Please tryo to stay on topic please. But I will tell you.
This sight is polutted with portable spa and chemical salepeople. They are only after one thing---YOU'RE MONEY.
Do not let them pray on you. Harsh chemicals pollute the enviroment----YES, they do. What do you think happend when you drain your spa?

About 100 gallons of pollutants end up in MY drinking water supply EVERYTIME you drain.
Do this for me---
There are alternative methods to use, formost is Tea tree oil. It is a natural extraction from tea trees and is used as an anti-septic for thousands of years. Just add a few drops after your soak to cleanse the water.
Apple cider vinager can be used to balance Ph and Total alkalinity. It is harmless and smells nice.
Calcium carbonate is natural and can be used, I don't have a problem wiht you using it, so go right ahead.
In spite of the best layed plans, you will experience foam. Gelatin flakes used sparingly can act as a flockulent and remove the foam. It contains cellulose and there is nothing better, especially from a spa store.
To clean your filter, dilute 1 part Aqua Velva after shave lotion in 3 parts of witch hazel and fill the rest of the bucket with natural spring water. The lanolin will make the hair and dirt very slick and help it to remove easier.
If you have more questions please feel free to ask.