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Author Topic: What should a start up kit have?  (Read 6679 times)


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What should a start up kit have?
« on: November 29, 2007, 10:32:58 pm »
I had my Caldera Niagra delivered today. They said it came with a start up kit. This kit included a frog, Some Brilliance Chlorinating granules, and some Brilliance Oxidizer (potassium monopersulfite triple) which it says contains mineral salts. I asked for some test strips. That is it. Is that what usually comes with a starter kit?

I am a total newbie on this. My dealer and delivery guy just said to fill up the spa (they stuck the frog in) throw in a capful of chlorine, and a capful of oxidizer and run the jets. They said throw in a capful of oxidizer after each time I'm in and run the clean cycle. Add chlorine "once in a while". Nice advice, huh?

My electrician comes in the AM, so I won't fill it until late tomorrow. I want to use a chlorine system. What else do I need? Is this the right stuff?

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What should a start up kit have?
« on: November 29, 2007, 10:32:58 pm »

mark 2550

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Re: What should a start up kit have?
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2007, 10:45:36 pm »
The start up kit the dealer gives you is a limited amount, the start up kit I bought called (EZ om) included ez-prestart , ez ph-up, ez ph-down,ez-calcium,ez-om (used weekly "shock"}, ez-boost (used after each soak) plus 5 test strips  there was 6 different bottles cost was around $60.00 the one the dealer includes with the tub is just the basic's and usually about 1 month's supply.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2007, 10:48:57 pm by mark_2550 »


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Re: What should a start up kit have?
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2007, 10:49:04 pm »
This brings up another question. Where does everyone store their chemicals? I have kids, but I know I need to keep that shock handy.


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Re: What should a start up kit have?
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2007, 12:09:59 am »
I'm sure this varies with each dealer, but my dealer gave me a kit like the one mark 2550 bought.  It had retail-size containers of diclor granules, foam reducer, ph increaser, decreaser, etc.

I'm storing my stuff in a little cabinet on our covered deck, but I think I read somewhere that the cold/heat may affect them so I may bring them in. Any other ideas on this topic of storage?


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Re: What should a start up kit have?
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2007, 09:02:41 am »
A start up kit probably varies from geography to geography based on your local water properties.  But I think the kit should contain everything you need to get your spa started and running,  such as:

1.  A bottle of metal gone (if you need this in your area)
2.  A bottle of Calcium Boost (if you need this in your area)
3.  A bottle of Dichlor or Bromine (whichever you will use)
4.  A bottle of MPS if the dealer reccomends using it
5.  A bottle of pH up or down whichever way the water in your area tends to need adjusted
6.  A bottle of Alkalinity up or down, whichever way the that tends to go in your area
7.  A bottle of test strips

The above is what you truly need to get your spa started.  I think it's kind of bogus that you buy your spa, you fill it, and that day you must go to the store and by chemicals to get your spa chemistry in line.  A starter kit should truly be a kit with everything you need to get your spa up and running and balanced.  


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Re: What should a start up kit have?
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2007, 09:18:34 am »
1.  A bottle of metal gone (if you need this in your area)
2.  A bottle of Calcium Boost (if you need this in your area)
3.  A bottle of Dichlor or Bromine (whichever you will use)
4.  A bottle of MPS if the dealer reccomends using it
5.  A bottle of pH up or down whichever way the water in your area tends to need adjusted
6.  A bottle of Alkalinity up or down, whichever way the that tends to go in your area
7.  A bottle of test strips

I received everything listed on Solo's list...plus defoamer, defender, enzyme, filter cleaner, jet cleaner and water clarifier. all of which was enough to last at least a month .  Even longer on my ph down, ph up, Alkalinity up, defender, enzyme, and defoamer. My bottle of test strips was a full bottle.. not just a couple.

The dealers delivery guys set up the hot tub.. make sure the jets are running, and show you how to use all chemicals... and how to balance your water's Ph, alkalinity, and hardness.  

