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Author Topic: Went to a Sundance Dealer today  (Read 6036 times)


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Went to a Sundance Dealer today
« on: January 19, 2008, 10:33:25 pm »
I just went to a Sundance dealer today, and I was impressed.  Im thinking about Cameo, im going back to wet test on Monday.

Im sure there are some people on this thread that have Cameo/Optima.  Give me your thoughts.  

Price was $8850 cash price for 2007/ $9550 cash price for 2008, this is for Cameo, Im probably going with 2008 cause the 07's are out of the color I want.  Basically, I have to pay 700 for color.  

Last question, the side of my house is only 30 inches b/c of the fire place :-[.  How is that process with the Crane she was telling me about?

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Went to a Sundance Dealer today
« on: January 19, 2008, 10:33:25 pm »

IL Parrothead

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Re: Went to a Sundance Dealer today
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2008, 11:45:34 pm »
8% increase for the new one?  That seems a little high to me.


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Re: Went to a Sundance Dealer today
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2008, 11:50:03 pm »
you know


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Re: Went to a Sundance Dealer today
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2008, 11:51:54 am »
Where is the dealer located?

And yes, that seems high.  Don't forget, final price increases are set by dealers.
Bullfrog Spas Dealer.  Raising the bar for customer service.


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Re: Went to a Sundance Dealer today
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2008, 12:07:57 pm »
Is that price difference really a price increase?  Couldn't the low price for last years model be that low because they want to get rid of last years models?  It isn't that this years model actually went up that much in price.  


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Re: Went to a Sundance Dealer today
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2008, 02:51:52 pm »
I know in my area the 2007 Cameo/Optima prices out in the 9's from a dealer that sells a ton of them.  IMO, the 880 series Sundance spas are among the very best in engineering, style/design and build.  Arguably the best controller on the market.  I really like the high flow circ pump and filtration system.  BTW, you do not need to use the disposable filter if you prefer a standard pleated.  My spa was craned over my house to wiithin 24" of my house on one side and 24" of a higher section of deck on the back.  They were very precise with the placement...one person at the crane and a second on the ground with a two way radio.


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Re: Went to a Sundance Dealer today
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2008, 06:13:31 pm »
My guess is that it is a discounted 2007 price versus a regular price for a 2008 spa.


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Re: Went to a Sundance Dealer today
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2008, 08:36:14 pm »
That discount is based on the 2007 units that are available in the five existing stores.  Basically, they are floor models.  So you are stuck with the colors that are in the those 5 showrooms, the combo I want is not available.  

I think I want the copper sand with the mahogany, and the floor models are all lighter colors.  But, the lady says the only difference is that the '07 can be delivered tomorrow and the '08 has to be built.  I will probably wait for the $800 difference, but yea I would love to go for the '07 if the color combo was right.  

Kinda of cool to have them build you your own specs!

Im wet testing tomorrow, then is an HOA approval away.  Ive pretty much decided on an '08 cameo.


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Re: Went to a Sundance Dealer today
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2008, 10:16:01 am »
I purchased an '07 Cameo back in June.  Not sure where you're located, but I'm north of Philly and paid $9K.  Came with matching steps, cover, lifter, 250mg ozonator, drink tray, and all start up chemicals including a Sun Purity cartidge.  FWIW, we chose the bluegrass shell with birchwood skirting.  Use it just about every night, and absolutely love it.  However, if I were you, I wouldn't decide on anything until you wet test it.

The Cameo lounger fits me perfectly.  I love the neck, back, and foot jets along with the bubble jets which feel great on the legs.  However, my wife is a little too short to feel both the back and feet jets.  Plus she tends to float out of it particulary if the diverter is set to maximize the lounge jets.  This didn't concern her however, because she loved the therapy seat.  It's my second fave seat, and does give you a great back massage.  It also allows you to set your feet on the lower whirlpool jets for a deep foot massage.  My only complaint is that the diverter valve to intensify the back massage, shuts down the whirlpool jets on the feet, and vice versa.

