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Just saw that it had a lot of jets, a lot of BHP at a good price, so he bought it.
What are we doing wrong to make so many folks buy simply by price and not look at quality/warranty/service/support etc.?? 8-)
I personally own 2 Hyundais and yet people call them POS and make fun of them. IMO they are just as good as a Honda or Toyota and better than a lot of other cars out there.
Hyundai is a different animal IMO. They were once a total POS (my B-I-L owned one, it was a hunk of junk). They really worked at turning that image around and seem to have chanegd a lot of people's opinions (after a decade+ of making a bbetter product) but some just still remember the crap they used to put out.
Trust me I tried doing research at www.whatsthebest-mattress.com and they are worse than us on here. Â
OMG, I cannot believe there really is a "whatsthebest-mattress.com site!