I thought that was what all dealers did?? Of course.. I am sure what I got is part of the "mark-up" my dealer clearly explains that his tubs are more expensive...( I paid 9,900 for my Vista with cover, lifter and steps.) but that I am paying for 5 years of free service and help with it..I think it was worth my while.. being a single woman with out a clue  ::)  So either way.. what I am saying is... non of us are really getting anything for "free" lol

What did your dealer say you would be getting?


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Re: What should a start up kit have?
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2007, 09:22:11 am »
OK, so now what is it I have??? (See first post) and what should I buy? Is the oxidizer the same as dichlor???? I don't know what the %$$@$^& I'm doing, do I follow the dealer and just start with and hope for the best, or take my water to a place like pinch a penny and see what they say?

To answer the above post, my dealer just said 4 months of chemicals, and the delivery crew could come back for fire-up to do the chemicals, but the delivery guy said the same thing....just the 2 plus the frog.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2007, 09:24:49 am by searchinginfl »


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Re: What should a start up kit have?
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2007, 09:33:35 am »
I wish I could be more help.  I think your best bet is to have someong "show you" instead of explaining it... because it sounds like your dealer didn't go over TA,PH or the "hardness" of your water.  If your water is too hard, you need to soften it.. ( by adding soft water or I heard that Stain and Scale will lower your hardness..but most people have soft water because it is filtered through city water ) if it is too soft you can buy Calcium. all of which you have to get right before you add any dichlor to your water..It is a step by step process that is probably all in your owners manual.  If you are planning on using Dichlor. "potassium monopersulfite triple" is what you hear people calling MPS. Your initial "shock" of your water should be done with the Dichlor.. then it is up to you as to whether you use Mps after each use or Dichlor, and whether you shock once a week with the MPS or the Dichlor.

I personally use Dichlor after soaks..and shock with MPS once a week.  If the water starts to get cloudy  I then shock with the Dichlor.


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Re: What should a start up kit have?
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2007, 10:09:13 am »
Is the chlorine granules I got dichlor?


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Re: What should a start up kit have?
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2007, 10:22:23 am »
A factory Brilliance Start Up Kit includes, floater, bromine, metal and scale and a package of Start Up, and a small number of test strips.  Also, a Care Guide booklet.....it tells you how to maintain your hot tub.  I read quickly what the installer said and dichlor is required but not mps at start up.  At start up a 400 gallons tub, the Brilliance book says, 1.5 oz of metal and scale, .5 oz of dichlor and that is it.  Oxidizer is used as routine maintenance as well as dichlor, balance chems as necessary.  Read the booklet, dichlor is covered as an alternative sanitizing system, pgs. 11, 12 and 13 I think.  If you didn't get the booklet....email me and I can send it to you.....but may be your dealer has one.....the booklet is important.......Warmly Hottubtommy


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Re: What should a start up kit have?
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2007, 11:31:16 am »
I won't confuse you further...but Solo's list is pretty accurate for what you should have gotten.  You need to treat for metals, usually, on the start up, and balance your pH and TA for sure.  Some balance calcium as well.  I received maybe 5 test strips with mine 'start-up' kit which is ridiculous considering the newbee is testing constantly, LOL!!  We have a large dealer in outdoor products that sells a lot of different spas and they have a weekly or so training class for treating spas and anyone can sit in on it even if you haven't bought a spa from them.  Then we have other spa dealers that have been very kind to me...my dealer is a chem flunky and she knows NOTHING about keeping spa water pristine...doesn't even test water.  

You need to go back and search your topic on the forum...we have wonderful, long term users and every so often they write clear, consise chemical instructions.  Sometimes not so clear, LOL.  Search Vinny's responses, he is great.


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Re: What should a start up kit have?
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2007, 06:37:05 pm »
The new test strips I got are 4-way. My 3-ways showed everything was good. The 4-way don't show I register chlorine. I added some. Still didn't register (30 minutes later) I just added more again. Do I just keep adding till it shows?


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Re: What should a start up kit have?
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2007, 06:41:54 pm »
How much dichlor have you added overall...the shocking start up amount and then what you added after that?  What is the size of your tub?

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Re: What should a start up kit have?
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2007, 06:41:54 pm »


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