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Author Topic: Looking for a Good Hot Tub  (Read 7307 times)


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Re: Looking for a Good Hot Tub
« Reply #15 on: December 17, 2007, 03:51:51 pm »
I too came on this and another site a month or two ago when I started my search. Actually, it was after I made the Thermospa appointment. Although I had read the posts, there seemed to be no way to cancel the appointment. It was exactly like a time share.

Most people would not even buy a pair of jeans without trying them on, why would anyone spend over $10,000 on a spa without wet testing???? Makes perfect sense, right? From my research, only about 10% wet test.

I had no intention of doing so, until I read this forum, and I am so glad I did. The one I thought I wanted to buy, I actually HATED sitting in wet. Stick with the brands mentioned....Hot Springs, Caldera, Sundance, Jacuzzi, Marquis, D-1, Artesian and a few more, and you'll be OK if you have wet tested and have a good dealer.

I was looking for neck, calves and feet, too. I ended up with a Caldera Niagra. I Love my purchase. I originally wanted a lounge, but after wet testing about 10 tubs changed my mind and have no regrets. I will tell you this....it was a very hard decision!

One thing I also have found is that people move "up" in size after their first tub, and usually wish they bought a little larger. I am often in mine alone, and at 7'5" square, it does not seem too big. I love the size, the variety of jets and seating, and the room to float. If I were you, I would err on the side of too big, not too small. Good luck and happy hunting!

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Re: Looking for a Good Hot Tub
« Reply #15 on: December 17, 2007, 03:51:51 pm »


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Re: Looking for a Good Hot Tub
« Reply #16 on: December 17, 2007, 06:14:10 pm »
Well I know that none of you know me personally but let me assure you......High pressure does not sell me!!  As soon as I since it, I immediately go into the shut down mode.  I always felt that if your product is good it will sell on its merits....not some pushy buy it now snow job.  I hope the Thermospa guy calls back.  I look forward to sharing with him my thoughts on their product presentation and "site" evaluation

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Re: Looking for a Good Hot Tub
« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2007, 02:19:57 am »
I agree with Ivie (Searching).  All of my friends that already own tubs wish they went a little larger on their purchase.  For that reason (plus the variety of therapy with the different seats), my wife and I are looking at all of the largest models.


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Re: Looking for a Good Hot Tub
« Reply #18 on: December 18, 2007, 01:51:30 pm »
Well I know that none of you know me personally but let me assure you......High pressure does not sell me!!  As soon as I since it, I immediately go into the shut down mode.  I always felt that if your product is good it will sell on its merits....not some pushy buy it now snow job.  I hope the Thermospa guy calls back.  I look forward to sharing with him my thoughts on their product presentation and "site" evaluation

I am the exact same way.  My tolerance for pushy sales people is set somewhere around negative 1.  I'm far too strong willed to have my purchasing decisions be manipulated by some commissioned sales person or hourly employee.  The second I feel it, no matter what I'm shopping for.....I often find myself getting downright defensive towards them.  Often times...I'll leave and go somewhere else.

Don't be pushed around by some counter jockey whose paycheck depends on whether or not they can convince you to buy a hot tub.  Instead....take your time, wet test, pick the one that's right for you...and you'll be fine.  :)


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Re: Looking for a Good Hot Tub
« Reply #19 on: December 18, 2007, 02:11:30 pm »
One more thing about the Thermospa salesperson........He swore up and down to me that he gets $60 per home visit and NO commission, so there is no pressure......yeah right.


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Re: Looking for a Good Hot Tub
« Reply #20 on: December 18, 2007, 05:12:42 pm »
I am the exact same way.  My tolerance for rude spa shoppers is set somewhere around negative 1.75.  I'm far too strong willed and pretty to have my selling decisions be manipulated by some bucktoothed inbred or foul-mouthed varmint.  The second I feel it, no matter who I'm selling to.....I often find myself getting downright ornery towards them.  Often times...I'll tell them to leave and go somewhere else.

I feel the same way from the other side of the aisle. :)

« Last Edit: December 18, 2007, 05:14:25 pm by East_TX_Spa »
Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: Looking for a Good Hot Tub
« Reply #21 on: December 18, 2007, 05:59:01 pm »

I feel the same way from the other side of the aisle. :)


I understand that salesmen have a tough time with some customers.  However, there is a difference from being rude to out right lying and pressuring someone to purchase something they may not want or need.  I believe that you should put yourself in the other person's shoes, whether you are selling or buying, and treat them with respect.  If you are selling a product that I do not want I will thank you for your time and move on.  


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Re: Looking for a Good Hot Tub
« Reply #22 on: December 18, 2007, 06:04:43 pm »

I understand that salesmen have a tough time with some customers.  However, there is a difference from being rude to out right lying and pressuring someone to purchase something they may not want or need.  I believe that you should put yourself in the other person's shoes, whether you are selling or buying, and treat them with respect.  If you are selling a product that I do not want I will thank you for your time and move on.  

Oh, believe me, I agree with you 100% (especially in regards to Thermospas and their despicable sales methods).

I'm a consumer the same as you and I cannot abide rude or pushy salespeople when I'm shopping for a product.  I've said it many, many times over the years on this forum that some of the rudest, most obnoxious salespeople I've ever met were spa salespeople.  Even some of the HotSpring salespeople I've met over the years were goomers.

We're on the same page, my friend! :)

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« Last Edit: December 18, 2007, 06:05:39 pm by East_TX_Spa »
Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...

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Re: Looking for a Good Hot Tub
« Reply #22 on: December 18, 2007, 06:04:43 pm »


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