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Author Topic: Any Thoughts on recycling spa water ?  (Read 8557 times)


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Re: Any Thoughts on recycling spa water ?
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2007, 08:14:07 pm »
I am shortly about to change out the water in my spa. It seems to me a waste of water to dump it down the drain or let it flow out onto the yard that does not, at the moment, need to be watered. I also do not like the idea of possible chemical burns to my plants.

Can anyone tell me if putting some of the water into rain barrels, that have screening on the top, will allow the chemicals in the water to dissipate over time?
If this is so, how long would I wait for the water to be safer to use on my garden beds?
Does anyone on the forum use a medthod of recycling the water other than dump and re-fill?

I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to save all the water, from my spa, in rain barels but, any amount recycled would be a big plus IMHO

Other then mentioned above (allowing the Chlorine/Bromine to lower to near 0 ppm), you could also use a neutralizer to nullify the Chlorine/Bromine in the water.  Many pool/spa places have this in some form or another.  It can be fairly inexpensive and allow you to put the water right in to the area of interest.  

As for putting it into barrels, my only thought there would be it could breed bacteria or be a haven for insects to spawn.  But I'm not particularly knowledgable about rain barrels and such...

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Any Thoughts on recycling spa water ?
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2007, 08:14:07 pm »


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