at a home show. There are those who only do home shows like the so called Master dealer in my area all he does is shows.

I know the number of hot tub dealers at our state fair has gone way down, which isn't neccesarily a  bad thing.
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Re: The Big home show
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2008, 11:43:46 am »
I have put my home show participation on hold for a time.  The unavoidable issue with Home Shows is selling time, which is about 40 hours over three days.  The space required to display enough tubs is large and expensive, and all other overhead items are costly too.  State Fairs last 10 days or so, and that overhead is proportionately greater than the weekend show.  When you start to break down time needed to sell a hot tub from start to finish, as much as three hours and divide that into the duration of the show, the situation becomes a diminishing return. Good luck


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Re: The Big home show
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2008, 11:54:32 am »
I have put my home show participation on hold for a time.  The unavoidable issue with Home Shows is selling time, which is about 40 hours over three days.  The space required to display enough tubs is large and expensive, and all other overhead items are costly too.  State Fairs last 10 days or so, and that overhead is proportionately greater than the weekend show.  When you start to break down time needed to sell a hot tub from start to finish, as much as three hours and divide that into the duration of the show, the situation becomes a diminishing return. Good luck

I certainly see your point.  One one hand, buying a hot tub is one of the last things on my list when I go to the State Fair. (Among many other things that are at the fair) If it wasn't for my affiliation with this board, I probably wouldn't look at home shows and fairs.  However, it was those type of shows that helped put that idea into our heads 6 or more years ago.  The dealer we did buy from had been at the fair many years, but I don't think it affected our purchase, which was made at the store.  No doubt  some purchases are made because of fairs and shows, but they may not occur during that time, and may not even go to the dealer who attended the show.  
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Re: The Big home show
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2008, 12:24:33 pm »
Just bought my Hotspring spa yesterday from the Harrisburg Home Show from a local dealer.  I just happened to ask how many sales they average over the 9 day show.  He replied that he usualy sells between 70 & 80 spas.  Figure nearly $5,000 in pocket from each sale (roughly 50% of the average sale) and that's $35,000+ in 9 days...not to mention the residual sales from the advertisment that people at the show see (wordy, I know).  Don't know about you, but that sounds pretty darn good to me.  Am I missing something?

« Last Edit: February 25, 2008, 12:27:16 pm by SPORT »


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Re: The Big home show
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2008, 02:16:16 pm »
Just bought my Hotspring spa yesterday from the Harrisburg Home Show from a local dealer.  I just happened to ask how many sales they average over the 9 day show.  He replied that he usualy sells between 70 & 80 spas.  Figure nearly $5,000 in pocket from each sale (roughly 50% of the average sale) and that's $35,000+ in 9 days...not to mention the residual sales from the advertisment that people at the show see (wordy, I know).  Don't know about you, but that sounds pretty darn good to me.  Am I missing something?


well you might be missing a few things. The first being that most dealers are not doing anywhere close to 70 to 80 spas at your average home show. Now there are those markets that are very good for home shows but if you live in area like So Cal where you can find a home show like show just about every weekend somewhere they just don't pack the same impact that a place that maybe has one or two a year would. Also I am confused about your math 70 spas you say at $5000.00 profit if I read your post correctly (which I do not think is even close) would $350,000.00 not 35,000.00 so I am not sure if it is me or are your numbers off.

Dr. Spa™ Ret.

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Re: The Big home show
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2008, 02:28:39 pm »
That could explain the fly-by-night companies that only do shows  ;D

Seriously, take what ever number of spas you were told were sold, and divide by at least 3.......... probably more like 6 or 8
If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

Retired (mostly) from the industry after 33 years...but still putzing around with a consumer information website, and trying to sell obsolete owners manuals


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Re: The Big home show
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2008, 02:32:57 pm »

well you might be missing a few things. The first being that most dealers are not doing anywhere close to 70 to 80 spas at your average home show. Now there are those markets that are very good for home shows but if you live in area like So Cal where you can find a home show like show just about every weekend somewhere they just don't pack the same impact that a place that maybe has one or two a year would. Also I am confused about your math 70 spas you say at $5000.00 profit if I read your post correctly (which I do not think is even close) would $350,000.00 not 35,000.00 so I am not sure if it is me or are your numbers off.

My bad...I missed a zero before the camma.


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Re: The Big home show
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2008, 02:34:31 pm »
That could explain the fly-by-night companies that only do shows  ;D

Seriously, take what ever number of spas you were told were sold, and divide by at least 3.......... probably more like 6 or 8

lol...well...yeah......but just using the numbers that were presented...


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Re: The Big home show
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2008, 02:39:33 pm »
That could explain the fly-by-night companies that only do shows  ;D

Seriously, take what ever number of spas you were told were sold, and divide by at least 3.......... probably more like 6 or 8

Although that sounds more reasonable, I would have to ask what the operation costs are for 9 days at a home show.  50% of say 14 spas, which is 70 divided 5 times, is only around $7,000+/-.  Granted, I'm no business man, but that doesn't sound like it's worth while.


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Re: The Big home show
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2008, 03:12:19 pm »

Although that sounds more reasonable, I would have to ask what the operation costs are for 9 days at a home show.  50% of say 14 spas, which is 70 divided 5 times, is only around $7,000+/-.  Granted, I'm no business man, but that doesn't sound like it's worth while.

Now you understand why many dealers are passing on shows they used to do, just not worth the effort. I will add again that you should always be able to every bit as good a deal, if a dealer has a regular full time showroom at the showroom. For those dealers who keep a retail store any off site event simply adds cost and it is money above and beyond what your store cost to operate.

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Re: The Big home show
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2008, 02:43:32 pm »
A few big reasons why not "all" of the dealers go to these is. .
1. Cost- the price to even just be there has sky rocketed over the past few years -

2. You have to usually bring in out of town sales people (with promises of the world to your customers) and then try to mop up after them when they leave  - NO OFFENSE TO ANYONE - its hard to staff a showroom and a "show"

3. Customers still want to come into your showroom and look around - to make sure thngs are on the up and up.

Most stores offer specials during this time of year - such as left over 07 models at a discount, scratch n dent models, and special financing. . without dragging everything to the fairgrounds  ::)

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Re: The Big home show
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2008, 02:43:32 pm »


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