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Hey Dax, Your friend Jerry wants to have a cheese steak with you  ..Or maybe a Sub
I want them both to lose! ..not sure if we can even watch that game since we really dislike them that much. I can't imagine my husband "blessing" both sides at once :-/.rooting for Washington was bad enough this past weekend...I really wished that Jeff Garcia was successful though. :-/
the look on Jerry's face was priceless....we were loving it!!!!
Jerry was REALLY bumming on the sideline in the fading moments and you know the cameramen were readying that shot as the last pass was intercepted. If it weren't for all the plastic surgery we'd have seen a FULL frown but his face doesn't stretch enough to allow it.
The GIANTS MADE T.O. CRY Oh my gosh I will forever be a surreptitious Giants fan just because of that
Why do you think that Brady (other than his Michigan education) isn't in many commercials?