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Author Topic: hot tub folliculitis  (Read 15046 times)


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Re: hot tub folliculitis
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2008, 02:01:16 am »
It may not be folliculitus....In the last 20 years I've found several times people are getting a type of eczema brought on by the chemicals drying their skin to the point that they break out. I've also seen Dr.s misdiagnose it.

Having said that you need ot always treat it like it is folliculitis and do a chemical clean to the spa. Here is my way of doing a chemical clean.

1. add 3-4 oz of Di-chlor to the spa with the temp at the highest point and the cover open
2. run the jets on high for at least 2 hours making sure to cycle all diverters, pumps and blowers
3. close the cover, leave the spa overnight
4. add 2 bottles of over the counter peroxide and run the jets again for a few hours
5. drain the spa...don't worry that much about the chlorine, the peroxide should neutralize it.
6. wipe down the inside of the cover and all surfaces that are above water line with a solution of 3 to 1 Clorox and water.
7. Clean filters well, might be a good time to change them.

The only step that I don't have here is that I often suggest adding a product called swirl away (300 ml) and run the jets 2-3 more hours before draining.

This will kill just about any bacteria that could cause a problem and start things new..As far as getting back in I wouldn't until your skin is completely healed and add a couple of weeks to that.

I also suggest taking some fish oil or something like collagen to help moisturize your skin again (not an expert on skin so ask someone what works best to help dry skin)

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Re: hot tub folliculitis
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2008, 02:01:16 am »


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Re: hot tub folliculitis
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2008, 02:22:50 am »
Thanx for the suggestion and steps to take in sterilizing the tub. I much appreciate that.

The doc did say, as you did, to use a lotion to hydrate my skin. And, like you said, both he and the HS dealer suggested that I stay out of the tub for a good long time because although folliculitis usually clears up in a short time for most people, ocassionally it will hang in with some folks (like me, I guess) for a fair stretch of time.

Thanx again.


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Re: hot tub folliculitis
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2008, 12:22:12 pm »
I just found something really interesting.  You old timers might be familiar with it.  Leslie's has a test kit that measures for bacteria in your spa including psuedomonas, the one that causes hot tub itch.  At $4.99 it seems like it would be a great diagnostic tool for someone trying to figure out if the bacteria is really causing their rash.  


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Re: hot tub folliculitis
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2008, 12:36:35 pm »
I just found something really interesting.  You old timers might be familiar with it.  Leslie's has a test kit that measures for bacteria in your spa including psuedomonas, the one that causes hot tub itch.  At $4.99 it seems like it would be a great diagnostic tool for someone trying to figure out if the bacteria is really causing their rash.  
It's not accurate enough for me to trust...I've seen it register clean and people get a rash.

Your best bet is to just make sure your sanitizer levels are good and change the water at a good frequency. Often people get a rash because they have low alkaline and the water is acidic...This will dry your skin and cause dermatitis.

kokanee,  please don't tell me that I'm saying the same things Doc is...That would mean I'm getting older and wiser!


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Re: hot tub folliculitis
« Reply #19 on: January 02, 2008, 12:43:36 pm »
Stuart, I agree, I think most rashes are caused by something other than the dreaded psuedomonas bacteria.  It seems to be the first thing dr.'s assume, however.  I thought with the test kit, people could rule out the worst case scenario of psuedomonas.  Bromine, MPS, Ph levels and just plain old dry skin can all cause problems.  I bet there are even times that hot tubs get blamed and they aren't even the cause.  


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Re: hot tub folliculitis
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2008, 12:50:33 pm »
Stuart, I agree, I think most rashes are caused by something other than the dreaded psuedomonas bacteria.  It seems to be the first thing dr.'s assume, however.  I thought with the test kit, people could rule out the worst case scenario of psuedomonas.  Bromine, MPS, Ph levels and just plain old dry skin can all cause problems.  I bet there are even times that hot tubs get blamed and they aren't even the cause.  
I understand that however the test is so inacurate that you might as well not do it. It's kind of like the MPS test strips...they work for a few moments after you test and then are no longer accurate.


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Re: hot tub folliculitis
« Reply #21 on: January 02, 2008, 08:20:28 pm »
Dr. Stu,
I think you've hit the nail on the head. I believe I've probably got chemical dermatitus from having dry skin to begin with (which always gets worse in the winter) and a pH level that's too low.

You're a wise person. :)


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Re: hot tub folliculitis
« Reply #22 on: January 03, 2008, 04:13:11 pm »
If you have very dry skin you might want to go to a biguanide system like soft soak or Baquacil.

I've done this with several customers and they love it!


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Re: hot tub folliculitis
« Reply #23 on: January 03, 2008, 07:58:28 pm »
Do you have a link where I can learn more about those? Also, where would I be able to purchase them if I wished  to?


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Re: hot tub folliculitis
« Reply #24 on: January 03, 2008, 08:37:19 pm »
Do you have a link where I can learn more about those? Also, where would I be able to purchase them if I wished  to?

PM me with where you live and I will hook you up with a dealer that can walk you through start up. The important thing will be to get all Chlorine or Bromine out.

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Re: hot tub folliculitis
« Reply #24 on: January 03, 2008, 08:37:19 pm »


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