Well Well Well, it looks like the old Bosco has some smarts to him after all!!!!! Ha Ha. If I could only convince my wife of that, I would not have to wear the pants that she always chooses for me to wear.
I did not mean to be abrupt, honestly. In my line of work, there is absolutely no time or room for sugar coating. I guess force of habbit is to cut to the main point. I am a man and the one thing that I know is an excuse when I see one. 9 times out of 10, we men get bored of something and look for the next fix so to speak.
Some men, find this fix through girlfriends on the side and others find this fix through new toys. lets face it, when we all came to this site, it was not just to do research on hot tubs. We become obsessed with our newest toy right? I know it was like that for me. I posted more and more as I got closer to tub delivery and right after delivery then it slowed down a bit. Then I come and go from this site as my intrest in the tub comes and goes. An for the good friendships.
So I would place you as a guy who loves his toys. When the new toy enters the male brain, it consumes us. It makes us forget about other toys and hobbies, etc etc. Forget about the next fix. It is hard, because those who know me would say that I am border line OCD. But honestly you really need to forget about whats next. The reason I say this is because life is far to short. No one really understands this in life until it is to late. Examples, we see it every day. Getting the next job promotion, the new car, keeping up with the Jones's next door, etc etc.
I will say my friend, the only thing that matters to me in this world is my family. My wife comes from the type of family that are savers and I come from the type of family that spends what ever to enjoy memories in life. I never want to have regrets in my life that I never did something or wish that I could go back and change something. I live for today, maybe different then some, but when you face danger on a daily basis and see death hit all walks of life almost every day, you start to see the truth in this message.
.....So young bosco what are you getting at you ask?

If the tub gives you that 20min a day, a week a month a year of quality time that you and your wife or daughter can spend together and create memories that will last a lifetime, then so be it. Keep the dam thing.
Your last post also sheds some light on some things. Could your body weight have something to do with you not using your tub as much??? I will say, I went through a heavy time two years ago. I lost close to 50lbs and must say that before the weight loss, I was reluctant to go in a swimsuit infront of anyone, even my wife. Once I lost the weight, things changed, my confidence etc. etc.
Any how, I want to know what toy you had lined up next??? I know there was another toy that you were focusing attention on. And last but not least, I remember an article that someone posted here a while ago, showing a relation to weight loss and tub use.
And if all else fails, pm me when you are ready to sell the tub, and I will come out there and punch you in the face everytime that you think that it was a good idea!!! Just kidding, but seriously I will punch you if you want me too, I think that it is called classical conditioning.