New years day we got in the spa at about 5 degrees...when we got out I was inside changing and the in-home monitor alarm went off (I love that thing!) showing a DR code. We were low on water and went the spa kicked into its smart clean cycle it sucked in air so the spa shut the heater down.
It was 11pm so I went out, scantly clad, and grabbed the hose that was coiled up next to the faucet, it broke into about 10 pieces! My wife suggested that I grab a bucket and start filling that way. This was a bad suggestion on two levels...first, by this time the temp was below zero, the wind chill was
well below that and I had no intention of splashing water on my sweats while carrying water.
Second, she forgets that I can't lift over 15 lbs right now and would be back in the hospital if I did so
she would be the one out there and I can assure you that the spa would freeze first!
for her I had another hose in the garage!
