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Author Topic: Tiger River Bengal or Sundance Hamilton  (Read 10486 times)


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Tiger River Bengal or Sundance Hamilton
« on: November 08, 2007, 11:34:43 pm »
We've narrowed it down to these two spas (my wife wants a lounger).  Both are being quoted at about $8000 out the door.  They're throwing in a cover lifter and step as well.  We're leaning toward the Sundance but would like some input prior to pulling the trigger.

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Tiger River Bengal or Sundance Hamilton
« on: November 08, 2007, 11:34:43 pm »

D.P. Roberts

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Re: Tiger River Bengal or Sundance Hamilton
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2007, 11:39:27 pm »
Many people find that they float out of loungers. Have you wet tested both models?
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." - Mark Twain


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Re: Tiger River Bengal or Sundance Hamilton
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2007, 11:57:46 pm »
We're going to wet test them tomorrow evening.  I'm hoping that the lounger blows her across the hot tub.  ;D I'd prefer not to get the lounger.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2007, 11:58:26 pm by smitty33 »


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Re: Tiger River Bengal or Sundance Hamilton
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2007, 08:20:29 am »
We've narrowed it down to these two spas (my wife wants a lounger).  Both are being quoted at about $8000 out the door.  They're throwing in a cover lifter and step as well.  We're leaning toward the Sundance but would like some input prior to pulling the trigger.

Whichever one works best for you.  One is as good as the other.


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Re: Tiger River Bengal or Sundance Hamilton
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2007, 09:27:55 am »
We're going to wet test them tomorrow evening.  I'm hoping that the lounger blows her across the hot tub.  ;D I'd prefer not to get the lounger.


We just finished looking and my wife originally wanted a lounger.  We found two things about them that changed our minds.  One was that the loungers seemed to only fit one of us.  Loungers she was comfortable in I was not, and Vice Versa.  The other was that most every sales person we spoke with said that most people who bought a second spa and had owned one with a lounger did not buy another with a lounger.  It appeared that the lounger was quite personal and that if the spa is just for the person who enjoys the lounger, it worked.  When it came to any multi use, people shied away due to the extra space the lounger takes.  We found in our wet testing that it was more enjoyable to go from station to station and we liked the openness of the spa without the lounger.  The wife really wanted that lounger; however, the more we wet tested and spoke with people, the more she went away from it, especially since the lounger seemed to be so person specific and we do have others (four 16-26 yr old boys) who will occasionally use it with us.  This, of course, is JMHO.

As to Tiger River vs. Sundance, we liked both brands, both are made and insulated well and I think you will be happy with either.  Just a note, though, we found some on the jets in the 700 series Sundance to 'sting' even at low setting, so make sure you thoroughly wet test before you choose.  We originally were leaning towards a Sundance (because of the features) prior to the wet testing and chose an HS tub instead due to the jet issue.  Without that wet test, I think we would have chosen otherwise and not been as happy.  The wife was quite comfortable in some tubs dry and found them not to her liking as soon as we got in them wet.

Good luck in your hunt!

The Doob


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Re: Tiger River Bengal or Sundance Hamilton
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2007, 02:52:28 pm »

When it came to any multi use, people shied away due to the extra space the lounger takes.  

The Doob

That is very true, Doob, but so is the converse side of it.  While you do lose a seat, you gain more room in the foot well area.  If you're like me and hate other peoples feet touching you, this is a plus.  If you're like one certain person on here who loves feet (you know who you are!) then don't get a lounge!

Now, I own a Bengal myself and love it, but I don't use the lounge much.  It's not that I don't like it, I just like the view from a different angle in my tub.  The lounge does get used quite a bit by 2 of my friends that come over to visit and use the tub, and both girls fight over it from time to time.

Smitty, like everyone says though, wet test and see what you like.  The Bengal will likely be more energy efficient (mine averages me about $12-14 a month and I use it about 5 times a week with the jets on for about 20 minutes @ each use), but Sundance makes a great quality tub.  I honestly think you'd be happy with either one.

Good luck and keep us posted!


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Re: Tiger River Bengal or Sundance Hamilton
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2007, 03:20:24 pm »
We faced the exact same choice three months ago.  The family loved both tubs, and it finally just came down to which dealer gave the better deal.  We ended up with the Hamilton, and love it.  I'm sure, though, that we would have been just as happy with the Bengal.  A funny thing though- when we wet tested, I didn't care for the lounge in either model, but my kids insisted on one.  Now, after three months, guess which seat is my favorite.  I've gotten used to the lounge, and wouldn't be without it.  You may end up the same way.  Good luck with your decision.



