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Topic: We may have to ... (Read 7107 times)
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Posts: 245
Sundance Maxxus Super Tub
We may have to ...
January 09, 2008, 10:59:34 am »
sell our 3 year old (this June) Sundance Maxxus. Why? We simply do not use it enough to justify owning it. My wife and I have been talking about this for 6 months. She wants to keep it when she's in it every 6 weeks or so as do I. Then we go about our busy lives and get too dang tired to go out at night and soak. I keep the water perfect and find myself silently cursing the cost of doing so because no one uses it! The dang thing sits less than 11 feet from our back door. You simply cross a wooden deck and step onto the concrete pad and go up the stairs and in the tub. So I'm curious as to what you guys think it's worth. I'm thinking six grand. That way I only lose 4! I'll also take suggestions from anyone as to what we could do to actually inspire using it! After all these posts recently about used tubs it seems the market place is rather dismal.
Hot Tub Forum
We may have to ...
January 09, 2008, 10:59:34 am »
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2006 Jacuzzi J-345
Re: We may have to ...
Reply #1 on:
January 09, 2008, 11:04:10 am »
Based on what I've seen lately, I'd think the most you'd get is $5K.
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Re: We may have to ...
Reply #2 on:
January 09, 2008, 12:37:32 pm »
You've got to make it a GREAT part of your day or week. Like a habit--healthy eating, exercise, clean kitchen after dinner, hot tub on MWF!
2005 HS Vanguard
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Re: We may have to ...
Reply #3 on:
January 09, 2008, 03:05:51 pm »
It's worth what someone else will give you for it. Rough ballpark might be to try for your $6000 asking price and see what offers you get.
If spas are in brisk demand in your area you might get a reasonable offer.
If not, well, you might end up keeping it anyhow.
IL Parrothead
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Re: We may have to ...
Reply #4 on:
January 09, 2008, 03:22:27 pm »
I'm thinking -- in my market -- it would probably go between $4,000 & $5,000.
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Re: We may have to ...
Reply #5 on:
January 09, 2008, 04:53:21 pm »
I would honestly hold off on selling it. I have gone through highs and lows with my tub. Now I too, am in a low phase, hence the reason I have not been around lately. I use it once every two weeks if im lucky right now.
Here is what I think about hot tubs.
First off, they are a luxury, not a necessity. If it was a necessity, we would all own one. So to say that we need to use it everyday to justify owning it would be foolish. Because it is a luxury, it should not be viewed as a cost anymore. What are you going to do with the extra 4 to 6k. Really, it will be used on some other stupid thing that you will wind up regreting later on.
Second, the old expression you never know what you got until its gone. You may not use it as much as you once did, because the fad and fun of it has gone away. But trust me, like all good things in life, once its gone is when you will be kicking yourself in the ass, thinking I sure could use a tub right now.
Third, your life is so busy doing everything that you forget to indulge in the simple pleasures. Whats the first thing we all do on vacation. Rest and relaxation. When we go away somewhere tropical or to a hotel, one of the first things that we do is go in the pool or hot tubs. Why is this?
I think it is because we allow ourselves to relax and forget about the hustle and bustle of work and stress etc. Having a tub in your backyard so close is such a great source of relaxation. And although you may use it once and a while, think about the benefit of that right off the hop.
Fourth, as a man!!!!!! Think about the impact of this decision. Your wife wants to keep it. Now think about the next big ticket you want down the road. Your wife will use this as an example every time you look at a new item. Dont give the satisfaction of this.
Fifth, Habbits. You sound like you have a routine in your day with work etc. etc. Think of a diet. When we diet we usually fail because it is short term satisfaction and we usually fail. Now think of a life style change. When you change your lifestyle you usually succeed. So come up with a time frame. Maybe you can get in the habbit of going in twice a week. Just get out there relax and unwind.
I dont believe that anyone here can honestly say that there wasnt a time that they too went through a lull in tub use. Hold on, trust me,
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Re: We may have to ...
Reply #6 on:
January 09, 2008, 04:53:25 pm »
How old are you guys?
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Re: We may have to ...
Reply #7 on:
January 09, 2008, 07:30:03 pm »
Hi Campsalot, check your pm
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Re: We may have to ...
Reply #8 on:
January 09, 2008, 07:44:08 pm »
Here's my $0.02
I wouldn't sell it at this point. Although winter is a great time to soak the fact that it gets dark early is a trigger with some people to mentally wear down. I think it's called s.a.d.s. or something like that. I know I come home and by 8 PM I am ready to crawl into bed.
Since I always get into trouble when I call a tub a luxury, I'll let Bosco get the brunt of this ... he carries a gun!
but I do agree with Bosco! You made the purchase and whenever you feel the need to indulge yourself it is right there. You spent the money and I will assume at this point it is still affordable so why not keep it. I know I don't use it too often as well but when I do - WOW!! I miss it.
Lives go into busy and not. In a few months it may not be busy and you will have something that is there for you to enjoy. Like Bosco said, you may regret it later.
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'05 Marquis Epic
Re: We may have to ...
