OK, not to make anyone feel bad, but you are all NUTS!!! I am from New York, and have been in South Florida 20 years. I miss the change of seasons, and I miss an occasional snow, but to go outside wet and almost naked in that? Are you crazy?
From reading all of these posts, I couldn't wait for the first chilly night here to get in the tub. Well it was chilly last night (warm to you guys...low 50's) I was freezing!!! I still had goosebumps under the water for about 10 minutes before I warmed up! After that, it was great. I did have to raise the temp on the spa though. I usually keep it at 98, raised it to 100 last night (I can't take it too hot, my 2 year old comes in too). Now I see why you guys want to go over 104. The colder it is, the higher you need it!
I have gone in Hot tubs on ski trips, and it was a fun novelty, but to do it all the time?

? BBBBRRRRRRRRRRRR, I'll stay inside by the fire, thanks.
(re-reading this, It has a nasty tone, I don't mean it that way at all......whatever makes you all happy.....my blood has just gotten way to thin for that)