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Author Topic: Taylor PH Test Process - w/Bromine  (Read 1600 times)


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Taylor PH Test Process - w/Bromine
« on: November 26, 2007, 12:59:32 pm »
Ok - curious to know how those with Bromine SPAs test for PH with a Taylor test kit.  I have always gotten very high PH readings.  I simply add 5 drops of R-004 (Phenol Red) to the sample.  Reading is usually off the scale on the high sige.

I had the tech out from the SPA dealer today on different issue and mentioned this to him.  Using my kit, he added 5 drops of R-005, swirled, then added 5 drops of R-004.  Reading was ~ 7.2.  He then used one of his strips, and got ~ 7.4.  He said you need to neutralize any chlorine in the sample.  Problem is; R-005 says it has < 1% of an acid, so I would think this would skew the results.  He then tested with my method and got > 8.0.

This got me wondering, . . . what do you do to test for PH (w/Bromine).?

Hot Tub Forum

Taylor PH Test Process - w/Bromine
« on: November 26, 2007, 12:59:32 pm »


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