Reply #9 on:
January 09, 2008, 08:58:30 pm »
I got my tub after years of begging...but because I knew it would help me feel better from my Lyme arthritis. My husband, who was a tough sell, finally relented and we got a tub. He has said so many times that the tub is what gets him through the winter...the tub is the best thing that we ever bought...the tub saves him from the stress at work....the tub gives the family a great place to share time together...the tub lets us enjoy the outdoors in the coldest of the winter (which he hates)..and my favorite..he will NEVER be without a tub, no matter where we live. So there it sits on the deck, because we have also been busy, only the kids have enjoyed the tub lately. My cure for Lyme, the best thing we ever bought. And it is all by itself, nice and hot and lonely! We haven't been in for about 3 weeks. So how can we love something so much but not make time to use it? Sometimes life just gets in the way. I have no doubt that we will go through another run soon when we go in every night, and I would never consider getting rid of my tub. But quite honestly, I only know one person who has had a tub for years that uses it all the time, virtually every day. He never misses, but he has made it a part of his daily routine.
Don't sell your tub. Remember all the reasons that you bought it in the first place and hop back in and it will all be new again
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Jacuzzi J345
Re: We may have to ...
Reply #10 on:
January 09, 2008, 10:10:13 pm »
I think my brother in blue (good to see ya back!) nailed it with his fifth point: Habit
If you and/or your wife commit to using the spa three times a week for the next month, I'd bet you wouldn't part with it. I've done the same thing, gotten out of the habit of getting in every night and then it seems like a burden to do so. At least until you do, then you remember how much you enjoy it and why you bought it.
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Posts: 266
Re: We may have to ...
Reply #11 on:
January 10, 2008, 09:20:40 am »
If you still love the tub at those times when you
yourself to use it, I would certainly keep it. The value of stress reduction is not over rated. And making it a 3 times a week must, as a soaker suggested, will keep you in the habit (and you do love it when you use it) and you won't feel so burdened by the upkeep. Vinny was right about S.A.D. in that many people have a lot less energy for everything in the winter due to the shortened length of the days and less sunshine due to cloudy conditions for a lot of winter weather areas. Do you think you will most likely go back to enjoying it, without force, in the summer? Maybe you will find that you want to close yours up in the winter?
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Posts: 162
Re: We may have to ...
Reply #12 on:
January 10, 2008, 09:44:43 am »
It really isn't that hard to put on your swimsuit, open the cover and get in the tub. I agree that sometimes it is mentally challenging to get off the couch but once you get in and start relaxing in the hot water you will wonder why you don't do this more often. Stress has a way of demotivating you away from the very things that would help you destress. I'm sure most people on this forum would agree that when you go on vacation and get away from the everyday grind you love soaking in the pool or hottub. I think everything in life is like this, even your love life with your spouse. Stress can make you think stupid things like, man I don't have the energy for romance but once you actually take the time you're like why aren't we doing this 7 days a week! LOL!!!
I think you just need to force yourself to let the chores sit for a half hour and go soak. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel afterwards!
Enjoying SpaTopia in my 2006 Hotspring Vanguard
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Posts: 245
Sundance Maxxus Super Tub
Re: We may have to ...
Reply #13 on:
January 10, 2008, 10:53:56 am »
I read everyones responses last night, out loud to my wife. I have to say a special thanks to Boscoe, he just has a way of getting right to it. And do you know....he's right! Yes, money is tight but I'm not hard up for 4 to 5 g's. Plus his thought about future purchases is right on the mark. Someone asked; how old we are? I'm 44 my wifes is 43 and we have one daughter who is 13 going on 20! I also have to mention our Labrador Terrier cross Juno, as he's a major part of the family but not allowed in the tub.
OK back on topic. No it is not S-A-Ds, we live in ND and are very use to winter. In fact, winter is the primary time we use the tub because it's too dang hot in the summer. I would say our primary usage months are October through April.
We will take everyones advice and commit to using the tub a minimum of 3 times in the next 7 days. After a few weeks we will see what we think.
Another thing is we both started diets (why DW did I don't know). I need to lose 120 pounds over the next year. So using the tub may very well be some good medicine. But man, do I miss bread and pizza! Thanks again Boscoe and everyone else who added their thoughts.
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Posts: 80
Jacuzzi J-355
Re: We may have to ...
Reply #14 on:
January 10, 2008, 11:09:11 am »
After a little more than a year of spatopia, I too find that I (or we) go through cycles of heavy usage and then maybe not for 10 days or so. The cool part about it is that absense makes the heart grow fonder, in that after 10 days out, it is even more enjoyable getting back in and I wonder why I thought my life was so hectic that I could not find the time to get in the spa.
I am glad to see that everyone (or at least most people) have ups and downs regarding usage. I too only know one person who uses his spa on a daily basis. My neighbor is 50, on medical disability from a construction work related accident, and has more hardware in his neck and back than Home Depot. He starts each day in the spa to loosen things up and get going.
Good Luck Campsalot--try the committing some time on a regular basis like someone mentioned. That was one of my New Years resolutions--find more time to do things for myself--and time in the spa is going to be one of those things.
Lastly, cburk, what is this swimsuit thing you mention?
Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 11:09:37 am by Tyheethan
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Re: We may have to ...
Reply #14 on:
January 10, 2008, 11:09:11 am »
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