OK, here it is from a koolaid drinker for Taylor ... not HS though.
Taylor kits are DPD and they differenciate between FC and TC which gives you CC (TC-FC=CC). It only really works when the FC is close to 0 as it can be hard to tell between 3 and 5 PPM chlorine.
OTO kits (I have had these as well) only measure TC. They claim that it measures the difference but anyone who uses chlorine test kits knows the longer the reagent is in contact with the water the darker the color gets. Taylor test kits seem to be accurate for about a minute.
The difference is a pink color (DPD) or yellow color (OTO) but if the OTO is inaccurate it doesn't matter.
Anytime the chlorine is high, you should not test the water. This is the second type of test kit I have had and they both stated this. I never heard of a test kit with a chlorine neutralizer ... everything has a PH and I would assume adding anything to 40 ml of water may change the PH. High chlorine will skew all the tests except chlorine but I have even read that if chlorine is too high it will bleach out the DPD tests as well.
LaMotte may offer a similar kit but these are not available around me. DPD kits tend to be more accurate for chlorine than OTO and I guess strips ... I never used strips. Honestly, like Hot Springs it may well be that there are better kits out there

but the marketing is so good that we believe in what we heard!