You will like the Cameo, but you really should wet test others (Sundance models and competitors) for comparison.  I did, and just happened to like the Cameo the best.  But your opinion may vary.  If you're going to drop that many dimes, you may as well get what you like best.

One other thing is to consider the dealer.  That was also one of the things that sold me on the Cameo compared to the Jacuzzi J480 I also liked an awful lot.  My local Sundance dealer had a great rep and even came recommended from a couple friends who had bought spas there.  The local Jacuzzi dealer carried different spa brands all the time.  Mostly dealt with lower cost spas, and even advertised as much.  However, when I was in the market, they featured the Jacuzzi line.  Now it's a little more than six months later, and they no longer carry Jacuzzi.  Not sure what would have been done for service had I bought the J480 from them.  So take the dealer into account during your shopping as well.

Good luck!


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Re: Went to a Sundance Dealer today
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2008, 09:55:17 pm »
Hey Ptaylordmd,

  How did the Cameo wet test go? I too like the idea of a spa being built just for you.  (kind of).

  My local dealer (southern Ct.) Sundance dealer  said changes for 08 include but are not limited to :

  "Terra Stone" cabinet and matching steps available.

   Two new Acrylic colors...pearl and some kind of dark sand finish.

   New, more functional jets in some seats.

   And...huge for me...new synthetic base material

  Good luck.........Sean


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Re: Went to a Sundance Dealer today
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2008, 10:39:00 pm »
I wet tested a 780 series and a 800 series, It was the bigger Maxxus.  Maxxus was insane!  Too big for me, I ended buying an '08 Cameo.  I am so pumped, this is going to be the longest 4 weeks of my life.

Went with Sand and Mahogony.  Went to the same dealer, in a different location and he gave me $500 off the lowest price and the other place.  

I ended up paying $9395 for the 2008 Cameo with an ozonator, and all the throw in, cover, starter kit...

Im pretty pumped.  Have a two story house, with a 28 inch side area.  The two options are bust the fence or crane it in.

Anyone have theirs craned in?


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Re: Went to a Sundance Dealer today
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2008, 08:19:49 am »
The two options are bust the fence or crane it in.

Anyone have theirs craned in?

Yup.  See my post above.  Its quite a sight to see your spa being lifted over your house.  When I bought my spa, the dealer used a crane for all deliveries.



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Re: Went to a Sundance Dealer today
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2008, 04:03:33 pm »
Anyone have theirs craned in?

I have craned quite a few spas into their locations.

It will most likely be less money, mess, and effort than tearing down your fence.

They are not cheap though.  I have relationships with 3 local companies - so my customers get a little break.  It's still averaging (between the 3) $150/hr, port to port.

Keep a camera handy if you do - it can be pretty neat to see.
Bullfrog Spas Dealer.  Raising the bar for customer service.


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Re: Went to a Sundance Dealer today
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2008, 09:43:15 am »
I ended buying an '08 Cameo.  I am so pumped, this is going to be the longest 4 weeks of my life.

Congrats on the new tub.  You're going to love it!

My dealer quoted me 4 weeks as well.  I felt like a little kid waiting for Xmas.  The dealer received it in 3 weeks.  I hadn't finished my paver patio project and needed the extra week anyway.

Next thing you want to do is take a good look at the Cameo layout and decide on how you want to orient it in your setting.  Mine is positioned that the loung seat looks out into the side yard and the seats next to the waterfall look out to the back of the yard.  Had I oriented it any other way, seats would have been looking at the back of my house or the side of our deck.  Much prefer the openenss of looking out into the yard while soaking.

I was at my dealer once when they received a phone call from a guy who had his tub delivered that morning.  He was having remorse at the way the tub was oriented and wanted it changed.  The dealer does have you sign off on it before they leave.  They told the guy that when they left he was happy with it and signed off.  If he really wanted it rotated or moved, they would have to charge him for it.  So do your homework ahead of time.  Good luck!

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Re: Went to a Sundance Dealer today
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2008, 09:43:15 am »


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