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I like loungers, they could hve done better on the design though
The things I would change:I hate drinking out of cans.....and the aluminum bottles are really expensive.
I have a Arctic Summit Legend.Darned jet tab thingies keep breaking, and it is a hassle to get new jet since I have no local dealer!
Hey Ivie, did you ever post pics? :-?
Love the powerLove the jets are movable, after 6 months I had them where I wanted them and have made few changes.Love the layout.Footblaster jet in bottom is great. Would change Wrist jets worthless2 smaller floor jets badly designed, almost no water comes out.Jet layout on lounger is poor (hits heals not rest of feet and jets behind kness and none behind thighs. ) There are a couple of other reasons this lounger is poorly designed. I like loungers, they could hve done better on the design though