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Re: Tiger River Bengal or Sundance Hamilton
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2007, 09:41:52 pm »
We went to Lite House Pools in Mentor, Ohio tonight and tested the Sundance Hamilton.  To her surprise, my wife found that she really isn't a fan of the lounger.  We also tested the Chelsee and liked it better than the Hamilton.  We did find that the jets seemed to sting a bit at many of the settings.  
We also stopped at Ohio Pools and Spas in Mayfield and looked at the Tiger River Caspian.  Unfortunately, we didn't wet test it.  I think we'll make a trip back out to test it soon.

It may come down to which sales company I feel more comfortable with.  The prices quoted on both are comparable.

« Last Edit: November 09, 2007, 10:44:38 pm by smitty33 »


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Re: Tiger River Bengal or Sundance Hamilton
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2007, 10:04:57 pm »
We went to Lite House Pools in Mentor, Ohio tonight and tested the Sundance Hamilton.  To her surprise, my wife found that she really isn't a fan of the lounger.  We also tested the Chelsea and liked it better than the Hamilton.  We did find that the jets seemed to sting a bit at many of the settings.  
We also stopped at Ohio Pools and Spas in Mayfield and looked at the Tiger River Caspian.  Unfortunately, we didn't wet test it.  I think we'll make a trip back out to test it soon.

It may come down to which sales company I feel more comfortable with.  The prices quoted on both are comparable.

Sounds like you are being reasonable and methodical in your search...congratulations.  We chose just as much on dealer as with the quality of the spa as several spas seemed to match each other in quality.  It was the wet testing and the dealer's actions that lead us to our final decision.  Good luck and keep us informed.

The Doob


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Re: Tiger River Bengal or Sundance Hamilton
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2007, 01:54:03 am »
smitty33, we tested the TR Caspian at Ohio Pools and Spas in Canton and almost bought one there.  The sales staff was really nice, no pressure and didn't badmouth any other local dealers.  We went back and tested the Caspian a second time, but ended up getting a D1 Nautilus at Ferrell's, also in Canton.  It was a tough choice, but we liked the Nautilus a little better so we went with it, although it was a little more money than the Caspian.  

Oddly enough, we tested a Chelsee first, and my wife did not like the jets because they were smaller and tended to sting her over time. They didn't bother me, but one thing that we both really liked was the foot well, and we decided that was a must have from then on.  The Nautilus had the best combination  of seating jets and foot well of about seven different brands/models that we wet tested.

Good luck in your search!
« Last Edit: November 10, 2007, 01:54:48 am by workerbee »


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Re: Tiger River Bengal or Sundance Hamilton
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2007, 06:05:57 pm »
This spa searching sure isn't as easy as I first thought.  We tried the Sundance 880 series spa and really like it because of the hydrotherapy mode.  The bubbles in the hydro mode felt much more relaxing than the jets, which became annoying after a short while.  However, the price is more than we are willing to spend.

However, the salesman called today and offered a Sundance Altamar 880 series for $8,500.  It's a 2007 floor model that has been dry since they recieved it in the spring.  It would include a lifter, steps, and ozonator.  It does have a lounger, which we're not really interested in.  But, we are thinking of looking into it beacuse it is only a few hundred more than the 780 series Chelsee.  The hydrotherapy may make up for the lounger.   Any thoughts?

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Tiger River Bengal or Sundance Hamilton
« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2007, 06:36:23 pm »
Hate to throw a monkey in the wrench,have you looked at the Jacuzzi line yet?  Lots of happy J-335 lounger and J-345 and J-365 non lounger owners here, all for 6500 and up.   Just a thought.  

 The J-300 series is similar to the 700 series Sundance.    In my opinion,  the Jacuzzi offers more bang for the buck,  And the jet feel and performance is much better in the Jacuzzi, not to mention a few more options.

That being said 8500.00 is not a bad price for a Altimar.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2007, 06:36:58 pm by Jacuzzi_Jim »


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Re: Tiger River Bengal or Sundance Hamilton
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2007, 10:03:39 am »
Smitty, I am curious.. what did you end up going with??


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Re: Tiger River Bengal or Sundance Hamilton
« Reply #13 on: November 26, 2007, 01:16:56 pm »
You should shoot down to Austintown and check out Marquis tubs.  We got ours there 4 years ago and love it and the dealer (we are 60 miles from him and no problem).


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Re: Tiger River Bengal or Sundance Hamilton
« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2007, 01:45:34 pm »
My opinion is that that Bengal should be priced at least $1,000 dollars less than the Hamilton, as long as, both have the same options.  The Hamilton has basically the same warranty, is a bigger tub, has more pumps, and much better lighting options than the Bengal.  

I think most dealers would agree that the Bengal priced at $8,000 is on the very high side.  

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Re: Tiger River Bengal or Sundance Hamilton
« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2007, 01:45:34 pm »


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