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Author Topic: Help! rash!  (Read 22437 times)


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Re: Help! rash!
« Reply #45 on: November 28, 2007, 08:51:29 am »
Being in Florida, I don't plan on keeping the water much over 98. We don't like it HOT. Should I still limit the time my kids are in? I kind of bought this because I thought it would get more use than a pool. Everytime we are at a house with a pool and spa, everyone is always in the spa. Is the time limit just because of the heat?

Yes, time limit is because of heat.  The lower the heat, the longer you or your family can soak safely.

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Re: Help! rash!
« Reply #45 on: November 28, 2007, 08:51:29 am »


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Re: Help! rash!
« Reply #46 on: November 28, 2007, 08:51:44 am »
I think at 98* you are all set to let them play!  You don't have to worry about messing with their body temp.


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Re: Help! rash!
« Reply #47 on: November 28, 2007, 09:20:11 am »
My tub is at 101-102, that is why I limit the time for the kids. I think you are fine at 98 for the kids ;)
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Re: Help! rash!
« Reply #48 on: November 28, 2007, 10:04:51 am »
Tony, you mention N2 being a slow, low level sanitizer, do you believe it can kill the psued. germ?  I know some people use nothing but N2 and MPS, which we all know is not a sanitizer.  I'm like Boni and was totally freaked out about the whole psued. thing.  I got bumps that looked just like it and PANICKED.  I was ready to give up the whole spa thing.   Luckily, my brother-in-law is an allergist and I found out it was the MPS I was shocking with. PHEW.


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Re: Help! rash!
« Reply #49 on: November 28, 2007, 11:37:54 am »
Our 5.5yr old and 3yr old go into the tub with us often and will usually stay in for 30 min or so. We keep the tub at 98 or 99 while they're in there with us. But honestly they are doing so much jumping/splashing that they are in and out of the water a lot so I don't worry about them getting overheated.

But I would limit their time more if our water temp was over 100.


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Re: Help! rash!
« Reply #50 on: November 28, 2007, 01:08:17 pm »
Tony, you mention N2 being a slow, low level sanitizer, do you believe it can kill the psued. germ?  I know some people use nothing but N2 and MPS, which we all know is not a sanitizer.  I'm like Boni and was totally freaked out about the whole psued. thing.  I got bumps that looked just like it and PANICKED.  I was ready to give up the whole spa thing.   Luckily, my brother-in-law is an allergist and I found out it was the MPS I was shocking with. PHEW.

MPS is a chemical that some people do get an allergic reaction to.  MPS also stays with the water until it has something to oxidize.  That is why it is a little more "idiot proof" than breakpoint chlorination but leaves bathers succeptable to a reaction if they are sensitive to the product.

This is my opinion on N2 (Frog also).  I do think it would kill the psued bacteria like it will kill other bacteria.  There are other types of "bugs" that it may not kill such as virises and parasites, but they are not nearly as prevelant as bacteria in a spa.  The trouble with the silver is that the water can be so quickly overcome with all bacterias when the spa is used.  The silver cannot keep up.  A flash sanitizer such as chlorine will scour you tub and leave it clean...combined with N2, the silver will keep the water clean while there is no use so when you get back in...even with zero free chlorine...the silver has been working and you're soaking in a chlorine free spa.  In my experience, silver and just MPS has not worked well.  Over loading with MPS may allow the silver to do its job better, but once someone uses the spa its got a lot of work to do.  Maybe because I use my spa daily there wasn't enough time to do a thorough sanitation before the spa was used again...but I always got cloudy water when trying this method.  Another plus to silver is it makes chlorine even more effective because it works at softening bacteria's outer shell.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Help! rash!
« Reply #50 on: November 28, 2007, 01:08:17 pm »


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